View Full Version : Bad news & good news, the 2015 in review...

Lost Vyper
12-31-2015, 01:02 AM
HI yaīll!

This year has seen some bad things and some awesome things happening considering my hobby. Letīs start with the bad ones, cos itīs always fun to end on a high note...

Not so nice in 2015

- Unbelievable decline of games in my own FLGC.
First we had five guys, but first, one of the dudes working schedule and family life took him away from the hobby completely. He hasnīt played a single game in the 7th edition. Then the other two work like crazy and theyīve been seen playing in the late summer/early autumn the last time. The two troopers (me being the other) fought hard until the October and havenīt played since. We are all people with families and jobs, so this was expected, but it still stings a bit, cos we really had a nice gaming room and crew.

- Renovations at my friends house
Yep, this just in (yesterday), we are going to get smaller space (why not, itīs not like we are playing much...:() after the renovations for our gaming room. Our gaming room was huge, so i see the point in this one, but again, it feels like "the dream is over", you know?

- Due to the second and third positive notion, less time to discuss on the boards.
Yeah, very few batreps and posts in the future, but thatīs the way the cookie crumbles i quess... :rolleyes:

okay, letīs dry the monocle and go on to the awesome stuff of 2015!

F*** YEAH! 2015 ROCKED!

- Found new gaming buddies
Got my a** off the chair and went to the Poromagia-storeīs Tuesday 40K -days and made new gaming buddies! Now we have a Whatsapp-crew and iīll never have to struggle to find a game again. I recommend everybody to get out of your comfort zone, if you are not getting the amount of games you would like to get. I was a huge complainer of not having the games, but look-e-here, oh, how easy it really was actually...

- Moved
Me and my family packed our stuff and moved in to a more affordable flat. More money for the hobby? :D

- I got a job!
Yeah, after a long period of unemployment, i finally got a job

- I got a DREAM job!
I struck gold. Iīm now a GM at Warhammer Helsinki...couldnīt grasp it in the first weeks, but thatīs my name on the id tag :D .
I got a great staff, awesome store and wonderful customers and we are going to make 2016 a year to remember!

Have a nice New Year everybody! I wish many dice to be rolled in the 2016 and if you are in Finland / Helsinki, come to the shop and say hi!

- Lost Vyper

Arkhan Land
12-31-2015, 01:24 AM
heres me


no new sisters codex

drugs destroyed one of the bands I played In, ruined an out of country tour and a record release that was already done and pressed

my van stopped working


Meeting three people I game with on a nearly weekly basis now

another one of the bands I play in is on the up for getting our record put out/touring out again

I fixed my van

2016 wooooooooooo

- A.L.

Mr Mystery
12-31-2015, 02:30 AM
HI yaīll!

This year has seen some bad things and some awesome things happening considering my hobby. Letīs start with the bad ones, cos itīs always fun to end on a high note...

Not so nice in 2015

- Unbelievable decline of games in my own FLGC.
First we had five guys, but first, one of the dudes working schedule and family life took him away from the hobby completely. He hasnīt played a single game in the 7th edition. Then the other two work like crazy and theyīve been seen playing in the late summer/early autumn the last time. The two troopers (me being the other) fought hard until the October and havenīt played since. We are all people with families and jobs, so this was expected, but it still stings a bit, cos we really had a nice gaming room and crew.

- Renovations at my friends house
Yep, this just in (yesterday), we are going to get smaller space (why not, itīs not like we are playing much...:() after the renovations for our gaming room. Our gaming room was huge, so i see the point in this one, but again, it feels like "the dream is over", you know?

- Due to the second and third positive notion, less time to discuss on the boards.
Yeah, very few batreps and posts in the future, but thatīs the way the cookie crumbles i quess... :rolleyes:

okay, letīs dry the monocle and go on to the awesome stuff of 2015!

F*** YEAH! 2015 ROCKED!

