View Full Version : Slight Forum Refresh

12-27-2015, 03:34 PM
More X-Wing areas added and moved up, Age of Sigmar moved down slightly.

News and Rumors General added for all non-GW items you may find. Basically this is the place to drop in all the hot items you find out there on the net - that you never quite knew where to put. Anything from boardgames to tabletop to RPGs is welcome.

Have fun with your Star Wars friends!

I know X-Wing is exploding pretty much everywhere, so we will start here and see how the forums fill out in a month or so. Don't be a stranger. We want to see more people here talking FFG so bring your friends.

I would also like to get people's opinions on the number of News & Rumors sub-forums, or whether you would like to have 40K/General/Age of Sigmar condensed into 1 master forum - or stay seperate.


Mr Mystery
12-27-2015, 05:30 PM
You can't do this when I'm drunk!

Think of the consequences! Someone has to, because I can't. I'm drunk.

12-28-2015, 05:23 PM
It seems fairly reasonable. I like the rumours in different subs to be honest as it helps organisationally; though having said that I most often browse via the "new posts"