View Full Version : Close Combat Special Weapons

04-13-2010, 09:34 PM
In pg 42 of the BRB a unit with a normal and a special weapon benefit from the special weapon's bonuses. So that is basically saying that all 3 attacks from my CSM Aspiring Champion are power weapon attacks (if equipped)? All 3+D6 attacks from my Chaos Lord are Demon Weapon attacks? Lastly, all 3 attacks from my Skull Champion with a power fist are power fist attacks (with the resulting initiative of 1 for all attacks)?

Sorry for the basic question, but our LGS is 3hrs away. We're kinda on our own here.

04-13-2010, 09:40 PM
Yes, all attacks are by the given weapon of choice (you can choose to have them all by the basic weapon as well, but what's the point generally?)

John M.

04-13-2010, 09:41 PM
Yes, that is correct.

04-13-2010, 10:36 PM
It looks correct to me. Also, remember that Powerfists no longer gain an additional attack from a second weapon unless it is also a Powerfist. So, a model with only one Powerfist will only have their base Attack number of attacks unless charging. This tends to make them less useful onless on a model with multiple attacks on their statline who is also part of a unit and cannot be singled out in combat.

04-14-2010, 06:44 AM
It looks correct to me. Also, remember that Powerfists no longer gain an additional attack from a second weapon unless it is also a Powerfist. So, a model with only one Powerfist will only have their base Attack number of attacks unless charging. This tends to make them less useful onless on a model with multiple attacks on their statline who is also part of a unit and cannot be singled out in combat.

Thanks for the replies. That helps. My Skull Champion has 3 base attacks, so I think his 3 powerfist attacks are legit.

As far as my opponent singling out said Skull Champion in assault... can my opponent have each model in b2b contact and every model within 2 inches attack only the Skull Champion and ignore the Berzerkers? Obviously this wouldn't work in the shooting phase since they all part of the same unit. So I just allocate wounds just like the shooting phase (pg25) but account for initiative in addition?

Big picture, if I was going up against a guy who's initiative was 1, and swinging a big ol st8 powerfist I would try to focus my energy to take him out. I don't think the rules allow this if he is part of a unit though. Am I correct?

04-14-2010, 07:42 AM
You can only single out independent characters in combat. so any model with the independent character special rule can have attacks targeted against them as long as the model attacking that character is either in base contact or within two inches of a model in base contact.

as for your skull champion i believe he is a unit upgrade (im not 100 percent sure as i don't own the book but im pretty sure he doesnt have the independant character special rule) and therefore he can't be singled out as he counts as part of the unit for everything including shooting and combat.

Hope this helps

04-14-2010, 08:43 AM
The Skull Champion is not an independent character and so he can't be singled out in shooting or assault.

He's a good choice to equip with a powerfist on, too. With a fist, he gets 3 attacks base, 4 on the charge.

04-14-2010, 09:28 AM
Yes, all attacks are by the given weapon of choice (you can choose to have them all by the basic weapon as well, but what's the point generally?)

John M.

You might want to re-check the main-rulebook FAQ.
You can only use special attacks now; you don't get basic attacks if you have any special weapons (which is why some choices suck, like poison on a 'Fex).

04-14-2010, 10:44 AM
Yup, just checked the BRB. If you have a special weapon ya gotta use it.

04-14-2010, 02:02 PM
You might want to re-check the main-rulebook FAQ.
You can only use special attacks now; you don't get basic attacks if you have any special weapons (which is why some choices suck, like poison on a 'Fex).

Poison on a fex doesn't suck, it just has limited use. If you were facing a wraithlord heavy army, Poison would be great!

The limited application just means that you could probably spend those points in other places.