View Full Version : Star Wars General Discussion (OT, PT, TCW, Comics, Legends, toys etc.)

12-23-2015, 06:28 AM
I thought it made sense to have one of these rather than clog up any of the existing, more specific topics with random chat.

TFA Spoiler topic (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?62588-The-Force-Awakens-Spoilerific-Discussion)
TFA Non-Spoiler topic (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?51066-Star-Wars-The-Force-Awakens-first-official-trailer)
Star Wars Rebels topic (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?49530-Star-Wars-Rebels)
Rogue One topic (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?55065-Star-Wars-Rogue-One-(December-16-2016))

Anyway, in all the excitement around Celebration Anaheim earlier in the year I missed the fact we got our first new canon lady TIE pilots:
Artur Essada (left) and Tana Chellaine (right) from a short story in Star Wars Insider 156.

12-23-2015, 09:22 AM
also too important not to include:


12-23-2015, 09:34 AM
Anyway, in all the excitement around Celebration Anaheim earlier in the year I missed the fact we got our first new canon lady TIE pilots:

This stuff is important. I went to go see TFA with a friend of mine who was telling me about her days dating a true Star Wars Guy - could quote the originals from memory, crafted up his own Stormtrooper outfit to join the 501st, etc. - and how much she really wanted to join in on that, but always felt boxed in by gender. When it came to cosplay, her choices came down to Leia, Mon Mothma, or...Twi'lek Dancer. She so, so wanted to be a part of that world (she showed up to TFA as 'Work-Safe Han Solo,' all dress pants and dark vest), but the barrier was very real. After seeing TFA, with its focus on hyper-competent Rey, villains like Phasma, etc., she was so happy, oh my goodness. The gender representation problem isn't just something for people to batter back and forth on the internet, it's a very real effect in people's ability to enjoy entertainment, and feel like a full part of the culture.

Also, re: Vader Stuff from the TFA Spoilers thread (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?62588-The-Force-Awakens-Spoilerific-Discussion&p=525477&viewfull=1#post525477)...

He's supposed to be Palpatine's most feared enforcers, able to cause entire worlds to abandon resistance to the Empire just by being there so he should be a complete badass.
See, I dunno. Vader's certainly a force (hee hee) to be reckoned with, but he was never even hinted to be the kind of guy who shows up alone and annihilates planetary resistance. Thinking back to the OT, Vader's mastery of the Force extends to...

- Force-choking a couple of guys
- Stopping blaster shots
- Remote presence intel gathering (that Hoth is a Rebel base, that Obi-Wan is in the vicinity, etc)
- Tossing some boxes around

That's it, far as I remember. It'd probably make him something of a one-on-one beast, but this isn't the stuff of taking out full fighter squadrons (else 'A New Hope's trench run would've ended really quickly), much less small armies. Hell, even Yoda had to steady himself and concentrate just to lift an X-Wing by a couple of meters. The Force, as an actual kinetic force, is just never portrayed as that powerful in the OT. It's a useful tool, but like the pop-influenced understanding of eastern mysticism it was based on, its real power is supposed to lie in bringing you closer to 'oneness' with the universe. It does make Vader very powerful, not because he can quash the Rebellion on his lonesome, but because he knows where to show up. Even then, think of Hoth - he shows up, sure, but he does it with a clutch of Star Destroyers, legions of Stormtroopers and enough AT-Whatever-Tees to flatten a small city. If he were a one-man wrecking ball, he'd be on the front lines, wiping out Rebels left and right and personally turning the shield generators to scrap. As it is, he doesn't even show up planetside until the fighting's almost done, specifically because it's not safe for him to do so. He's not a god. Just a man with some power.

12-23-2015, 09:58 AM
Yup, in the OT that was basically all you had, or a Rebel communications officer. The PT gave us some more Jedi which was good, and Padme and handmaidens (who fought!) which was also good. TCW gave us even more characters and most importantly Ahsoka and canon female armoured Mandalorians. TFA gives us:
General Leia
Resistance pilots
Resistance troopers
Resistance officers
FO Stormtroopers
FO Officers
Various characters from Maz Kanata's castle and I guess Maz Kanata herself if you're little...
Various dignitaries we see on Hosnian Prime.
Armed villagers

I think part of the problem is Vader was supposed to be all that, but we don't see him do it in the films. I'd really recommend checking out the comic, it makes it all very plausible and in line with what force powers we see him perform.

