View Full Version : Pendraken Painting Competition 2016!

Leon Pendraken
01-16-2016, 08:57 PM

It's that time of year again! The 2016 Pendraken Painting Competition opens on February 1st and runs all the way through February. The 2015 competition had 229 entries (winners can be seen here: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,11625.0.html ), all of a consistently high standard, so we're really looking forward to seeing what this year holds!

As mentioned, the competition will run throughout February, meaning that the leap year will give everyone an extra day to get your entries in. The closing deadline will be midnight on the 29th February.

The big news for this year is our new category: 'Warband Base' This category does exactly what it says on the tin, so any single Warband base, whether it's a cool command stand or a unit of warriors crammed in like sardines!

The only other change from last year is that we've dropped the 'single base' requirement for the other categories, allowing multiple bases to be lined up and entered, as long as they still fall within the figure quantity rules. As folks have their figures based up on all kind of size bases, instead of being restricted to a single base with maybe only 4 or 5 figures on it, you can now line up several bases to get a better 'unit' look.


Foot - Pre-20th C. - Min: 3 / Max: 16 figures, on either a single base, multiple bases, or in a movement tray.
Foot - 20th C. - Min: 3 / Max: 16 figures, on either a single base, multiple bases, or in a movement tray.
Mounted - Min: 3 / Max: 10 figures, on either a single base, multiple bases, or in a movement tray.
Vehicle - Single vehicle on or off base.
Fantasy & Sci-Fi - Anything Fantasy or Sci-Fi oriented, on either a single base, multiple bases, or in a movement tray.
Open - Single Base - Anything which doesn't fit into the other categories, with a max base size of 100x100mm. Includes single figures, artillery bases, command stands, etc.
Open - Army! - Armies, Units, Dungeons, whole table setups, anything!
Warband! - Any single base for use in our Warband rules, this can be a command stand, a unit of warriors, an artillery base, etc.

If you're unsure which category to put your entry in, let us know what it is, and we'll point you in the right direction!

Rules - Please Read!

- Firstly, all figures must be Pendraken. Conversions are allowed, but only on our figures.

1. You must be a Pendraken Forum member to enter, but other than that, everyone is welcome!

2. You may enter as many times as you like but each entry is only allowed 2 images (except for the 'Army!' category, see below). Like last year, we are no longer allowing montage images to keep a level playing field. You can however edit your two images into a single file for the sake of uploading/hosting them. If you have any difficulty posting pics, they can be emailed to Pendraken and we'll put them up for you.

3. The 'Open - Army!' category may have 5 photo's, as it's difficult to cover a whole army with just a single photo!

4. All entries must be your own work, and have not been entered into any online competitions before.

5. Entries should have been completed in the last 12 months.

6. You can post WIP photo's if you wish, please create a new thread for these. You can also post extra photo's of your work elsewhere on the Pendraken Forum. These will not count towards your competition entry.

7. The winners will be decided by a team of five judges. Entries will be judged on the painting first and foremost, but remember that effective basing can make a nice entry look even better.

8. Competition threads will be created on the opening date, purely for your entries.

9. Pendraken may use your pics in future promo/marketing, catalogue covers or web pics. Entering gives your permission for your pics to be used.

We've got some great prizes lined up once again and we'll be announcing those in the next few days, so keep an eye out for that.

So, things to remember:

Competition opens - February 1st!
Closing deadline - Midnight, February 29th!

There's still time to order any extra figures you need, so get them in to us asap to make sure they arrive in good time! There's been some excellent painting shown on the Forum over the past 12 months so we're looking forward to seeing some of it in the competition.

If there's any questions, let us know and all the info can be found here: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/board,108.0.html

Leon Pendraken
01-20-2016, 04:55 PM
The Painting Competition is right around the corner so it's time for the prizes!

First of all, the winners and runners-up in each category will receive the following:

- The Winner of each category will receive £20 worth of Pendraken credit!
- The Runner-Up of each category will receive £10 worth of Pendraken credit!

In addition to the Pendraken prizes, we've also got some special category-specific prizes, very kindly donated from our generous sponsors:

Foot - Pre-20th C. - £20 voucher from Leven Miniatures!

"Leven Miniatures now offer a huge selection of 6mm resin products, from industrial and farming buildings through to military and railway types, with more releases coming all the time. The latest additions cover most of the iconic ACW buildings."

For more info on Leven, head over to their website: http://www.levenminiatures.co.uk/index.htm

Foot - 20th C. - A £20 voucher from Ironclad Miniatures!

"Ironclad Miniatures produce a huge range of buildings, vehicles and figures in a variety of scales and genres. From 15mm trenches to 28mm Victorian Sci-Fi, there's something there for everyone!"

For more info head over to their website: http://www.ironcladminiatures.co.uk/

Mounted - A copy of the new 'Paints' magazine from Wargames Illustrated!

"Wargames Illustrated Paints is your definitive guide to painting Wargames figures by two of the best professional painters in the hobby, compiled by the publishers of the world’s best selling table top gaming magazine. Paints is a collection of material which has appeared as articles in the magazine, plus new and exclusive content which connects these articles together, providing you with a complete, easy to follow and superbly illustrated painting guide.

Covering both basic and advanced painting techniques, over the course of 76 photo heavy pages, WI Paints will be an invaluable (and very affordable!) edition to your hobby bookshelf."

For more info, head over and checkout their website: http://wargamesillustrated.co.uk/shop/wargames-illustrated-paints/

Vehicle - Copy of the new Blitzkrieg Commander ruleset!

"Blitzkrieg Commander has been the biggest selling 10mm WWII rules for many years and is currently undergoing it's revamp ready for a reprint. The lucky winner will be one of the first people to get their hands on the new version!"

