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04-11-2010, 05:17 PM
Squig Hunt
I wrote up some rules from one of the ideas in this thread (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?p=67252#post67252).

Overview: Each team must capture as many squigs as possible. The team with the most squigs earns the questionable honor of the Greatest Squig Hunter.

Killteams: Each player uses a killteam, as defined in the Killteams Special Mission in the Battle Missions 40k expansion. However, vehicles may not be used, and each killteam may not have more than 10 members. Ignore the normal victory conditions of the Killteams game.

Deployment: The game should be played on a 4x4 table. Each killteam walks onto the table as if coming in from reserve, or may infiltrate or deepstrike if allowed in the unit’s special rules. Squigs do not interfere with infiltrators, and deepstrikers will not suffer from mishaps. Instead, they move the minimum distance required to avoid a mishap. Players roll off to determing turn order. The initiative may not be seized. Players must pick a board edge as their own. Their models may only enter play from that table edge, unless they have the scout or infiltrate rule, in which case they may enter play from any table edge. Deepstrikers and scouts deploy at the same time as the rest of their killteam, rather than being placed in reserves.

Squigs: The objective of this game is to capture the most squigs. Before the game starts, 3+D3 squigs are placed on the board, 12” away from the edge and 6” away from each other. Players alternate placing squigs, in the same order as the player turn order.

Squigs are ornery creatures, and have the following profile:
3 - 3 4 1 3 3 - -
Squigs have the Feel No Pain and Rending USRs.

Knockouts: If a model is reduced to 0 wounds, rather than being removed as a casualty it becomes knocked out. A knocked out model remains where it was knocked out, and counts as a casualty until it becomes conscious again, meaning it cannot take any actions such as moving, shooting or assaulting.
A knocked out model may regain consciousness D3 turns after it was knocked out. However, it may not regain consciousness if it is in base to base contact with an enemy model or squig. Additionally, if model “shoots” a knocked out model (the model must be in range of the target, and sacrifices a single shot, but otherwise may act normally), the knocked out model may not regain consciousness the turn immediately after being shot.

Capture: In order to catch a squig, it must be knocked out first. Once it has been knocked out, a model may catch it by moving in to base to base contact. The squig is then captured, and will remain in base contacted with the model that captured it wherever that model moves. A model may “hand off” a squig to a friendly model by moving into base to base contact with that model. If the model with the squig is knocked out by enemy shooting, the squig wakes up and will immediately run away 2d6” in a random direction. If the model with the squig is knocked out in close combat, the enemy model that knocked them out gains control of their squig.

Game Length: The game always lasts a minimum of 5 turns. After this, the game continues until all the squigs have been captured, and one killteam has more squigs than the other. Alternatively, if an entire killteam is knocked out at the same time, the other killteam wins.

I limited the size of the killteams because a horde killteam would be ridiculous in this mission, and eliminated vehicles for simplicity. The size limit may have to go up, though, as I'm not sure if an IG army could make a 200pt killteam within those confines.

05-03-2010, 05:12 PM
Reminds me of a Scenario I created last year..

Greased Up Deaf Guy (http://awesomesaucestudio.blogspot.com/2009/07/greased-up-deaf-guy-40k-scenario.html)

I really like your Kill team Scenario :)

Lord Azaghul
05-04-2010, 09:06 AM
Hey that sounds like loads of fun - way to bring squigs into the 40k millinium!

Have you thought about having the non captured squigs move?

Something like 2d6 & scatter die, this could result in an unexpect squig charge or two! After all they are awnry!

05-06-2010, 11:44 AM
Tried out this, and a few other scenarios I thought up. I'll probably post them here at some point when I write them up, after a little more playtesting.

If the scenarios work out, then I may be doing a killteam tournament made up of weird scenarios like this.

When we played, we had the squigs move randomly 6" (fewer dice to roll). If any killteams models were within 6" of the squig, then the squig would charge them.

Incidentally, squigs killed more of my models than my opponent's killteam did:rolleyes:.