View Full Version : Necromunda Wishlisting (neither news nor rumour)

Mr Mystery
01-03-2016, 08:09 PM
So there's not actually a forum for such threads yet, so putting it here for want of anywhere else (please Bigred, I'll be your best friend, and Psychosplodge will be your slave for like, a week if we can have a shiny new SG general board!)

Anyways..... Specialist Games are up and running again, and we've now seen the beginnings of Blood Bowl.

But arseholes to Blood Bowl, because I suck horribly at it. Smelly old Blood Bowl. Nyeh. GTFO (what? Of course I'll still be buying it!).

As you might have guessed, this is about Wishlisting for Necromunda.

But controversially, I'd like to start with stuff I'd prefer them to leave out of the new version.


1. Plasma Cannons. Seriously? Like, seriously seriously? WHERE THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU GET THAT FROM? And don't say the Astra Militarum Surplus Store. You're not a sodding tank. I'd prefer a more limited range of stock Heavy Weapons.

2. Spyrers. Nothing ruins a campaign quite like Spyrers. It's not so much their rules, so much as every time I've been in a campaign that's featured Spyrers, it's been the local knobend gamer using them to pick on the weediest gangs in lieu of any actual gaming skill whatsoever.

3. Campaign system that so solidly supports the first gang to get ahead. Could be jammy rolling on the turf, or a couple of solid early wins. Again can only speak from my experience, but those early breaks all too often left that gang in an unassailable position. Whilst I appreciate skill is ultimately going to be the deciding factor, as the usual leader of the local campaigns, I found newcomers being put off because by the time they'd learnt the ropes, they had no chance of really progressing.

So, controversial stuff over with, here's some stuff I do want to see (mix of adopting new, and maintaining old)

1. See my comment about Heavy Weapons? Instead of just doling out stock Lascannons, Autocannons and Plasma Cannons etc, keep your starting dakka simple, but get a bit Orky and introduce gunsmiths as people you can visit during the post game sequence, including the risk that they'll bugger it right up, rendering your favourite bit of dakka useless forever more. In fact just generally, a more in-depth shopping experience post game.

2. NPC options increased. This is an idea to help tackle runaway gang success. In short, the campaign master can finally get some gaming in (because they certainly should not be running a gang!) with something really nasty. Doesn't have to be a set outcome (as in 30 Genestealers would be a set outcome, for the most part). But just some way to help rein in those that have leapt ahead. One way could be for the other Gangs involved to bribe the local Guilder. Each contributes a number of credits, which the GM can then spend to recruit hired guns and other nasties to go give the big fish a proper shoeing. It's not about wiping them out, just breaking their stranglehold some.

3. It's the Underhive. Give me some Cultists beyond the Redemptionist Crusades. Chaos. Xenos, Imperial - any and all shades. Hell, just make it some sort of progression option for the Gangs? Without this, it just doesn't feel anarchic enough!

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-04-2016, 01:40 AM
Gotta agreee. BB is cool for what it is but I have zero interest in sport in the real world or fantasy worlds alike.

I want to see a Hrud gang myself. Might be a good way to test the waters with them too.

01-04-2016, 07:34 AM
What I want:

A plastic set from GW consisting of the following:
8 woman Escher Gang.
8 man Goliath gang
As much plastic terrain as can physically be fitted in the damned box.

Release the remaining classic gangs in short order
IA style campaign books based on famous gang wars, each introducing a new special gang (spyrers, hrud, genestealer cult, eldar even, etc.)
More resin terrain
Include some bloody women in the gangs.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-04-2016, 07:44 AM
yeah, I think the only women in the whole game WERE just in Escher, which was bizarre. Should be at least a few per gang (ideally 50/50, but we all now they probably won't do that sadly)

Oh and they need a rivethead/cybergoth esque gang. goliath are basicly punk-rockers, so I want to see girls with gas masks and dreads and guys wearing goggles and respirators.

