View Full Version : Combat Squads starting Embarked?

04-10-2010, 09:08 AM
Hey guys,
I'm working on my 'Ard Boyz list and here's the question:
-I am taking 10 Terminators that I plan to Combat Squad.
-I am taking a Land Raider as a dedicated transport and I'm going to start 5 Terminators and Vulkan Hes'tan in that Land Raider.
-I will have 5 Terminators that I can't put in the Transport.
-I am buying a Heavy Support slot Land Raider and I would like to start the other 5 Terminators Embarked in that. Is that something I can do? I would just buy the 2 sets of 5 Terminators separate but I already have my other 2 elite slots filled.


04-10-2010, 09:34 AM
You are 100% correct!

You combat squad during deployment, and you 'embark' into transports during deployment as well, so everything you stated is 100% correct!

Good luck in the 'Ard Boyz!

04-10-2010, 09:41 AM
however just so you know both combat squads must deploy at the same time, as they don't combat squad until deployed, so if you use reserves you must use it for both.

04-10-2010, 11:22 AM
Also remember that when the Terminators as in Reserves, they cannot be declared as split and in the two Land Raiders. So, you will need to mak a reserves roll for Vulkan+Terminators, one for their Dedicated Land Raider, and one for the Heavy Support Land Raider.

04-10-2010, 12:21 PM
however just so you know both combat squads must deploy at the same time, as they don't combat squad until deployed, so if you use reserves you must use it for both.

Not true:

You can combat one squad of Terminators and have one squad in the Transport, and one in Reserve--- you have declared their deployment.

What you cannot do is have them in reserve and deep strike them, THEN combat squad. The ONLY unit that allows this is the Drop Pod. You have to declare Combat Squads when deploying before hand for all other situations.

10 Termintators
Dedicated Transport: Land Raider
Land Raider

Option 1) Start all terminators on the board as one squad. Start both Land Raiders on the Board. The Dedicated Transport CANNOT hold any unit before the game begins.

Option 2) Start All Terminators on the Board, Combat Squads. Both Squads are in the Two Land Raiders

Option 3) Start All Terminators on the Board, Combat Squads. ONE combat squad is NOT onboard the Dedicated Transport Land Raider-- No one can start on board that land Raider until AFTER the game begins

Option 4) Combat Squad Terminators. Reserve one Squad to Deep Strike, Other combat squad Starts in Dedicated Transport

Option 4) Reserve Terminators, declare Combat Squads- Squads starting in the Land Raiders (which are reserved)

Option 5) Reserve Terminators, Declare Combat Squads- Both Terminator Squads Deep Strike.

ex. 2
10 Tactical Marine Squad
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod.

Option 1) Start whole squad in reserve onboard Drop Pod. Drop Pod enters game, no combat squad

Option 2) Combat Squad: One unit starts on board, other embarked on Drop Pod.

Option 3) Start whole squad in reserve onboard Drop Pod. Drop Pod enters and the UNDECLARED marine squad now declares Combat Squads----- this is the only time where you did NOT have to declare Combat Squads at the beginning of the game. They are declared after they disembarked from the Vehicle.

04-10-2010, 02:00 PM
Basically, right before you deploy a unit you must say "I'm going to combat squad". Then, when you deploy them, they are treated as two completely separate units. You can only split them up at this point, you can't wait till later.

As mentioned, the only exception is with a drop pod. You are allowed to put a full unit in a drop pod, then split them up when the drop pod lands.

04-10-2010, 02:31 PM
That is fantastic! I was pretty sure I could do it, but I wanted to make sure.

Double Vulkan Terminator Land Raiders Ahoy! :)

Thanks so much for the info!

04-10-2010, 02:36 PM
You can combat one squad of Terminators and have one squad in the Transport, and one in Reserve--- you have declared their deployment.
Units placed in Reserves are not considered to have Deployed. This is why units in Reserves cannot split into Combat Squads until they hit the table.

Option 1) Start all terminators on the board as one squad. Start both Land Raiders on the Board. The Dedicated Transport CANNOT hold any unit before the game begins.
Option 2) Start All Terminators on the Board, Combat Squads. Both Squads are in the Two Land Raiders
Option 3) Start All Terminators on the Board, Combat Squads. ONE combat squad is NOT onboard the Dedicated Transport Land Raider-- No one can start on board that land Raider until AFTER the game begins
Option 4) Combat Squad Terminators. Reserve one Squad to Deep Strike, Other combat squad Starts in Dedicated Transport
Option 4) Reserve Terminators, declare Combat Squads- Squads starting in the Land Raiders (which are reserved)
Option 5) Reserve Terminators, Declare Combat Squads- Both Terminator Squads Deep Strike.
Options 1, 2, and 3 work. Options 4 and 5 don't work because the Terminators have not yet deployed, so they cannot split up.

Option 1) Start whole squad in reserve onboard Drop Pod. Drop Pod enters game, no combat squad
Option 2) Combat Squad: One unit starts on board, other embarked on Drop Pod.
Option 3) Start whole squad in reserve onboard Drop Pod. Drop Pod enters and the UNDECLARED marine squad now declares Combat Squads----- this is the only time where you did NOT have to declare Combat Squads at the beginning of the game. They are declared after they disembarked from the Vehicle.
Options 1 and 3 work. Option 2 does not work because one is not permitted to deploy half of a Unit nor can the Unit be deployed, split with Combat Squads, and then have one of the Combat Squads be undeployed and placed in Reserves.