View Full Version : Jump Infantry and Crazy flying BA dread question....?

04-09-2010, 11:33 AM
Evening chaps

With regard to jump infantry. There is precedent for jump infantry walking - the last few yards on foot in an assault.

Would you consider it OK or totally against the rules for them to walk into difficult terrain, rolling the 2d6 and taking the highest like infantry, rather than moving up to 12 and rolling dangerous terrain?

This question came up against a BA Librarian dread yesterday - it had some option or psychic power to allow it to move like Jump Infantry. When it went to go into cover, I asked for a dangerous terrain test to be rolled, with a 1 immobilising. My opponent said walkers don't immobilise they roll 2d6 like infantry; I said the move like jump pack option negated this. In the event we let it jump up to 12 and test dangerous, or walk the highest of 2d6. We then used this precedent for the masses of jump infantry the BAs were spawning.

Any thoughts on Flying dreads?

I hope Nabby and Darklink can come up with some of their quality rules dissection...

04-09-2010, 11:59 AM
Wings of Sanguinius allows the librarian to move as if he had a jump pack, so effectively becomes Jump Infanty for that turn. Page 52 of the rulebook states Jump Infantry's 12" move is optional and they can move as normal infantry as they wish.

So I agree with your interpretation - he can move 12 and take the dangerous terrain test, or move on foot to avoid it but only go 2D6 take the highest.

04-09-2010, 12:25 PM
Thanks Mr Gotthammer

04-09-2010, 01:03 PM
I concur as well, for the reasons already given.

04-09-2010, 01:08 PM
I agree, though I wonder why one would use the jump pack psychic power only to immediately decide not to use it and walk into terrain /shrug/

04-09-2010, 02:51 PM
This question came up against a BA Librarian dread yesterday - it had some option or psychic power to allow it to move like Jump Infantry. When it went to go into cover, I asked for a dangerous terrain test to be rolled, with a 1 immobilising. My opponent said walkers don't immobilise they roll 2d6 like infantry; I said the move like jump pack option negated this
I want to point out that there seems to have been a bit of a misunderstanding on your opponent's part. You were requesting that the Dreadnaught make a dangerous Terrain test, and your opponent seems to have been thinking of a Difficult Terrain test. They are different tests. He was probably confused because in most games, what is Difficult Terrain for Infantry would be Dangerous for non-Walker Vehicles and Jump Infantry using their Jump or Jet Packs.

04-09-2010, 04:59 PM
Er ... right. What I meant to say was I agree with Culven - you can use the power and choose to have the dread walk, moving only 6", and taking a Difficult Terrain test for moving through difficult terrain. Or you can use the power and choose to have the dread fly, moving 12", and taking a Dangerous Terrain test for moving through difficult terrain. Your choice, though like DarkLink said I assume ordinarily you don't use a power that lets you fly if you intend to walk ... ?