Mr Mystery
01-04-2016, 07:45 AM
Oh, and expansions/alt settings to introduce different species and gang types.

I'd still kill for one set within a Rogue Trader or Explorator Fleet.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-04-2016, 07:49 AM
Oh, and expansions/alt settings to introduce different species and gang types.

I'd still kill for one set within a Rogue Trader or Explorator Fleet.

I do like this idea. Would be a great way to test the waters with new alien races or do ones that aren't really armies but do have some firepower. Prob i have with all these small skirmish games is they are always human focussed like infinity. Necromunda was too. I can't be arsed to DIY that myself...GW do it for me plz

01-04-2016, 07:50 AM
50% of all gangs plus Escher and Goliath as mono-gender gangs would be acceptable hehe. I kind of want to see female punk Goliaths, but they might have to tone down the bodybuilder aesthetic to make it work aesthetically, not that the women shouldn't be muscled but goliath were a bit OTT.

- - - Updated - - -

I do like this idea. Would be a great way to test the waters with new alien races or do ones that aren't really armies but do have some firepower. Prob i have with all these small skirmish games is they are always human focussed like infinity. Necromunda was too. I can't be arsed to DIY that myself...GW do it for me plz

Including alien gangs would be a great way of getting people to buy kits from those army to kitbash gangs. Like an eldar gang cut off from the webway having to increasingly rely on human tech as their eldar stuff wears out or is destroyed/lost.

Mr Mystery
01-04-2016, 07:52 AM
House Goliath.

So far in the close they're in Narnia.

AX - fair point there. Just tiny random squad types of Xenos. Release over time, and eventually pump out a Mercenary type Codex to allow use in 40k.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-04-2016, 07:53 AM
50% of all gangs plus Escher and Goliath as mono-gender gangs would be acceptable hehe. I kind of want to see female punk Goliaths, but they might have to tone down the bodybuilder aesthetic to make it work aesthetically, not that the women shouldn't be muscled but goliath were a bit OTT.

- - - Updated - - -

Including alien gangs would be a great way of getting people to buy kits from those army to kitbash gangs. Like an eldar gang cut off from the webway having to increasingly rely on human tech as their eldar stuff wears out or is destroyed/lost.

female goliath = Riot grrls = awesome


Mr Mystery
01-04-2016, 07:55 AM
Eldar Rangers. Tracked something useful or nasty or nastily useful to Necromunda, and are quite content to wreck the whole Underhive to find it.

Dark Eldar? Youth Gang with their own personal hunting paradise (far better than Spyrers!)

Orks? Don't need a reason. Dey's Orkses!

Tau? Small infiltration team seeking to learn more about Humanity?

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-04-2016, 08:00 AM
House Goliath.

So far in the close they're in Narnia.

AX - fair point there. Just tiny random squad types of Xenos. Release over time, and eventually pump out a Mercenary type Codex to allow use in 40k.

Hrud seem to get everywhere, so they make the most sense. Lacrymole would make sense as they can shapeshift into human forms, which could be interesting from a modelling and painting PoV. Rak'Gol would make sense too as they seem more piratical in nature but not to the extent of the Dark Eldar.

01-04-2016, 08:04 AM
female goliath = Riot grrls = awesome


Yup, and that look could easily be folded into Escher if they wanted to go with the Goliath as male only idea.

Eldar: Searching for a lost eldar shrine under teh hive dating back to when it was an eldar colony before the Fall. Alternatively, searching for soulstones lost during a war with the Imperium where eldar nearly destroyed the hive but had to withdraw before they could collect all the stones of the ded
Dark Eldar: Small webway portal, not enough for a widespread invasion (no vehicles), few dark eldar doing it for lulz.
Tau: Scouting force sent to investigate hive for strategic weaknesses, got trapped in the underhive, trying to gather enough tech to bust out.
Orks: hur hur smash stuff hur
Chaos culists: recruiting the downtrodden
Necrons: Lord awakens to find his tomb is now full of ****-literally, and has a hive built right on top

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-04-2016, 08:08 AM
Kinda sick of male necron lords tbh, would be nice to introduce a female one. I still intend to convert up a tomb queen for my army. Something along the lines of the Metropolis android would be cool.

