View Full Version : Cheating at painting! - basic wash tutorial

04-10-2010, 05:23 AM
Hi there, TSINI here.

just wanted to share with some people my basic painting techniques - and they are basic

to achieve something like this





This is obviously not for advanced painters, as it does not use any advanced techniques, but more for the beginner painter, who doesnt feel they will ever get the hang of drybrushing / layering. like me

Rather than Re-post it here (it includes many photos)

follow this link to my tutorial post on my blog (http://hivesplinterborlin.blogspot.com/2010/04/hive-tyrant-commanding-rarrrr-and-how.html)

04-10-2010, 07:17 AM
While I consider myself an experienced painter comparative to most of my gaming group, none of us have Adepticon-skill levels. However, in experimenting with my new Blood Angels, I tried using a wash for the first time. Immediately after seeing the results, I suggested exactly the same thing, "this is so easy, it's cheating."

04-10-2010, 07:24 AM
While I consider myself an experienced painter comparative to most of my gaming group, none of us have Adepticon-skill levels. However, in experimenting with my new Blood Angels, I tried using a wash for the first time. Immediately after seeing the results, I suggested exactly the same thing, "this is so easy, it's cheating."

I know what you mean. the first time i used any of the washes i thought that it was too easy.

04-10-2010, 07:38 AM
While I consider myself an experienced painter comparative to most of my gaming group, none of us have Adepticon-skill levels. However, in experimenting with my new Blood Angels, I tried using a wash for the first time. Immediately after seeing the results, I suggested exactly the same thing, "this is so easy, it's cheating."

yeah exactly, :D

I'm not so skilled, i can paint to very high detail (i have a very steady hand and due to being short sighted, i can see tiny details) but simple things like dry-brushing (i kind of get it, but it doesnt work well in practice), layering and free-handing completely go over my head.

but I hate seeing basic dull, pallette-matte colours on models, and I know the feeling when you place your painstakingly painted army on the table - and you're instantly outclassed by everyone. so I thought I'd offer some advice to those people looking to get good results simply and easily. I can't express how much washes have changed my wargaming life! lol

04-10-2010, 08:24 AM
Great work Tsini! I think your washes make your nids look great. There is something to be said for the basics. People sometimes forget about the basic things....like washes....drybrushing....a nice clean base coat.....and they just go on and on about non metalic metal, wet blending, freehand, and object source lighting. You have done a fine job showing how a basic technique can greatly enhance your models...and can actually be the center of a whole army.

04-13-2010, 12:22 AM
Being the totaly unoriginal person that I am, I'm totally going to steal that paint scheme as it looks awesome.

Good job

04-13-2010, 07:10 PM
Being the totaly unoriginal person that I am, I'm totally going to steal that paint scheme as it looks awesome.

Good job

lol cheers, and stealing paint schemes isnt a problem, i definately didn't steal mine though *whistles*



04-14-2010, 01:13 AM
Awesome guide and amazing looking models, I haven't tried it yet but how well does that style turn out for Space Marines?

04-14-2010, 02:19 AM
i have a very steady hand and due to being short sighted, i can see tiny details) but simple things like dry-brushing (i kind of get it, but it doesnt work well in practice), layering and free-handing completely go over my head.

That's funny, I don't have much trouble with dry brushing or layering, but washes like this I have trouble with. And my hands shake a little and I'm long sighted, so no detail or freehand.

Back on topic, good tutorial, and great minis. The washes give it a nice organic look.

Might not work as well for marines since it will mottle them, and because they are smother the illusion of depth won't be as great - but the best answer is to try it out.

04-14-2010, 08:47 AM
For space marines, washes are still awesome. You just have to do a little more work to get it to look even. I usually basecoat, apply a black wash, and then basecoat again, leaving the pits and deep spots darkened. Then I'll highlight if I feel like it, but that's optional. It works well and it's pretty quick.

04-14-2010, 12:09 PM
Whilst doing a single space marine helmet on the base of my trygon, i found that using a wash similar in colour to the base coat can really neaten up raised detailing.



for example the white arrow on this helmet was painted, then the blood red was painted up as close as i dared go, then a baal red wash over the top, right up against the white meant there was a really tight and neat line of red against the white stripe. then i simply washed it over with badab black.

