View Full Version : New Boarboy & Troll pics up on the GW site

Lord Azaghul
04-13-2010, 07:05 AM
Snagged it from dakkadakka





I'm not sure what I think of 'em. All plastic boys are an 'its about time' but the boars look very close to those ugly razorgors!
Trolls are starting to grow on me already, but are kind of worthless in-game, so I doubt I'll pick them up.

Prices aren't bad either
24.95 for the boys
44.95 for the Trolls.

04-13-2010, 07:52 AM
The new boars are certainly more dynamic than the old ones, though they aren't exactly pretty. The trolls are nice models, but I've never liked trolls.
Maybe GW is going to try and get their WFB box prices under control?:rolleyes:

Drew da Destroya
04-13-2010, 08:56 AM
Wow, those trolls look awesome! Too bad I don't play Fantasy... Maybe I can rig a squad up as stand-in Kanz or something.

Boarboyz look pretty decent, but I don't much like the boar's face... the one with armor covering its face is fine, but the rest look kinda... off. Still, Cyboars are dead for at least another couple years, and if they ever come back they'll probably get their own kit so I won't need to worry about ugly pig-faces.

Lord Azaghul
04-13-2010, 08:59 AM
Maybe GW is going to try and get their WFB box prices under control?:rolleyes:

We can only hope! It doesn't make sense to me that they would sky-rocket the prices of the game that's NOT there leading seller!

Herald of Nurgle
04-13-2010, 10:11 AM
The Boars are nothing like Razors... so they'll do as a proxy! :D
Now I can start my BM army! :)

Trolls are fine, but mneh.

The all pastic boyz pic is broken?

04-13-2010, 10:29 AM
I love the new trolls (the old ones looked too cartoony) but the boars faces seem like rubber!! (gws fantasy animal sculpters must be slacking!)


that is a BOAR but the gw ones are hairless!

04-13-2010, 11:45 AM
Wow, those trolls look awesome! Too bad I don't play Fantasy... Maybe I can rig a squad up as stand-in Kanz or something.

Boarboyz look pretty decent, but I don't much like the boar's face... the one with armor covering its face is fine, but the rest look kinda... off. Still, Cyboars are dead for at least another couple years, and if they ever come back they'll probably get their own kit so I won't need to worry about ugly pig-faces.
Biker Boyz? do an arm swap for a shoota :P (Or do they not have them in game anymore?)
Love the trolls <3

04-13-2010, 05:20 PM
i love the trolls (very peeved that they were removed from my beastmen army lsit) but there you go. as for the boar boys, i think the paint job highlights the (comically expressed) faces, would be interested to see them painted a bit less ott.

as for fantasy prices (sorry i know this isnt relted to the topic i jsut wanted to comment lol) yeh im not complaining recently i think alot of the new plastic kits are good value for money but seem to be very randomly priced. for 25 pounds i can get 10 bestigor and make exactly 10 bestigor, no extras on sprue etc etc. for HALF that price of something like £13 i can get 5 chaos knights which have loverly armour pltes and thigns for converting let alone being about the same if not more in plastic content lol.

jsut a thought

(apologies for typos im very tiered)

04-18-2010, 09:23 PM
Those Trolls are some of the best monsters that GW has ever produced, and almost make up for the awful Minotaurs. I like the boarboyz, but the boars look like they've had their heads shaved.

04-19-2010, 04:11 AM
I can't agree - I think the Trolls look ridiculous, and only marginally better than the originals. The originals look like cartoons, and unfortunately so do the new ones. Just perhaps cartoons that are SLIGHTLY more modern and detailed than the original sculpts. Craptastic.