Mr Mystery
01-04-2016, 08:13 AM
Genestealer Cult - self explanatory. There's a good chance it would struggle to properly flourish in such a violent environs.....

Though.....Cults could be a secretive thing. You'd get perks, sure - but if your hand is tipped, you're pretty much screwed as the entire Underhive is then out to get you above all others. Imagine running a Genestealer Cult. You have limited access to Hybrids and Purestrains. Each of those can be pretty powerful. But, if you lose too many battles where you used them (even just one if Hybrids or Purestrains are captured) then word gets out, and that's you utterly bollocksed mate. Bollocksed as in its assumed the Arbites come a-knocking en masse, and that's the end of your gang, either wiped out or so scattered they can't regroup.

Ditto Chaos Cults and other proscribed things. Lots of perks, but you have to be careful where and how you use them. Berserker Bob might be able to beat three people to death with his own Liver and still not die, but his constant (very, very loud) screams of BLOOD FOR KHORNE is a dead give away. And the Inquisition are everywhere....

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-04-2016, 08:15 AM
They need to bring Genestealer cults back in some form either way. With the focus on mini-armies like harlequins these days there is no reason not too. Not sure if Necromunda would be the best way to bring them back, allthough i suppose hybrids and a magus could work, then expand it later with a codexs for 40k perhaps?

Mr Mystery
01-04-2016, 08:17 AM
Just another way to flog the models :)

01-04-2016, 08:24 AM
Kinda sick of male necron lords tbh, would be nice to introduce a female one. I still intend to convert up a tomb queen for my army. Something along the lines of the Metropolis android would be cool.

Me too, was going to convert a female lord up myself but got bored with GW and their lack of diversity before I got around to it.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-04-2016, 08:30 AM
Me too, was going to convert a female lord up myself but got bored with GW and their lack of diversity before I got around to it.

I'm "doing something about it" with my own game at least, the protagonist aliens are 90% female cos I think non-humanoid female alien protagonists are badass and of course given their design totally non-sexualised too. Most other races have an equal distribution of gender, if they do have gender (some have none, others have more than two)

01-04-2016, 08:37 AM
I approve.:) Hehe.

Path Walker
01-04-2016, 08:56 AM
I love Necromunda, its my favorite game (almost certainly nostalgia driven) and it despertly needs GW to come in and make the rules. The "New Community Edition 2" of Necromunda is a living testament to why games design by committee doesn't work. The game is fractured into 3 or 4 different versions of the rules, the most recently updated including such fresh nonsense as letting starting gangs buy Boltguns for gangers and that sort of rubbish. The Bolter is a holy relic, owning one without sanction is punishable by death. Even in the Underhive its seen as a symbol of status and wealth, its why a starting gang can't buy them unless its for the leader.

What I'd like to see?

Low tech, we've seen Space Marines get more and more toys, the Militarum can some impressive new bits of kit. The Underhive is a place where you don't see much technology beyond a Lasgun. Anything else is Archeotech, the detritus of generations before hidden deep among the rubble and sludge. You're lucky to find it, most gangs will spend their lives digging around hoping to get rich. Your heavy has a Heavy Stubber because that's all you can afford, your gangs have revolvers and autoguns and count themselves amongst the biggest threats in the Underhive.

I know people are getting excited about xenos in the hive and that's cool to throw in once in a campaign but I really hope they concentrate on what makes the setting so good, its humans desperately scratching a living in the lawless wastes. I want to see men and women fighting to survive, to make it out of the Underhive, who aspire to the drudgery of the Hive City. The Hive is a massively dense city, Necromunda is deep in human territory (and a recruitment world for the Imperial Fists), Xenos incurrsion is going to be very rare if it happens at all, Tau (with their lack of real FTL travel) aren't going to make it that far for a long time.

