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View Full Version : 40k Golf. Yes that's right, golf!

Master Bryss
04-11-2010, 11:13 AM
Today I got a chance to participate in a round of 40k golf with a friend. I didn't create these rules from scratch but I wish to adapt them into a slightly more complex mini-game. Here goes...

40k Golf (Original rules and concept by Setsuna)

In the grim darkness of the 41st millenium there is only golf... and that war thing's in there too.

What you need:

Scatter Dice
As many miniatures on a 25mm base as there are players.
Tape Measure


Roll off to see who goes first.

Each player takes it in turns to move their piece (this represents your player and your ball). The maximum distance you can move your piece depends on the type of club used, selected before taking the shot. Each club has a different maximum distance and a different scatter, as follows.

Putter: Range 6", Scatter D3
Wedge: Range 12", Scatter D6
Driver: Range 18", Scatter 2D6

To take a shot, move your miniature a distance equal to or less than the range of your club. Once you have placed your miniature, roll for scatter, representing wind or shoddy accuracy, and then place your model in its final resting place. The winner is the one who can place their model onto the hole (this could be the centre of a blast template, etc.) without it scattering off wins!


Depending on what race you are, your golf skills will slightly differ. Models are chosen as follows:

Humans- Humans invented the bloody sport in the first place and have practised their golf skills for longer. Their putters have a range of 8" and a safe shot of 2" with the putter and wedge.

Sisters of Battle- Sisters may use an Act of Faith once per game. This allows them to either maximise or minimise their D6 rolls that turn.

Eldar- Eldar have some mastery over fate. They may re-roll their scatter dice, but must accept the second roll. This ability can be used twice.

Dark Eldar- Dark Eldar use their Combat Drugs in an attempt to gain the competitive edge. They have an extra 3" of distance with no penalty, however before their shot roll a D6. If the result is a 1 or 2 they overdose and may only make a safe shot of 1 inch.

Orks- Orks have phenomenal power but they do take some time to hit the ball! They ignore the effects of difficult terrain, but re-roll any No Wind (Direct Hit) results.

Tau- Tau make precise, but weaker, shots. They may reduce their scatter by up to 2", however always suffer -2 to the maximum shot distance.

Daemons- Daemons obtain their balls from the Warp. They pass through walls instead of bouncing off, but stop 2" past the wall, even if it would normally shoot further.

Marines- Gifted with superhuman strength, but golf is a game of precision. They may increase shot distance by up to 2", but suffer +2 to scatter distance.

Tyranids- Tyranid golf-ball symbiotes, otherwise known as Rippers, scatter an additional D3" towards the closest enemy golf ball.

Necrons- The thought of playing golf with a lifeless entity devoted to murder can be pretty...unnerving to say the least. Should a Necron golf ball land within 1" of another golf ball, that player falls back D3+2" as it gives way.

Psykers- A psyker of any race can and will use their power to influence their opponents ball.A psyker may attempt to force his opponent to miss. Declare before the opponent rolls for scatter. If the opponent's shot scatters you may choose to make it scatter in any other direction. However, if it hits, the psyker has fallen prey to perils of the warp. The psykers next shot will only have a maximum range of half the normal range of the club.


If you are stuck in difficult terrain reduce your maximum move distance by 4".

If your shot would bouce off a wall, it bounces off on a 90 degree arc and moves an extra D3".

If your ball lands on a slope, it rolls down to the bottom in the direction it scattered in, and then moves forward another D3".

Safe Shots

If you use the putter or wedge and only elect to move 1", you will not scatter.


There isn't any. Play nicely!

I intend to expand these later. Have fun and tell me what you think!

04-11-2010, 11:19 AM
What, no special abilities or rules for different models? No whacky hijinks for Orks? No "I AM A MAN! *punch*" machoisms for Marines?

Master Bryss
04-11-2010, 11:25 AM
Alright, here's a start on player types. Look at the first post.

04-11-2010, 12:19 PM
Why would anyone not play eldar. Great bonus (rerolling scatter), with no drawback.

Inquisitor Hate Machine
04-11-2010, 12:25 PM
Why would anyone not play eldar. Great bonus (rerolling scatter), with no drawback.

Its not just scatter, its scatter and inches. its still strong, but not that strong

Master Bryss
04-11-2010, 12:29 PM
Indeed, the Eldar must re-roll the scatter dice AND the scatter distance.

Inquisitor Hate Machine
04-11-2010, 12:29 PM
These rules look pretty fun! I'll try to get people to try it out, maybe expand on it!

04-11-2010, 12:59 PM
Psykers should be able to push other peoples golf balls around, at the risk of getting a headache and missing their next shot.

04-11-2010, 01:47 PM
It'd be hilarious to play a human psyker that way.

04-11-2010, 05:22 PM
How about this: a psyker may attempt for force his opponent to miss. Declare before the opponent rolls for scatter. If the opponent's shot scatters, double the scatter distance. However, if it hits, the psyker has fallen prey to perils of the warp. The psykers next shot will automatically scatter. If a hit is rolled, use the small arrow on the hit dice.

And I still think the Eldar ability needs some sort of drawback. Everyone else has a advantage and disadvantage, while eldar just have an advantage.

Master Bryss
04-12-2010, 09:24 AM
I love the psyker one, but I'll change it so that the psyker controls scatter, with a PoTW result that cuts their range.

What would you suggest as a drawback for Eldar? I think their current drawback is that the shot may well scatter away from the hole anyway. And what would be a good Act of Faith for Sisters in this game?

