View Full Version : 13th company army rules

04-13-2010, 05:45 AM
Hey, earlier i posted that i wanted to use a unit of wulfen in my SW army. Now im actualy thinking of building an 13h company. Some of you have good ideas and comments. This list is totaly experimental so please give me your feed back what i should add or change. Also this is just for fun and only used in my own game group, i dont think Space Wolves suck and also dont want to make a list because its better or whatever. I just like 13th company :D.

Army wide rules
- And they shall know no fear
- Counter attack
- Acute senses
- Move trough cover
- No vehicles!
- fleet
- From the warp: Every unit starts in reserve. Before the battle starts, roll as many dices as you have units (Characters that did not join units also count for this). Roll the dice, for each 4+ you roll, you may choose wich unit enters play on turn 1. Add 1 to the rule for every turn therafter. Each unit may enter the table by using deep strike. For each Rune Priest include in the army you may add 1 to one of you rolls and re-roll the scatter dice.

Wolf Lord - as C:SW
Wolf Priest - as C:SW
Rune Priest - as C:SW + Psycic power "The Gate" (RP always have this power in addition they may choose 2 other
powers In movement phase the RP and a unit within 6" may be removed from the table and may be place
anywhere on the table, they counts as deep striking)
Battle Leader - as C:SW

Lone Wolf - as C:SW
Wulfen pack - Ws 5 Bs 0 S 4 T 4 W 1 A d6+1 I 4 Ld 10 Sv 3+, fearless, rending, furious charge, rage, 120 pts for 5, may include 5 additional wulfen for 22 pts per model
Grey Slayers - as C:SW Grey Hunters +3pts per model, may upgrade 1 Gray Slayer to Pack Leader for 5 pts (see Wolf Guard C:SW for options)

Fast Attack
Thunderwolf calvary - as C:SW +5pts
Fenrisian wolves - as C:SW
Grey Slayer bikers - as C:SW swiftclaws only Ws/Bs 4, +3pts

Heavy Support
Long Fangs - as C:SW instead of move trough cover and fleet, add relentless universal rule, +3pts per model

04-13-2010, 12:39 PM
I'd just use the Eye of Terror rules published for them and tack on any units that you wanted from the new 'dex in sort of a mini apocalypse fashion and house rule in that they have the 13th's special rules.

04-13-2010, 03:11 PM
After playing a 13th Company Army for quite some time, I can tell you that there are very few improvements to be made, though a rebalance would help.

Grey Hunters and Grey Slayers are now pretty much identical, so drop the points down.

I'd always to make the Wulfen more like old school Death Company - Feel No Pain, Rending, Furious Charge. WS 5, S5, I5 and 3+D3 attacks on the charge hehehehe