View Full Version : Eldar Novels

04-12-2010, 11:10 AM
Hey guys,

I have noticed alot of reading material from the Balck Library concerning the Space Marines and Imerial Guard, but I was wondering what is out for the Eldar. I have the Eldar Prophecies, and thought that it was a good book, but are there any other books in the 40k universe that features the space elves?


04-12-2010, 11:40 AM
Good News: Path of the Warrior is set to release later this year as the beginning of a series

Mediocre (or Bad, depending on your opinion) News: It's being written by Gav Thorpe.

Silver Drakes Legion
04-12-2010, 03:36 PM
The only other book that has a good setting about Eldar is a book in the deathwatch series. They enter a Craftworld. It's a pretty good story line also.

04-12-2010, 06:25 PM
Good News: Path of the Warrior is set to release later this year as the beginning of a series

Mediocre (or Bad, depending on your opinion) News: It's being written by Gav Thorpe.

It'll probably beat C.S. Goto's book though. That was painful.

04-12-2010, 07:21 PM
IIRC, the Eldar feature briefly in Ian Watson's Inquisition War trilogy. It's a good read, but fairly hard to come by nowadays. Eldar Prophecy's really the only book solely about the Eldar.

04-12-2010, 08:49 PM
There is Warrior Coven by Goto, not worth reading though, unless you are really desperate for Eldar. Utter, utter rubbish. Poorly written with absolutely no respect for the fluff. He also wrote some other novels featuring Eldar, which are equally apalling.

04-12-2010, 09:11 PM
The challenge with Eldar is making them -inhuman enough- to be lore-consistent and mysterious, but -human enough- to be relatable protagonists. It's much easier to have the strange, enigmatic xenos show up to help an inquisitor or cameo nobly beside imperial forces than it is to write a hundred thousand words about a particular Eldar.

That said, if you think you've got the goods...

You'll find that The Black Library is looking for novels and short stories (http://www.blacklibrary.com/Getting-Started/FAQ-Working-For-Black-Library.html#guidelines) in a submissions window which opens on 4 May 2010 and closes on 31 July 2010. I intend to submit a short story myself - maybe an innundation with Eldar short stories would compel GW in the direction of an Eldar short stories novel, like the one they've done for Space Marines. (http://www.blacklibrary.com/Warhammer-40000/Space-Marines/Heroes-of-the-Space-Marines.html)

Eh? Eh?

04-13-2010, 12:19 AM
Interesting to know that Black Library is looking for novels and short stories; since I don't think that if I started now I could finish a novel (or no matter how much time I had), but I think I might try my hand at a short story.
Thanks everyone for your posts, I didn't think there was much more, and I have looked around for the Ian Watson books, and haven't had much luck; Amazon has some for sale, but the prices seemed a little too high just to quench my curiosity.
But I'll look forward to that new series coming out this year and see if it is any good.

On a side note, can anyone give me any good tips on any good 40k read?


04-13-2010, 05:24 AM
warrior coven and warrior brood are great books. They are about eldar and a deathwatch team.

04-13-2010, 05:58 AM
Guaranteed good reads:

Any Dan Abnet book--particularly the Gaunt's Ghosts novels & the Ravenor series. Titanicus also was very good.

Sandy Mitchell has a really good start to a Inquisitor series (Scourge the Heretic, Innocence Proves Nothing), and if you like a small dash of comedy, the Ciaphus Caine novels are quick and fun reads.

04-13-2010, 06:24 AM
I'll second the recommendation for Gaunt's Ghosts and Ravenor. The Horus Heresy series also has its bright spots.

04-13-2010, 11:10 PM
There's a book called Farseer by William King, but you can only find used copies anymore, and they're fairly pricy at that. It looks nice, but haven't read it myself. I've been intending to though : P

The new series sounds neat, but prolly won't live up to our expectations. *shrugs* Guess we'll just wait and see.

04-14-2010, 02:37 AM
Path of the Warrior is coming out soon-ish, there's the Deathwatch series and the Farseer book as others have said, I haven't been able to get my hands on any of them yet though, there really should be more Eldar books though. A few Tau ones wouldn't hurt either, seeing things from different sides would be nice for a change instead of just, DEATH TO THE EVIL XENOS! or, DEATH TO THE TRAITORS!