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04-09-2010, 05:59 PM
I've been collecting some new models for my Old Witch theme list, but haven't seen anyone use them in person.

Are you guys seeing them adopted at your local stores yet?

Herr Wiggles
04-09-2010, 10:56 PM
I am eagerly awaiting the menoth book for the themed lists, probably going to do it for both kreoss', and maybe somewhere down the line one for eFeora, since hers seems pretty good

04-10-2010, 06:52 AM
One of our locals played nothing but tier lists at Templecon. I'm waiting on the Protectorate book myself... though i can field a couple of the Retribution tiers... I can get to Rahn Tier Three... hrm...

04-12-2010, 04:52 AM
I am painting more assault kommandos to use the Strakhov list, but haven't actually tried it yet. Vlad with 5 point bezerkers looks interesting, but I only have 1 bezerker model.

04-13-2010, 11:09 AM
As a mercenary player, I really love prime Magnus' Wanted Man tier list - mostly because it's really not hard to achieve. Most of the stuff are jacks/units I would have taken anyways!

The epic tier list... I am not sure about. 2 units of Idrians, plus Croe's Cutthroats? Eh... I don't think so. I am actually hoping the Protectorate get a new Idrian unit in the future, so I don't have to have duplicate Skirmisher units.

04-14-2010, 11:14 PM
Now that i have both the Cygnar and Khador books, Prime Caine List looks good. And for Khador, either Vlad build is rather appealling.

04-14-2010, 11:47 PM
I'm an Old Witch fanatic, so its not just Kossite Woodsmen and Yuri for me, but now I have to come up with little stands of creepy snowy trees.

04-15-2010, 02:56 AM
Ah well, join the club. With the Magnus Tier, I now need to come up with a whole bunch of stylish looking wreck markers for the same reason.

04-16-2010, 10:08 AM
I just about have Rahn theme list, I just need a unit of two of Houseguard riflemen or halberdiers to complete it. I have no idea how it will play. Hopefully it will be at least a bit competitive.

05-12-2010, 07:39 AM
During the last Shattered Ground season a lot of players brought tier forces. The ones with advance moves/extended deployment seem the most "playable" since they can grab objectives quicke/gain board control easier. I played and am currently building & painting my tier 4 Seige list for Cygnar. I think in general tier lists begin to shine at the 50 point level, where you can fill them out a little bit. I can get a bare bones tier 4 list in at 35, while at 50 I can put in unit attachments and other such things that make the army feel complete. Much larger than that, 75 and above, they begin to feel repetitive and lose their luster in my eyes. I'm very curious to see how the Hordes tier lists will work since they have less options to choose from at the moment. I also wonder if any tier lists will include Mercs/Minions. Maybe a Trollblood caster will get Boomhowler as a tier choice.

05-12-2010, 08:12 AM
Hopefully the Mercs book will be out in time for the new Shattered Grounds league. I would love to run Gorten, Ashlynn, or Durgen themes right now, but I guess I have to wait.

These days, themed tier lists are about 1/2 of what I'm seeing across the table.

05-12-2010, 09:29 PM
My thinking is that the book will probably come out like right at the END of the league, knowing my luck lol.

05-13-2010, 05:15 PM
I'm interested in trying out Mortenebra's theme list. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I'm also eagerly anticipating the Cryx book; I can't wait to see what Skarre's tiers look like.

05-13-2010, 06:46 PM
I've had the same thought Lordbubonicus - I'm picking up the Cryx book for that explicit purpose. I love jack/beast heavy lists, and while I'm not looking forward to putting together Morty, the list looks a tonne of fun.

At the same time, I'm trying to retro-fit some Khador tiers for Butcher. I bought some Circle stuff too, and am hoping that they fit into a Kaya tier, or I'm really going to regret painting a full list of WoO + UA :D

05-14-2010, 06:42 AM
The Merc book will be out in July, probably mid month, since they have been releasing one a month, and aiming for mid month with them (though the Menoth book had a few issues trying to get out on shelves).

05-14-2010, 06:47 AM
The Merc book will be out in June, probably mid month, since they have been releasing one a month, and aiming for mid month with them (though the Menoth book had a few issues trying to get out on shelves).
Primal MKII comes out in July.