- Found new gaming buddies
Got my a** off the chair and went to the Poromagia-storeīs Tuesday 40K -days and made new gaming buddies! Now we have a Whatsapp-crew and iīll never have to struggle to find a game again. I recommend everybody to get out of your comfort zone, if you are not getting the amount of games you would like to get. I was a huge complainer of not having the games, but look-e-here, oh, how easy it really was actually...

- Moved
Me and my family packed our stuff and moved in to a more affordable flat. More money for the hobby? :D

- I got a job!
Yeah, after a long period of unemployment, i finally got a job

- I got a DREAM job!
I struck gold. Iīm now a GM at Warhammer Helsinki...couldnīt grasp it in the first weeks, but thatīs my name on the id tag :D .
I got a great staff, awesome store and wonderful customers and we are going to make 2016 a year to remember!

Have a nice New Year everybody! I wish many dice to be rolled in the 2016 and if you are in Finland / Helsinki, come to the shop and say hi!

- Lost Vyper

Say hello to Ramon for me! That dude helped me turn my life around! Speaking of which....

The Bad

Was sent marching orders from my old flat. Stressful!

Got gypped at work by former manager (whole team did)

Still no missus



Moar Tau

Plakky Heresy (I may have far, far too much to be getting on with....)

Newer, biggerer flat. WITH GAMING ROOM

Got a fantabulous new manager at work, who backs me up on pretty much everything appropriate, and has helped me to crash on.

Loadsa friends

Lost Vyper
12-31-2015, 03:19 AM
Awesome guys!

Sorry about the bad things, but it seems, that the good things reign no matter what! ;)

- LV

Mr Mystery
12-31-2015, 03:33 AM
Oh, and I was asked to be Godfather to my friend's daughter. Which of course I accepted.

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-31-2015, 05:15 AM
bad :
government screwing me again
friend died of cancer (RIP Coral)
mental heath taking a turn for worse (but getting a bit better lately thank f**k)

good :
put out some of my best albums ever
did a lot of on my wargame, with another faction practically done and sculpted
started heresy army!
got a lot done for my sci-fi web show, more than iv ever done in previous times iv tried to get such a project together so who knows ya'll might see something on YT in the next year!

Erik Setzer
12-31-2015, 06:14 AM
Aos killed Fantasy community.
40K in decline across town.
GW store might close up.
Mum's not in the best health.
Own health took a bit of a dive.

Got more recognition at work, got a slightly bigger raise than prior years (2.5% as opposed to 2%).
Found new games to fill the hole in my hobby (board games, card games, X-Wing, Armada, Kings of War, Armada).
Lots more Star Wars stuff, including a new movie.
Warhammer Fantasy Battles had some awesome releases and a nice series of books at the start of the year.
Got plenty more video games to play.

While the dwindling interest in GW locally is hurting my ability to play those games, I can at least look on the bright side that the money I'm not spending on them can get me other games, but even more importantly, start rebuilding my old stash of Star Wars stuff I used to have and other stuff at home to make my apartment more enjoyable to lounge in, and more free time to get back to catching movies and stuff.

Hendrik Booraem VI
12-31-2015, 07:15 AM
Bad in 2015
Failed a masters-level class in biblical hebrew that I paid $1200USD to take
Pastor at my church resigned abruptly due to health issues his wife was facing
lots of friends from my Sunday School class at church left for other churches :(

Good in 2015
Asked to be on Pastor Search committee for my church
Elected Deacon at my church
Hard-working team leader in my military unit decided to stay and is really doing a great job
Dad moved about 12 hours closer to me than he was before
Dad's health is still pretty good for having had 2 bouts with cancer, so the kids get to see him before he dies
Oldest child graduated high school and is off to college
Wife got a second job doing stuff she enjoys from home - more $$ for WH40K!
Started a WH40K group at my work (work at a college - got college students involved) and spread the hobby to at least 10 people
Played lots of WH40K with my 3 oldest boys and the students at work
Youngest son (aged 6) asked to take up the Imperial Guard army(!)
Church got an outstanding interim pastor