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View Full Version : What does one do when one has broken one's ship?

Mr Mystery
12-29-2015, 02:13 AM
Morning all.

Slight disaster travelling home from seeing my folks. I took my two shiny new Gozanti out of their boxes for reasons of room in my bags, and sadly the TIE Fighters didn't all make it.

Now, two of the three that got mangled were repairable - dod of glue and the wings were reattached.

But the third? Well, sadly the third has shattered it's peg mount. Short of supergluing it to it's stand, I can't think of any other way to rectify this little tragedy (doubly tragic as I mainly bought two so I could load each up with colour matched TIEs - I'm odd like that).

Am I overlooking something obvious? Is there a third party out there that might be able to provide me with a new mounting peg (the bit that sits under the ship to connect it to its base)


Erik Setzer
12-29-2015, 09:11 AM
Admittedly I don't have much time to do digging, but my Google searches aren't turning up anything more than people using magnets when the mount breaks. Some guy apparently contacted FFG and ended up getting a replacement ship, so I suppose that's a possible option.

12-29-2015, 09:57 AM
hmmmm... maybe carefully drill a right-sized hole into the body of the TIE itself? It would sit slightly lower on the peg afterwards, but it's not like that was modelling for LoS advantage...

12-31-2015, 05:13 AM
Hawk Wargames attach their dropships and aircraft to flying stands with 'widgets' - see http://www.hawkwargames.com/products/40x-hawk-widgets-pack for details. They work with 3mm flight stands, would that be compatible with FFG/X-Wing stands?

01-29-2016, 11:45 AM
I know that FFG is usually stellar about replacements. I broke the pin holder off my Falcon and they sent me an entire new Falcon.