05-17-2010, 08:54 AM
I decided on Magnus for my first army, picked the units I liked and later found out that I met all the requirements for a Tier 4 Most Wanted list without even knowing it.

05-28-2010, 06:34 PM
Haven't been able to play a Tier list yet, though PMag's list is both acheivable, and useful.

For my Cygnar forces...too many units I'd need to double up on, so haven't given them a go yet.

That, and I just really dislike Rangers, and many of the Tiers require them. Blech.

05-28-2010, 11:45 PM
Oh really? Why the dislike so much? Do you not like their models or their actual rules? Personally I always thought they looked really neat - a different flavor from the usual Cygnaran storm units and such.

05-29-2010, 04:09 AM
I'm hanging on to my Cryx on the hope that eSkarre's theme list will be chock full of Satyxis and hopefully not much else. The merc theme lists are going to be interesting, but my love for mercs comes from the fact that I can take a lot of diverse elements and Rube Goldberg them into something amazing, and I think the themes will be too restrictive for that.

Personally the theme lists are a positive boon for players such as me; I don't have a lot of time to play, so small lists that are fun and thematic will be much more attractive than the competitive meta-list tweaking that requires you to have (and ultimately paint) a ton of models that you might use once or twice because of some hairbrained combo.

I know that my Cryx and Legion are going to be reduced to one, maybe two, tier 4 lists, and the rest will be sold off. And I'll keep my Rube Goldberg mercenary (and upcoming minions) machine intact :)

05-29-2010, 08:58 AM
Oh really? Why the dislike so much? Do you not like their models or their actual rules? Personally I always thought they looked really neat - a different flavor from the usual Cygnaran storm units and such.

The models certainly look fine--no doubt about that.

But they have zero capability in close combat (P+S of 7??) Avg Mat/Rat, a decent rifle (Though why rifles have a Rng of 10, and hand cannons have 12" I'll never understand...) but no combined ranged attack, no "ambush" ability, and the "mark the target" ability means that they're getting pounded the turn after. 5" away from an enemy model/unit is not a good place for a non-melee oriented mini to be! That, and with their lousy armor, a near miss on a AoE weapon means they'll die anyways...

Rangers in Mk 1 were a different story--but now? Not so much.

For the points, I can use my beloved Trenchers and get the job done better, faster. Or get Sword Knights (which are really starting to grow on me) for some potentially sick flank attack charges.

05-29-2010, 11:17 AM
That, and I just really dislike Rangers, and many of the Tiers require them. Blech.
Ever tried Rangers with Sloan or, even better, eCaine? +2 to RAT is a game winner, simply put.

05-29-2010, 05:28 PM
Ever tried Rangers with Sloan or, even better, eCaine? +2 to RAT is a game winner, simply put.

RAT 8 warcasters really don't need much more, particularly when they bump up to 10 by not moving. Range is more important, IMO.

'Sides, my trenchers really outperform ranges at just about every function outside of the +2 rat.

And Finn can give Trenchers that ability.

05-30-2010, 01:47 AM
Well, if that's how you see it the only thing I can do is to wish you luck with your Trenchers...

06-01-2010, 09:07 PM
Okay, one thing I didn't think about is the spiffy Rangers give Kara in the Tier list.

That could redeem them for being worth something other than bullet catchers. :)

I'll (if I'm lucky) get the chance to try out Tier4 pMags in a SR 35 pt tourney in a couple weeks. We'll see how it goes!

06-02-2010, 10:38 AM
You know, Rangers are a pretty cheap, high Rat pow 10 unit. It isn't like Cygnar doesn't have too many of those already though.

Ever tried Rangers with Sloan or, even better, eCaine? +2 to RAT is a game winner, simply put.

Really, this is absolutely true. I know that it looks like eCaine could never need help to hit, but hitting a def 15 or 16 'caster is just barely outside of his average non-boosted capacity. And on eCaine's feat turn, hitting with each shot matters way too much.

Sure, you can get Caine up to Rat 10 by standing him still, but that drops your 'caster kill range from 19" all the way down to 12".

I'll give you that Rangers are more of a specialized support unit than Trenchers, but they're a pretty darn good one.