I'm actually considering re-doing my space wolves soon, so will post up my results with washes on them when i get around to it.

I was considering painting the marines up with straight space wolves grey, then washing them with a dark blue, then with badab black, hopefully the combined effect of this will make the space wolves grey darker and moodier, with automatic highlights... we'll see

05-12-2010, 09:11 PM
Hey man i LOVE this paint job, its great. can you maybe clarify if the shoulder plates were washed in something ?? I was only confused about the carapice so if anyone can maybe explain if the second layer was painted directly over it or just touched on it, that would be awesome.

props to a great paintjob man!

05-12-2010, 09:37 PM
Wow, that paint scheme really brings out the 'niddiness of the nids. I could almost collect for a 'nid army that looked like that.

05-13-2010, 04:31 AM
Hey man i LOVE this paint job, its great. can you maybe clarify if the shoulder plates were washed in something ?? I was only confused about the carapice so if anyone can maybe explain if the second layer was painted directly over it or just touched on it, that would be awesome.

props to a great paintjob man!

Ah apologies, the pictures show me getting a bit ahead of myself.

the carapace was coated with khemri brown foundation (like the rest of the model) then i painted the carapace "camo green"

once the camo green dried, i washed all the carapace with "Thraka Green"

you have to cover every bit of the carapace, and try to get the darker areas to stay where the armour plates meet

after the green wash has dried, you then need to tidy up the white body parts, before washing only the body parts with Devlan mud. (don't wash the carapace with devlan mud)

once i put a wash on a model, i don't tend to paint anything on top if i can help it, although with models like the Trygon, which lacks fine details on the large pieces of carapace, i did have to drybrush camo green back on top of the green wash, then apply another green wash on top. this was to stop the wash pooling and making unsightly sharp blotches (smooth blothces are fine for nids), 2 light washes with a drybrush in the middle have a similar effect to one heavy one.

hope this helps

and cheers for all the compliments :D


05-13-2010, 05:13 AM
thanks man, im going to expiriment with this paint job, switch a few things up but your models look great!

05-13-2010, 07:17 PM
Hey i just did a quick run on this scheme ( i DEFINITELY need new brushes UGH!) but can you explain your carapice a little more? mine did not nearly look as nice as yours, the ink that is, or wash as you call it. I did it on a basic warrior, and i just dont know, yours looks so good. Did you lay it on thick? Slim? A few washes of it? At first i thought it was your hive tyrant had some good features ect for it to grab onto and stick out but then i realized your gaunts even look great! thanks man!

05-14-2010, 03:43 AM
Hey i just did a quick run on this scheme ( i DEFINITELY need new brushes UGH!) but can you explain your carapice a little more? mine did not nearly look as nice as yours, the ink that is, or wash as you call it. I did it on a basic warrior, and i just dont know, yours looks so good. Did you lay it on thick? Slim? A few washes of it? At first i thought it was your hive tyrant had some good features ect for it to grab onto and stick out but then i realized your gaunts even look great! thanks man!

Yeah Forgeworld Hive Tyrant was definately nicer to paint as you say because of all the tiny details in the carapace.

the gaunts were given a good brushfull of wash, so i'd describe it as pretty heavy to be honest.

The Trygon was a bit of a pain because it had such huge flat surfaces.

I would say, dip a medium brush right into the wash (also remember to shake the wash first... other wise the colour collects at the bottom) and drop it onto the carapace, then move it around until you have covered All of the carapace piece, giving nice dark green lines in all the creveces and edges. the aim is to change the colour of the carapace to a more leafy green and give darkened shadows where armour plates meet, if these arent dark enough drop another smaller blob in top and move that around. you don't have very long to do stuff with washes, they start to dry pretty quickly, so you just want to slap it on, make sure you brush it into the joints and pass it over the flat surfaces - a thin laye is only needed for the open flat surfaces.

