View Full Version : Harlequins

04-13-2010, 01:23 PM
Hey everyone,

I am putting my Eldar army together and I really like the Harlequins; they are one of the main reasons that I picked Eldar, even before I knew about the rules and all the cool stuff that they have.
But my question is what does everyone else think about Harlequins, and how should I use them in my army, and do you use them if you are an Eldar player?


04-13-2010, 01:44 PM
Well, in 4th ed. Harlequins were such a nasty unit. With the better rending rules and bouncing from unit to unit in combat, once they hit your line many people just called it game at that point. Nowadays I still find them decent and use them in most Eldar lists I make. If your opponent knows how to deal with them, though, then it's a very expensive, and *extremely* fragile unit.

I run them 10 strong with Troupe Master with a power weapon, Shadowseer of course, and 8 more harlequins with kisses. Sometimes fusion pistols if I really think I'll need them.

04-13-2010, 02:10 PM
Depending on the size of the battle, I was thinking about running A Troupe Master with power weapon, and a Shadowseer w/ kiss, and the 9 more w/ kisses. If it is a smaller fight, then I was think same setup, but with only 5-6 Harlies total (Troupe Master w/ power weapon, Shadowseer, and 3-4 Harlies w/ kisses). If it is a really big battle then maybe 2 troupes of 10 each same setup.

Silver Drakes Legion
04-13-2010, 04:01 PM
Fritz's older posts on his blog have a good way to learn the harlequin ways. They are not as good as before 5th because if they do kill their enemy in the first round they get shot up rather quickly in short range with a low armor save. I would leave at least leave 2 blank on the 10 man because you're going to get casualties and you might as well not pay the extra points for something that is gonna die to short range shots.

04-13-2010, 04:59 PM
But don't they have hit and run which lets them 3d6 inches away? That could put enough distance between them and whoever is firing to let veil of tears take effect and shutdown the short distance shooting game?

04-13-2010, 06:57 PM
But don't they have hit and run which lets them 3d6 inches away? That could put enough distance between them and whoever is firing to let veil of tears take effect and shutdown the short distance shooting game?

You can only hit and run when you are locked in combat. If you win the combat and kill off all the enemy you lose your chance to hit and run.

04-14-2010, 01:55 AM
If your going for the all quin list this eliminates wraith guard ( yes they can be a troop but that is expensive) and dragons. so fusion pistols are worth a look.
bigest threat to them is fast things that can get close and shoot them. flamer armed in particular.

some anti light vehicle fire power is advisable, warwalkers fit the fluf. But I have seen Wraith lords work well ( s seer prevent wraith sight)
falcon can transport a small squad and offer fire power

dave l

with quins you need to save points.
troops bikes fit with fluff and don't need expensive transports. DA realy need a expensive transport to work wel though with shimmer and defend can hold an objective though you will need 1 of your 3 quin units to take it back. rangers and path finders fit the bill but won't hold an objective if assaulted.

hq you will find a far seer is probably best option in terms of sinergy. Doom helps rend no end. fortune useful when up close. mind war not so useful as I usually target Pfist sergeants, quin invun saves may be worth considering. Even eldrich storm may help with some huge units that we are beging to see.
And runes of warding essential

fast attack
not that you would have points
forget hawks unless your going for maximum annoyance ( path finder, sky leap, s seer, fortune army)
spears only work with exarch with with draw and are expensive and will be the first (possibly only thing) shot up turn one

spiders I like though expensive

vypers I don't tend to take but can function like war walkers.

04-14-2010, 02:31 AM
Personally, I struggle to find an application for harlequins in playstyle. Once they stopped us assaulting out of transports in 3rd ed, I abandoned Eldar's melee game entirely in favor of a mid-to-short range firepower list, with which I have had measured success.

That said, everyone else seems to swear by harlequins. I am wary because of how soft they are, and the increasing numbers of indirect fire weapons that seem to be popping up.

That said, I was struck by the hilarious idea to use a fivestrong squad, with Shadowseer and Deathjester, as a firepower squad with Maugan Ra joining the squad and therefore benefitting from the effects of the Shadowseer's Veil of Tears which affect anyone who wants to target "the Shadowseer or the squad she is with" (p.49).

Since the jester's shuriken cannon has a 24 inch range, I figure I can park them about that far away and let loose and whoever I don't like, provided I watch for flankers and what-not. If someone wants to hurt them and doesn't want to try to roll boxcars on their Veil of Tears spot, they'll move up - and if they don't think it's worth running to get there, the squad will move back and still fire these wonderful, assault-class weapons. If they -do- think it's worth running to get there, it will make me doubly glad that phoenix lords and harlequins both have fleet of foot, and so units who rush to engage my little gunnery battery in melee are welcome to do so.. with this squad of harlequins accompanied by the harvester of souls.

I like to imagine Maugan Ra and and the Death Jester high fiving each other, blazing away with their shuriken cannons, in their matching bone-themed suits.

04-18-2010, 03:23 PM
I like to imagine Maugan Ra and and the Death Jester high fiving each other, blazing away with their shuriken cannons, in their matching bone-themed suits.

I think you just sold me on the idea. If I was a good artist, I would totally draw that picture. :)

I've been playing Dante's Inferno lately, and been in the mood for some scythes. Maugen Ra delivers.

04-18-2010, 04:32 PM
That said, everyone else seems to swear by harlequins. I am wary because of how soft they are, and the increasing numbers of indirect fire weapons that seem to be popping up.

That was because in last edition, they slaughtered everything they touched. It was just turn after turn of sweeping their killzones, then consolidating into a new combat. The old skimmer rules sure didn't help, either. Now, they are indeed much more vulnerable, though they are still quite deadly if they get into combat.