Lord Azaghul
04-12-2010, 10:02 AM
What would you suggest as a drawback for Eldar? I think their current drawback is that the shot may well scatter away from the hole anyway. And what would be a good Act of Faith for Sisters in this game?

Fate of the Old Ones. If doubles are rolled on the reroll the ball vanishes into the warp, the shot counts as a complete miss. IE a +1 is added the eldar players score!

BTW - the rules sound really fun. Any suggestions for setting up a course?

04-12-2010, 10:35 AM
I think having all psykers be human and combining there rules would make humans worth playing . . Even using eldar and not using there power unless it scatters way off they'd still pwn
Or making humans scatter -1/+1 distance with no minus

04-12-2010, 10:45 AM
For Sisters...

Once per game, the Sisters may choose to to maximize or minimize any roll they make. However, as they spend time praying and training for combat rather than practicing golf, they do not gain the normal human advantage.

Master Bryss
04-12-2010, 11:19 AM
Normal humans are now the best putters in the game. I took Melissia's Act of Faith for Sisters. A limited use policy now applies to Eldar.

@Lord Azaghul: As I said in the rules, the centre of a small blast template makes a good hole. For terrain, you can go down one of three paths

1) Golf. Only use craters, woods, hills, etc. Use your own discretion on how much.

2) Crazy Golf. Use more buildings as well as hills, maybe even have things you hit your ball through or over! Don't go overboard with buildings though, or the driver becomes near useless as your shots keep bouncing off walls.

3) Mixed. A bit of both. Again, use discretion, much like regular 40k. For an actual table, 4' by 4' or bigger is good, and a normal table is perfectly fine also.

As for tournaments or multiple holes, use a par system like normal golf. Again, decide par yourself depending on how much terrain there is and how big your play surface is.

05-03-2010, 05:09 PM
It seems Golf in the Grim Future is racist. Where is the Dark Eldar?

Dark Eldar - Not very strong, but very precise, Dark Eldar have a 2" reduced range on all shots, but the scatter is also reduced by 2"

Is that okay?

Master Bryss
05-04-2010, 05:32 AM
Hey, I'm a Dark Eldar player too. The only reason they don't have an ability is because I haven't thought of one that could do them justice.

Unfortunately, what you suggested is what the Tau currently have. I was thinking of a ball with a soul inside it, but I need something different to everything else I've come up with.

Master Bryss
05-12-2010, 11:12 AM
Dark Eldar now have Golfing Drugs. 'Nuff said.

Lord Azaghul
05-12-2010, 12:19 PM
That's still WAY to good. I think it should be bit more risky, like a 3+ or something. Or make it D3 inches instead of 5".

Erasmus of Baal
07-03-2010, 11:51 PM
I like the sound of these rules--I'm gonna try to get a game of this going at the local gaming store!

07-09-2010, 10:03 AM
I'm going to give this game a whirl this weekend with my local club, i've also added a little fun extra. it replaces the "psycher" abilities (because i think it's a little too specificly for psychers)

Also I have defined "the Green" as being a large blast template (2.5" radius) around the hole, unless specified larger by the terrain on the board.

Optional Extra: Cheating!

Yes this wouldn’t be a 40k game without some cheating would it?
Players can opt to make a sneaky cheating attack at the end of the turn after everyone has moved, this could be firing their weapon at the enemy’s ball, using psychic abilities, summoning the warp, having their caddy re-locate it or some other dastardly trick.

Pick any enemy ball within 12” of your own. Roll a D6

On a 5 the ball is moved directly away from the hole by D6”
On a 6 the ball is "destroyed" simply add 1 to the enemy players' score as they replace their ball in the same position
on a 1-4 the plan backfires (somehow) and the players own ball is moved D3” directly away from the hole

These attacks are always made simultaneously and are resolved at the same time. If a ball is hit by multiple attackers, it is only ever moved the furthest distance rolled by one of the attacking players.

This sneaky attack cannot be made against any ball on the green, (there’s always a crowd watching!)

I don't know if this is too harsh/complicated. any ideas?

Master Bryss
07-10-2010, 04:33 AM
Defining the green is a great idea, although I'd make it a bit bigger (I usually play this on a normal table or half of one). Currently I'm using Aegis Lines to define it.

I'll try out your rules for cheating myself today and see how they work out. I'll edit this post once I have.

EDIT: Drawback is too weak, especially considering that some races can pretty much negate it (Nids for one.) Needs to be harsher. The actual results work well.

Crotch Lictor
02-08-2011, 10:35 AM
Just stumbled across this thread. Cool idea!

Tyranid question though, if it always scatters D3" towards the nearest ball, how can they win? If they're the closest ball to the hole, won't they always scatter away from it?

Master Bryss
02-10-2011, 02:15 PM
Ah right, I should explain. You do this extra scatter after the actual shot. The process is:

Hit ball.

Is it in the hole?

Yes: you win
No: do the additional D3" scatter move.

12-10-2011, 11:10 AM
I recently stumbled across this thread. I too have made som rules for a 40k Golf game called 40K Goff.
I hope you like it. I am going to be posting a slightly re-formatted version soon.


12-11-2011, 03:58 PM
Hey guys, if there's any interest, I did a set of rules called 40K Goff.
I tried to post a link to the PDF but I don't think I'm allowed since I'm new to this forum.
edit* Sorry guys, I decided to send this off as a submission to GW, so I removed all links*