I'd describe it as a pretty heavy wash, but with the aim of keeping it from pooling on the open flat surfaces.

other tips i can give are

don't do too much at once, divide the nid into different sections, so when doing the armour, just do the head and let it dry, then a couple of arms, let them dry, then the other arms, then the legs, then the body - letting it dry each time
The way i applied the wash was to start around the edge, where he carapace meets the body, then just do one armour plate, then do the next armour plate working down. this way you cover each armour plate evenly and put plenty of wash in the joints
Drying in a darkened room, although you'll want a fairly light room to paint your models, when washing, its good to have a darkened area out of direct sunlight to put your models in once washed (another room with the curtains drawn or a nearby cupboard, this lets the wash dry slowly, giving a more even coat rather than drying into patches (especially a problem on larger surfaces like the trygon and I expect your warriors have large flat carapace too
Balancing act, for a few of my models i found that standing them on their head for example whilst their body carapace was drying meant the wash stayed in the joints between armour plates
Once you've let it start to dry, don't mess about with the wash, if you move it now you might leave ringmarks, the best thing to do if you think you HAVE to remove some of the wash is get a dry or nearly dry paintbrush and soak up a little amount of the wash - but not too much.

Also, on the larger models, if you make a mistake or it looks patchy (my trygon looked awful the first time around) simply drybrush heavily with camo green, and put a much thinner wash of green over it, it looks much nicer and can save the day

sorry if i've rambled a bit, just trying to describe it thoroughly. hope this helps, post up some pics of your models when you're happy with them, or before if you need further help.

good luck


05-14-2010, 05:10 AM
Lol dont be sorry for "rambling", im sorry for badgering you! Ha. Well im going to give it another go today. I actally looked at the model this morning and it looked worse then it did last night LOL. Im going to do it over again. One HUGE difference i noticed about yours and mine is yours is nice and bright and vivid, mine is very dull for some reason. Do you spray your models with finish afterwards?

05-14-2010, 07:37 AM
Another nice trick related to washes - if you can't find the color of wash you want pre-mixed you can get Golden Acrylic Medium (matte finish) from an art supply store (I use www.dickblick.com) and make your own wash. It's a medium like what the paints are made with but has no pigment. I mix about 2 parts medium to one part paint, then use as you would normally use the wash. It's also a great way to save paint that's become too thick - it will return it to the original consistency without it running and puddling like it does if diluted with water. Not terribly expensive either. I got an 8 ounce bottle for under $20 USD and after 2 years have barely dented it.
PS. And your bugs do look great... with a horde army especially it's wonderful to come up with a way to finish them in a lifetime and still have them look awesome on the table!

05-14-2010, 08:25 AM
Very cool. I just wish I would've known this technique when I started my nid army. Could've saved a ton of time! But when I dive back into my IG this summer I'm gonna use this method for sure. (I tried this on a platoon leader last night and he turned out great...and fast!)

05-15-2010, 08:07 AM
Rafe, yours came out well? Mind explaining a bit? Im having an issue where my ink isnt drying bright, or anything on me. Its drying dull like paint would, and looks jst like a different color of paint. I dunno why, coul it be the undercoating layers i did? maybe im inking wrong, no clue

05-15-2010, 08:35 AM
Very cool. I just wish I would've known this technique when I started my nid army. Could've saved a ton of time! But when I dive back into my IG this summer I'm gonna use this method for sure. (I tried this on a platoon leader last night and he turned out great...and fast!)

With my guard army the "Lucky 88th" (http://lucky88th.blogspot.com)

I simply wash them with badab black, it looks great, and so simple.

some examples


Colonel Commissar Winters (all of my commanders are commissars in blue)

An objective marker

Penal Legion

05-15-2010, 08:38 AM
Rafe, yours came out well? Mind explaining a bit? Im having an issue where my ink isnt drying bright, or anything on me. Its drying dull like paint would, and looks jst like a different color of paint. I dunno why, coul it be the undercoating layers i did? maybe im inking wrong, no clue

I'm pretty sure this isnt a problem, i mainly used the wash to change the colour of the green, which is why i used a light green colour underneath, the same with the skin, its been painted bleached bone to be bright, then washed brown to dull it down and give it a more "real life" colouring.

