View Full Version : inquisitoin and space marines

04-12-2010, 11:10 AM
so our LGS cant decide the correcet way on this. if you take a demon hunters as allies with space marines. can you then use grey knights? as it states that i cant use grey knights with inducted marines but in the codex it shows two pictures on how to start with demonhunters and included terminators as elites with marines

04-12-2010, 12:16 PM
It's not as complex as you think it is.

Think of it this way: what codex is your base codex? What codex are you supplying the mandatory 1 HQ and 2 troops choices (allied units don't count towards that)?

If the codex you are using as a base is Codex: Daemonhunters, then no, you cannot ally in Space Marines when you have Grey Knights in your army.

If the codex you are using as a base is Codex: Space Marines, then yes, you can ally in Grey Knights.

04-12-2010, 07:20 PM
Right. Just use the SM codex as your base list. You need to meet the 1HQ, 2 Troops requirment with SM units. You can then include 0-1 HQ, 0-1 Elite, 0-2 Troops and 0-1 Fast Attack from the Grey Knight codex.