Fantasy & Sci-Fi - A copy of our Fantasy ruleset, Warband!

"Using miniature figures and terrain, you can fight battles from the glorious sword and sorcery epics you've read about. You can play games against your friends or competitive battles against worthy opponents. Whilst the rules have been written with the 10mm Pendraken Miniatures ranges in mind, there's no reason why you can't use other scales as well! Join the 100's of other players currently enjoying these rules!"

For more info: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/board,83.0.html

Warband - Any Warband army pack!

"Choose any one of the current Warband army packs, from Barbarians to Undead, maybe even one of the new releases!"

For more info, head over to the Warband section of the Forum: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/board,83.0.html

Open - Single Base - A Scourge Starter Army from Hawk Wargames!

"Hawk Wargames is dedicated to the design, development and production of class leading miniatures and wargames. Our first venture is the 10mm scale sci-fi massed battle game, Dropzone Commander. Our greatest ambition is to provide a whole range of innovative and high quality wargames in multiple scales, and multiple game universes. Our recent Dropfleet Kickstarter was a huge success and will be released in the near future."

For more info, head over and checkout their website: http://www.hawkwargames.com/

Open - Army! - A copy of the new 'Paints' magazine from Wargames Illustrated!

"Wargames Illustrated Paints is your definitive guide to painting Wargames figures by two of the best professional painters in the hobby, compiled by the publishers of the world’s best selling table top gaming magazine. Paints is a collection of material which has appeared as articles in the magazine, plus new and exclusive content which connects these articles together, providing you with a complete, easy to follow and superbly illustrated painting guide.

Covering both basic and advanced painting techniques, over the course of 76 photo heavy pages, WI Paints will be an invaluable (and very affordable!) edition to your hobby bookshelf."

For more info, head over and checkout their website: http://wargamesillustrated.co.uk/shop/wargames-illustrated-paints/

As always, we'd like to thank all of the generous companies who have sponsored us this year and encourage everyone to go and have a browse of their websites!

People's Choice Award

And of course, once the main competition is complete, there will be the Aart Brouwer People's Choice Award, sponsored by 'Minibits'!

This Award works by taking any of the remaining entries which received at least 1 point during the judging stage, and putting them to the vote here on the Forum, with the person who gets the most votes winning a £25 voucher for anything from the Minibits website: http://www.minibits.net/ We've also got a bonus prize to give out as well, courtesy of Hawk Wargames, so the winner will also receive a 'Scourge Starter Set' for use with Dropzone Commander!

Participation Prize

And finally, after it's introduction last year, we'll be running the Participation Prize again! We'll ask Techno to drop a scalpel in his finger a list of entrants and one lucky person will receive a further £10 worth of Pendraken goodies! (Category Winners / Runner-Ups are not eligible for this prize.)

Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone taking part!

Leon Pendraken
01-31-2016, 06:34 PM
...and the 2016 Pendraken Painting Competition is now open!

Leon Pendraken
02-27-2016, 08:17 PM
There's only a couple of days left in the competition, make sure to get your entries posted up by midnight on Monday night!


Leon Pendraken
03-07-2016, 03:31 PM
Thanks to everyone who entered the 2016 Pendraken Painting Competition! After four weeks of entries, we've now got our winners!

Foot - Pre-20th C. (24 entries)

1st place: "Lombardia", by bradpitre - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a £20 voucher from Leven Miniatures!
"A nice mix of using black lining and shading..." "Just great, fallen man in front rank a nice touch." "Superbly done, beautifully executed."

Foot - 20th C. (11 entries)

1st place: SCW Regular Army, by MIG - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a £20 voucher from Ironclad Miniatures!
"Really nice eye for detail, well painted, cleanly based and a great photo." "Clean and well-presented; nice palette."

Mounted (18 entries)

1st place: 7th French Hussars, by MIG - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a copy of the new 'Paints' magazine from Wargames Illustrated!
"Super paint job aided by a really clear and well lit photo." "Very crisp and clean. Shading almost too subtle for this scale." "Simple and understated, really subtle."

Vehicle (19 entries)

1st place: Sherman, by BH62 - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a copy of the new Blitzkrieg Commander ruleset!
"Crisp, clean painting, great highlighting." "Cracking job here, lovely use of shading and highlighting edges." "Very crisp, really good edge highlighting. Very clear winner." "Really nice, simple but effective use of highlighting to make this one 'pop'.

Fantasy & Sci-Fi (14 entries)

1st place: Squogglers and Night Goblins, by Hetairoi - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a copy of 'Warband'!
"The faces on the squigs are great." "Good painting and appropriately dark photography." "Very nicely done, great looking unit, love the flame-effect hoods."

Warband (5 entries)

1st place: Goblin Riders, by Andy T - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a Warband Army Pack!
"Really nice job, made me smile." "Fun unit, execution of painting ok." "Innovative and nicely done."

Open - Single Base (26 entries)

1st place: 30YW Artillery, by bradpitre - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a Scourge Army from Hawk Wargames!
"Excellent attention to detail, a great artwork." "Really enjoyed these figures, great paint job, basing and photos. I love to see well painted figures with great basing, the full package." "Just gorgeous." "Superbly done, beautiful vignette."

Open - Army! (27 entries)

1st place: 30YW French, by bradpitre - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a copy of the new 'Paints' magazine from Wargames Illustrated!
"A simple paint job that works well close up and on the table, cracking basing. These are more like individual vignettes, well done." "Superbly done - simple but really effective."

All of the details and pictures of the runners-up can be found on our Forum: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,13809.0.html