View Full Version : lamenter project?...

04-11-2010, 08:40 PM
I know there was a lamenter project a while back but i have not seen hide nor tail of it. i would like to create them useing the new blood angels codex because i saw a fleeting glimpse of them in the codex review on BOLS so that decided it. I would use the blood angels codex but i was look ing around for help maybe some one to ask or just a little help with the background being a non-second founding they have very little info on them. and i've already checked out lexicanium.

04-12-2010, 12:54 AM
There has already been at least one thread on this exact topic (altough it was someone else looking to make a Lamenter army (me included))

the one major thing to take into consideration is the fact that the Lamenters have "cured" the balck rage and hence have no Death Company. I personnally haven't found a way around this just yet, mainly because I am in the middle of exams and have less interesting things to think about.

However one thing I was going to consider is the Veteran squad that is in the Badab war campagne book from the Fly Lords of Terra, I think they were called the dukes of something (definatly not hazard ;-)) and basically convert up some "'ard-as-nail" looking vets and just use the DC rules.

Another thing I learnt through one of the threads is that the Lamenters follow the Codex Astartes to the letter (more or less) but I wouldn't think so, personnally. I mean if you had a doctrine of war that allowed you to hit hard or hit back harder wouldn't you do that?

Anyway there's my morning banter before coffee, revision and more coffee! :p

Herald of Nurgle
04-12-2010, 03:26 AM
Here's one thing: the Lamenters are UNLUCKY. So your army should reflect that - go for broke. Deep strike everything, don't take Astorath, and you might as well take plasma everywhere.

On the other hand, you're unlucky. Take Astorath (or play against Astorath) and fall to the flaw :P

04-12-2010, 04:06 AM
They are of the 21st 'Cursed' Founding. They are strictly a Codex formation and have no Death Company, as they were created for the purpose of trying to get rid of the Black Rage and all that stuff. They may not even know that themselves. As far as I understand they're just a Codex chapter that happened to have the Blood Angels geneseed, with the removal of the flaw that largely defines them as a derivitive of Blood Angels. I was surprised to see them in the book at all.

Yet they now suffer from horrendously bad luck. Or so it is said. After the Badab War their crusade of pennance led them right into Hive Fleet Kraken. They have barely 3 companies left.

All this and special rules to use Cursed Founding Chapters are in Chapter Approved 2004. Their specific rule is called "Aura of Doom"

I guess most of what I said is on that lexicanum page, but they got it from CA04

04-12-2010, 07:28 AM
All this and special rules to use Cursed Founding Chapters are in Chapter Approved 2004. Their specific rule is called "Aura of Doom"

I guess most of what I said is on that lexicanum page, but they got it from CA04

what actually is the rule? Care to share?:D

04-12-2010, 09:44 AM
Page thirty
A special character and a unit instead of say sanguine guard and DC in your army will make it awesome

04-12-2010, 05:23 PM
I know this is really gunna suck apecial rules wise but maybe your opponet could make you reroll all succesfull rolls during one turn and i mean all but thats just a thought that will really represent their bad luck