View Full Version : Paint Brand thoughts?

02-05-2016, 07:40 AM
Hey everyone,
What’s your favorite paint company? I have some Privateer, some Citadel, and most recently bought some Army Painter. I’m coming back to mini painting after many years off. I was watching a well done painting video from Games Workshop and am tempted to get some Citadel again. I have a variety of models - from fantasy (KoW, WHFB [AoS?], LotR), 40k (SM, CSM), and historical (mostly Bolt Action). Should I get Army Painter’s Hobby Set - or - the Citadel Hobby Starter Set?

Mr Mystery
02-05-2016, 07:53 AM
As a painting klutz, I stick to Citadel Colour.

I know painters far more advanced than I (which is pretty much everyone) have their own preferences, but at least with Citadel I know what I'm dealing with. The quality and pigmentation is nicely standardised. I know how to maintain the bottles, and I guess I'm just used to them.

I think it really depends on what sort of painting you're wanting to do.

Me? I favour base coat, shade wash, drybrush, thin neutral brown wash. So nothing fancy - ergo GW's 'benchmark' paints are just dandy.

If you're going all Blanchitsu and want to a banner like the following....


There's probably very specific paints which would suit it down to the ground with less faffing about thinning down GW paints.