- - - Updated - - -

Not that there was any doubt really, but Kathleen Kennedy has confirmed Rey, Finn and Poe etc (http://www.denofgeek.us/movies/star-wars/248836/star-wars-episode-viii-news-phasmas-return-script-details-casting-update-release-date). are all returning for Episode VIII. Also Phasma will feature prominently. Too early for a separate Episode VIII topic? Heh.

12-23-2015, 09:59 AM
also too important not to include:

True :p

Also also too important not to include:


12-23-2015, 10:04 AM
I haven't seen that in ages, just sprayed hot chocolate over my keyboard and monitor.:p

12-23-2015, 10:13 AM




I met Luke skywalker today (: I love Star Trek!

Dumb b*tch

Don’t be rude….. Why can’t I be a Trekkie and proud? “Falcon Punch!!!” Amiright?

Just incase this isn’t a joke. Harrison Ford played Han Solo in Star wars

No sweetie……. You’re confused…….. You’re thinking about Yoda from Star Fox (:

In honor of the third Star Wars, I wanted to remind everyone how lucky I am to have met Luke sky walker!

Mr Mystery
12-23-2015, 02:07 PM
Yup, in the OT that was basically all you had, or a Rebel communications officer. The PT gave us some more Jedi which was good, and Padme and handmaidens (who fought!) which was also good. TCW gave us even more characters and most importantly Ahsoka and canon female armoured Mandalorians. TFA gives us:
General Leia
Resistance pilots
Resistance troopers
Resistance officers
FO Stormtroopers
FO Officers
Various characters from Maz Kanata's castle and I guess Maz Kanata herself if you're little...
Various dignitaries we see on Hosnian Prime.
Armed villagers

And just as important, if not possibly more important - not one character batted an eye at such inclusion, clearly showing the galaxy itself isn't that gender obsessed.

Think about how it could have gone - with Rey in particular. When she flies the Falcon and patches it up, not a questioning word out of Finn about her gender. All too easily it could have been 'but how did you learn that - you're a girl'

Mr Mystery
12-23-2015, 04:31 PM
Oh, and Toys wise?

1 X First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter
1 X First Order TIE Pilot
Sarco Plank
Guavian Enforcer
BB-8, Jakku Scavenger and Unku's Thug
Captain Phasma


12-24-2015, 12:49 AM
The fact that there doesn't seem to be a decently-sized Luggabeast (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Luggabeast) toy is making me a little crazy - that thing's as perfect a Squiggoth/Fiend base as can be imagined.

Mr Mystery
12-24-2015, 03:34 AM
True that.

I now want Rey's Survival Guide (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Rey%27s_Survival_Guide)

12-24-2015, 09:05 AM
Me too, also the Visual Dictionary and the book of concept art.

Mr Mystery
12-24-2015, 11:27 AM
Those too.

Erik Setzer
12-24-2015, 02:48 PM
See, I dunno. Vader's certainly a force (hee hee) to be reckoned with, but he was never even hinted to be the kind of guy who shows up alone and annihilates planetary resistance. Thinking back to the OT, Vader's mastery of the Force extends to...

Well, he typically leads an army/fleet, and leads it well (though some of his underlings leave much to be desired).

But the Vader Down crossover is covering this well. It's three issues in, and so far he's:

-Taken out multiple squadrons of X-Wings, including turning their torpedoes back on the ships that fired them. (Luke rammed him with his X-Wing to take him out, which only worked because Vader sensed something, and I think by that time realized who Luke was.)
- Brought done a number of Y-Wings flying over him (Luke tracks him by watching bombers exploding in the air).
- Taken out at least an entire platoon of soldiers at once, using tricks like switching on their thermal detonators in their pockets.

They're really working in the Vader comic series to show off why he's so feared across the galaxy, even as he deals with conflict inside the Empire (but that's Sith for you).

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, and Toys wise?