post up a pic if you can so we can see whats up

05-15-2010, 08:58 AM
Im stripping some warriors, hopefully a bigger palet (hormaguants now is what im painting a little) ill be able to acomplish more. Ill post that in a day or so ... your models look so good, wish i could achieve that look! you should make a vid of you doing the washes LOOOL, that would help, ha jk!

thanks for all your help guys

05-15-2010, 09:06 AM
Rafe, yours came out well? Mind explaining a bit? Im having an issue where my ink isnt drying bright, or anything on me. Its drying dull like paint would, and looks jst like a different color of paint. I dunno why, coul it be the undercoating layers i did? maybe im inking wrong, no clue

Washes do dry to a matte finish like paints. Basically they shade like inks but dry like paints, where inks dry to a gloss finish. If you want a shiny finish you'll need a varnish or a coat of gloss or semi-gloss medium.

05-15-2010, 12:04 PM
rat girl thanks so much, didnt realize there was a difference in inks and washs!

05-18-2010, 08:30 AM
great looking stuff.. lets see a guard tutorial

05-18-2010, 09:15 AM
great looking stuff.. lets see a guard tutorial

Cheers mate

To be honest my guard are even simpler than the nids, all i do is slap Badab Black wash on top of them once they have been "painted by numbers" with GW paints.

Build model and attach to base
Cover rest of base with PVA, dip into basing sand
Undercoat with Chaos Black Spray
Codex Grey on all the clothing and the base (i do this bit with a fairly big brush - its the largest area and i want to get it done quickly)
Paint the face and hands Elf Flesh
Paint the Belt, braces and helmet chinstrap Snakebite Leather
Paint the armour, shoulderpads, helmet, chinguard and lasgun Shadow Grey
Paint metal bits and eagles with Boltgun Metal
Tidy up the edges of everything
Paint the boots Chaos Black (because I usually end up covering them in codex grey - that stage is messy)
Slop Badab Black all over the model, 1 heavy layer all over (don't leave any gaps)
Devlan Mud on the base
paint the little light on the lasgun ammo clip Blood Red
a little bit of Static Grass on the base
All done

Remember to let the model dry in between each step, the painting parts only take a few mins to dry, other bits like basing with PVA take a while longer.

note i don't bother doing any facial details - it all comes out with the badab black

It's quick and simple which is the main focus of my painting, i have a lot of models to paint (i love infantry!!)

For me, spending AGES getting the armour neat and the colours tight is enough, without trying to layer and blend, i'd rather just let the wash do it all for me.

So my main piece of advice is take your time getting the paint in the right places, if you make a mistake, just get the other colour you painted over and re paint over that, eventually it'll be neat and ready for a quick wash and BAM one Grimdark looking model

05-18-2010, 01:42 PM
Here's the platoon leader I did with this method. While it's not gonna win any awards, it's for sure table top quality. Thanks for the tutorial TSINI! Like Fade said, it's nice to get back to the basics. We can't all paint like you and he, so it's nice when less practiced painters like myself get tips.


05-18-2010, 04:43 PM
Here's the platoon leader I did with this method. While it's not gonna win any awards, it's for sure table top quality. Thanks for the tutorial TSINI! Like Fade said, it's nice to get back to the basics. We can't all paint like you and he, so it's nice when less practiced painters like myself get tips.

Ah hell....if you paint as long as I have you will be better than me lol. I'm glad your like the washes though. Looks great!

05-18-2010, 05:34 PM
Here's the platoon leader I did with this method. While it's not gonna win any awards, it's for sure table top quality. Thanks for the tutorial TSINI! Like Fade said, it's nice to get back to the basics. We can't all paint like you and he, so it's nice when less practiced painters like myself get tips.

Mate thats fantastic work, loving the colour scheme and the basing works great!

You've done exactly what i love to see in models, paid attention to the details.The wash fills in the bits in between.
Details is what makes models look great

Great work, if only we didnt live across the pond from each other i would be proud to fight alongside those guys!

(also on the subject of fade, that guy is unnatural :D)

05-19-2010, 08:04 AM
Thanks TSINI and Fade! I'm glad you guys like it.