I think the box and rules might well come without any gangs, just a big box of terrain, walkways and ladders and platforms that brings the verticality that made fighting in the underhive so interesting. The gangs probably won't ever see plastic, its too risky, especially as you want a lot of variety in your Houses. Some Forgeworld resin, with different gun options (like the hand/gun sprues from the 2000 gang resculpts) would be more realistic.

I'd not be surprised if we saw a different Hive on the planet with new houses. The Goliath punk-barbarian aesthetic is rooted in the 80s, for example, and probably won't translate well to today's audience.

Mr Mystery
01-04-2016, 09:01 AM
What did you say about the 80's?



Path Walker
01-04-2016, 09:16 AM
Hey I love the 80s as much as the nest person in their 30s, but the TechBarbarian with a mohawk isn't going to have the same emotional impact to a 20 year old is all!

01-04-2016, 09:36 AM
Hey I love the 80s as much as the nest person in their 30s, but the TechBarbarian with a mohawk isn't going to have the same emotional impact to a 20 year old is all!

I hate that you're right.

Al Shut
01-04-2016, 11:20 AM
I always thought the Western influence was a bit too much with ratskins (I see what you did there) and the bit where gangs were having Western style duels. I could gladly live without that.

Apart from that I just want plastic models with a ton of weapon options.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-04-2016, 11:23 AM
to be fair the recent mad max film has kinda changed that, allthough it is updated from the 80's - but dieselpunk is well alive.

Path Walker
01-04-2016, 12:39 PM
to be fair the recent mad max film has kinda changed that, allthough it is updated from the 80's - but dieselpunk is well alive.

Its still a subculture of a subculture of a subculture, its not got the same resonance now, look at B movies/video game boxes from the 80s, lurid punk baddies were "in" then.

- - - Updated - - -

I hate that you're right.

I do too mate, I do too. It means we'll never get the pre unification wars Techno-Barbarian skirmish game I want.

01-04-2016, 01:03 PM
I think now more than ever a cyberpunk dystopia setting would be perfect.
I want a remade Necromunda, with lots of scope beyond the core gangs. characters. cults. aliens. all the madness. It'll be corking :D

So there's not actually a forum for such threads yet, so putting it here for want of anywhere else (please Bigred, I'll be your best friend, and Psychosplodge will be your slave for like, a week if we can have a shiny new SG general board!)

Idk if I can fit it, I'm already doing three peoples work...

Mr Mystery
01-04-2016, 03:08 PM
Hush your noise and work harderer.

There. Who says I have no management skills.

01-05-2016, 04:36 AM
I love Necromunda, its my favorite game (almost certainly nostalgia driven) and it despertly needs GW to come in and make the rules. The "New Community Edition 2" of Necromunda is a living testament to why games design by committee doesn't work. The game is fractured into 3 or 4 different versions of the rules, the most recently updated including such fresh nonsense as letting starting gangs buy Boltguns for gangers and that sort of rubbish. The Bolter is a holy relic, owning one without sanction is punishable by death. Even in the Underhive its seen as a symbol of status and wealth, its why a starting gang can't buy them unless its for the leader.

What I'd like to see?

Low tech, we've seen Space Marines get more and more toys, the Militarum can some impressive new bits of kit. The Underhive is a place where you don't see much technology beyond a Lasgun. Anything else is Archeotech, the detritus of generations before hidden deep among the rubble and sludge. You're lucky to find it, most gangs will spend their lives digging around hoping to get rich. Your heavy has a Heavy Stubber because that's all you can afford, your gangs have revolvers and autoguns and count themselves amongst the biggest threats in the Underhive.

I know people are getting excited about xenos in the hive and that's cool to throw in once in a campaign but I really hope they concentrate on what makes the setting so good, its humans desperately scratching a living in the lawless wastes. I want to see men and women fighting to survive, to make it out of the Underhive, who aspire to the drudgery of the Hive City. The Hive is a massively dense city, Necromunda is deep in human territory (and a recruitment world for the Imperial Fists), Xenos incurrsion is going to be very rare if it happens at all, Tau (with their lack of real FTL travel) aren't going to make it that far for a long time.