Hate to say it, but BB-8 ended up being male.


Still a good list otherwise. And people have correctly noted that the gender of a droid doesn't really matter, because, well... it's a droid.

12-24-2015, 10:15 PM
They're really working in the Vader comic series to show off why he's so feared across the galaxy,
See, this, again, seems way over the top to me. If Vader can toss torpedoes and fighters around, why isn't Luke a greasy black spot on the side of the original Death Star's trench? Why wasn't Big Baddie V just dropped into the middle of Hoth to single-handedly annihilate the shield generators and crush the ground forces?

It feels like these are modern action movie/comic book ideas being foisted onto a character for whom they don't really fit. It's like there's a need to match the 'bad ***' picture people have in their heads of Vader, even though it's not really justified by the original source material. There's this idea that Vader needs to prove himself against the universe.

To me, anyway, this diminishes Vader rather than elevates him. This sort of plain military errand should be beneath him, in the same way that whipping out a lightsaber should be beneath Yoda. The sense of pure presence they had in the original movies put them beyond needing to prove their place to the audience. Having them do so calls that presence into question, and undercuts it even when the characters inevitably triumph, because it shouldn't even occur to us that they could be challenged.

Mr Mystery
12-25-2015, 07:04 AM
I've always considered Vader's reputation to be his main weapon.

At the end of the Clone Wars, most inhabitants of the Galaxy would be familiar with the Jedi, yes?

And who was Vader? Well, nobody barring Palpatine, Obi-Wan and Yoda really knew who he was.

To the rest of the Galaxy, he was the one who wiped out the Jedi.

That's a 'new pants, please' thought. After that, Vader need not do anything - his reputation alone would scare people stiff.

And on a different note, this article is rather fun. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-35170829)

Erik Setzer
12-25-2015, 07:54 AM
See, this, again, seems way over the top to me. If Vader can toss torpedoes and fighters around, why isn't Luke a greasy black spot on the side of the original Death Star's trench? Why wasn't Big Baddie V just dropped into the middle of Hoth to single-handedly annihilate the shield generators and crush the ground forces?

Because doing so still puts him at danger of being killed, and people would then just fear one man, not the massive military the Empire has. As for Luke, it's just a matter of luck that he survived that time (notice all the pilots who didn't survive Vader?), and by the time it gets to that point in the comic, he's already found out who that pilot was he nearly shot down, and doesn't want to kill him. Heck, he might have felt it even during the trench run, which caused hesitation that allowed Han to swoop in.

And it's not a "plain military errand" in the comic. He was on a personal mission, and didn't know there was a Rebel base there. He was looking to find Luke, and an informant found out Luke was on the planet. He went to go get Luke (and doesn't exactly want the rest of the Empire knowing that business), and things got out of hand fast. (The informant, meanwhile, panicked when she found out she'd accidentally sent him into a mess, and went to try to go "rescue" him.)

The things he's doing aren't that crazy to believe for a powerful Jedi. If Yoda had wanted to do stuff like that, from what we see of him in the films, he could have. And we see a bunch of Jedi that Vader later crushed taking on a large army of Droids and taking out a ton of them (but Jedi are held back from really doing all they can on the battlefield, considering a lot of stuff too close to the "Dark Side").

It helps to explain *why* these characters have the presence they do.

Mr Mystery
12-26-2015, 02:22 PM
*flails* (http://shop.lego.com/en-GB/Captain-Phasma-75118)

12-28-2015, 03:08 AM








12-28-2015, 06:06 AM
Han Tsundere Solo (http://sailorswayze.tumblr.com/post/119341848870/im-only-ever-gonna-draw-tsundere-han-solo-for-the)

12-28-2015, 06:18 AM
Lol, reminds me of this:

Luke Skywalker running away but leaving a map like






han “i know you have a crush on me” solo


My favourite things about this scene:

1. Han and Leia have done this sort of thing SO OFTEN that they can move out of the way to let people through while continuing to argue, and

2. the Princess of Alderaan/Leader of the Rebellion having a spat with General Solo about whether or not she fancies him or whatever is so commonplace that nobody even feels bad about walking through the middle of their fights.

