View Full Version : New Affordable Stormraven!

04-08-2010, 03:56 PM
Well ladies and gents i spent 9 hours down in the local hobby shoppe and i came up with one badass stormraven using only ONE valkyrie box! My goal was to do a stormraven as close to the source material the
least amount of cash invested.Takes a bit of effort but the end result is fun and definetly worth it!

Twin lascannon multimelta variation, has clamps in the back for the dreads which dont need magnets and just slide the dreadnought in place.

If ya need any details on how i came to do it please respond and i ll will explain :)

P.S.: No green stuff,no styrofoam,just good old cutting and glueing.

P.P.S.: Sorry for the picture quality i ll try to get some better ones.








04-08-2010, 04:08 PM
thats pretty good and only 1 kit awesome . the only thing is the ramp/body is a little big in my opinion but not having to buy 2 kits and kitbash kudos to you my friend

04-08-2010, 06:09 PM
so far I think I like yours the best. Though I don't see the need everyone has with representing/magnetizing/hooking/gluing their Dread to the back. I never see anyone sticking their marines in a drop pod.

Anyways, love your StormRaven. Good job.

04-08-2010, 09:16 PM
This is definitely one of the better ones and the only one that uses one kit. Do you still have the piece that connects the tail booms together? I think I would probably want them connected if I built one using your example.

Rift Knight
04-08-2010, 09:43 PM
@ Forteller

That is one of the better ones I have seen, good job. And double kudos for finding a way to use only one kit.
40k is definately not one of the cheaper hobbies out there.

04-08-2010, 10:43 PM
Well here goes,its from the top of my head so no flaming please :)
Use your imagination where my explaining seems to stop,you ll see it come along.

A) For starters build the tail "sticks",engines, hull (which is basically front back floor roof and the little doors,NOTHING else), and the wings,but just assemble em.

B) Flip the hull so the ramp faces the front, turn the tail sticks to the side and put them on the
spot when the first vertical line appears on the side walls of the valkyrie's hull.

C) Cut off the bit of the edges of the wings with a saw so they stick to the hull and flip them as the
pictures suggest. Glue them so they start off as the same time as the tail "fins".

D) Glue the connecting part of the back wings EXACTLY after the roof ends,in the back side of our hull.
right BENEATH the tail "fins" ( This is so the back of the cockpit,for which we use the back of the
original cockpit has something to rest on and look natural)

E) Glue the engines where ya see them on the pics,not on the hull,on the wing a bit further away from the hull
on top of the wings however.

F) On this attempt, i cut off the cockpit to create my own,i cut the back off, where the second chair was located,kept the first frontal one and severely SEVERELY lowered it to the extent ya think the cockpit is inside the hull. (Warning THIS IS EASILY THE HARDEST PART OF THE WHOLE PROCCESS,YOU WILL FRACK IT UP, its understandable) you connect it to the original back of the cockpit which goes in the same place
as it is shown in the instructions,only instead ya flip it and pull it a bit further back.

G) Glue the tail wings by using the tail wings, the shorter ones put them vertically and the longer ones horizontally by forming a 90% degrees angle between them.

Few pointers:

A) dont be afraid to use any leftovers which are a lot to cover any exposed areas, this requires
just some creativity and imagination and gives the aircraft a more natural look.

B) Ofcourse weapon placement is easy, btw buy two valks with a friend of yours
and have one use the "Barrel missiles" and the other use the regular ones so ya each get 4.
( If strapped just use the original missiles of the valk)

C) I have made a little trick with the base placement. In the area where you connect the base to the plane.
Instead of just putting it normally, i put a little "pillow" for the back part of the place where the base rests on.This forces it to sit on an angle instead of being straight, which gives it a totally new higher angle and
makes it look MUCH MUCH cooler.

D) use the "clamps" from what i understand is the landing gear to make sort of two coat hangars
for the dreadnought which ya glue in the back of the vehicle and use them to slide the dreadnought in place without any use of magnets

E) Dont be afraid to cut things with a saw or a cutter where it seems unnatural,the paint will fix the rest.

Well basically thats it,dunno if i am forgetting something.

If ya need clarification on ANYTHING or more details please dont be afraid to ask, i ' d love to help
others make the same thing and not waste terrible amounts of cash on it :) I actually built two myself.


04-09-2010, 12:03 AM
This is definitely one of the better ones and the only one that uses one kit. Do you still have the piece that connects the tail booms together? I think I would probably want them connected if I built one using your example.

Unfortunatly it is used to add illusionary mass on the back of the aricraft,trust me it pretty much HAS to be where its located currently.Although i imagine using some small piece of wood or plasticard could do the same trick, its just that the idea behind this iteration is that you basically open up one valkyrie and with glue and cutters create one stormraven,i even had to use sprue pieces on certain locations :) Which i wont mention :P

04-09-2010, 02:36 AM
that is an amazing storm raven! I might give that a go! (my design would cost wayyyy too much)

04-09-2010, 05:52 AM
http://img11.imagehosting.gr/out.php/t1365891_005.jpg (http://imagehosting.gr/show.php/1365891_005.jpg.html)

there now its painted!

04-09-2010, 06:04 PM
mor pics painted!

Lucian Kain
04-09-2010, 07:48 PM
Hey just a quick question how many entry points dose it have?was it 4???

04-10-2010, 03:50 AM
I do believe its three, and i managed to create as many,not quite sure,not really a point though
since they disembark 2 inches from the base of the aircraft in any direction so its purely for fluff reasons you re asking i guess?