I think the box and rules might well come without any gangs, just a big box of terrain, walkways and ladders and platforms that brings the verticality that made fighting in the underhive so interesting. The gangs probably won't ever see plastic, its too risky, especially as you want a lot of variety in your Houses. Some Forgeworld resin, with different gun options (like the hand/gun sprues from the 2000 gang resculpts) would be more realistic.

I'd not be surprised if we saw a different Hive on the planet with new houses. The Goliath punk-barbarian aesthetic is rooted in the 80s, for example, and probably won't translate well to today's audience.

Agree with most things, except that there is no way GW would produce a game without any miniatures. A minimal amount possible, 12-16 vs the usual 50+. Also with xenos its not like they should be common, but as a long term plan for FW releases introducing a xenos gang every once and a while would keep things interesting.

Certainly the gang aesthetics would need to be tweaked in most cases, just updated in terms of sculpt in some cases (Cawdor) but others would need big updates. Need ot make sure delaque don't end up looking like 90s hackers lol.

01-05-2016, 02:17 PM
Need ot make sure delaque don't end up looking like 90s hackers lol.

But I like that aesthetic for them :p

01-08-2016, 03:50 AM
Hush your noise and work harderer.

There. Who says I have no management skills.

Sorry I was wrong.
I'm now upto 4. Your management is clearly working :rolleyes:

Mr Mystery
01-11-2016, 07:23 AM
I'd be OK with fairly basic, Chaos Cultist style sculpts for the boxed game, if that allows the budget to really cane the scenery.

The 40k stuff is nice and all, decent sculpts, reasonable price given the quantity and quality, but Necromunda needs more than just hollowed out buildings.

For a game where LoS plays such a large traditional role (the original plastic bulkheads offered interesting play options) you really need the terrain to be flexible.

01-11-2016, 07:52 AM
Some sort of slotable STC system? Where standard sized floors and bulkheads can be rearranged within a frame?

Mr Mystery
01-11-2016, 08:03 AM
That could be cool. And likely prove popular for crossing over into 40k.

Just as long as whatever it turns out to be is more robust than the original Necromunda terrain.

01-11-2016, 08:05 AM
Yes it soon started to look tatty.

Mr Mystery
01-11-2016, 08:09 AM
Was good for its time like, but time does have a habit of moving on.

Long as I can have gantries, walkways and ramps, I'll be a happy camper.

Mr Mystery
01-16-2016, 07:28 AM
I'm wondering what sort of price point we might see for Necromunda.

See, I don't expect it to contain more than a couple of Gangs, perhaps with some weapon variety.

So this might mean we'd expect it to be less than Betrayal At Calth's rather hefty £95.00. After all, that's absolutely stuffed to the gunnels with models - one of the main reasons it was so well received (the other of course is that compared to the resin alternative, it's stonking value)

But then, as discussed at length already, the main player in Necromunda is the scenery.

The original set came with three decent sized buildings of (most importantly) varying dimensions and lay out, plus numerous walkways and gantries and that.

So the Imperial Sector (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Imperial-Sector) set seems the closest modern day equivalent. It's a discounted collection of already 'actually quite cheap for what you get' buildings which can be assembled as you so wish. £70.00 all in.

Yet.....when it comes to our boxed or otherwise starter sets, we're well used to be thoroughly spoiled in terms of value - so it seems we could expect more.

Me? Nominal price limit is a nice, round £100.00, provided I get two Gangs with some options (doesn't have to be comprehensive, other opinions are available and just as valid) and scenery equivalent to the Imperial Sector in scale, with additional barricades and walkways. Oh, and the rules. They're kind of necessary!

But do be sure that that's my price limit. I'd of course be happy with less - I'm not insane. But anymore than that and the boxed set would have to be truly, indisputably mega in terms of volume and quality of content.