I mean look at that guy’s face. He’s seen this fifteen times before.

And you just know that people used to be really polite when Han and Leia got into an argument.

They maybe tried to walk a different way around the base, or they’d just stand there, feeling awkward, till Han and Leia were finished or felt bad enough to pause and let them through but eventually everyone’s just, NOPE, WALKING RIGHT THROUGH THE MIDDLE, GOT A REBELLION TO RUN HERE, KTHXBYE.

12-28-2015, 06:21 AM
Perfect hehe.:p

12-29-2015, 02:59 AM

prequel trilogy in one photo

12-29-2015, 04:07 AM
Very true.


I’m so pleased that “tousled hair” is an essential aspect of this outfit that needs to be included in the official guides.

All part of a grand tradition of these DK Star Wars books.


And then there's the prequels...


12-29-2015, 07:24 AM
Obi Wan ftw:

12-29-2015, 07:39 AM


12-29-2015, 07:42 AM
Obi-Wanastasia Kenobinov

Mr Mystery
12-31-2015, 02:26 AM
The answer is likely 'no', but I'll ask anyways....

Would anyone know where one might find a release schedule for the toy range? They're off to a good start with the background gribblies, and I wants more!

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-31-2015, 02:51 AM
I must admit to feeling a bit left out on Star wars as i've not been able to get into it in the past but so many of my best friends are fans I wonder if I should look for something that might draw me in so thought I'd just ask here if no one minds me? My first thought is are there any alien races I might like in the backround at all? ya know i like my squiggly aliens, so anything like that I could read about/see? Not seen new film but will probably give it a chance once the hype has died down, I do really appreciate the heavy use of practical FX though :)

Erik Setzer
12-31-2015, 06:26 AM
For aliens, you'd mostly have to work with the EU - now "Legends" so not really canon, but that doesn't stop those of us who grew up with them from still loving them. A lot of them are pretty close to human, like the Sith, Zabrak, guys like that, basically human-esque but with some feature like spikes, red skin, little bits hanging off the face, etc. Going a bit further out there, Devaronians look like space devils (devil-like horns, sharp teeth, tinted skin). Twi'leks are human-esque but with "brain tails." Sullustans, just look at Lando's co-pilot in the battle at Endor. Mon Calamari, that's Ackbar. Also from the same planet as the MC, the Quarren have sort of squid-heads and hands. Cathar and Bothans are both cat-like races. There's a bunch of others, I'll see about digging for a source later that might list them, show examples, and explain racial traits. (Wookiepedia might be a good place to look.)

Mr Mystery
12-31-2015, 06:35 AM
There's also Parwans (http://clonewars.wikia.com/wiki/Parwan) which might be more up your street?

So far only seen in the Clone Wars TV series, but based off a concept sketch from A New Hope. The design wasn't used as it was too tricky to pull off on the budget

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-31-2015, 08:00 AM
For aliens, you'd mostly have to work with the EU - now "Legends" so not really canon, but that doesn't stop those of us who grew up with them from still loving them. A lot of them are pretty close to human, like the Sith, Zabrak, guys like that, basically human-esque but with some feature like spikes, red skin, little bits hanging off the face, etc. Going a bit further out there, Devaronians look like space devils (devil-like horns, sharp teeth, tinted skin). Twi'leks are human-esque but with "brain tails." Sullustans, just look at Lando's co-pilot in the battle at Endor. Mon Calamari, that's Ackbar. Also from the same planet as the MC, the Quarren have sort of squid-heads and hands. Cathar and Bothans are both cat-like races. There's a bunch of others, I'll see about digging for a source later that might list them, show examples, and explain racial traits. (Wookiepedia might be a good place to look.)

humanoid aliens are why I simply cannot get into most mainstream sf settings, it's too important to me.

12-31-2015, 08:08 AM
The answer is likely 'no', but I'll ask anyways....

Would anyone know where one might find a release schedule for the toy range? They're off to a good start with the background gribblies, and I wants more!

There isn't one really, you can find out what future releases are but when they arrive in stores is quite random and it varies from country to country.

Erik Setzer
12-31-2015, 08:40 AM
humanoid aliens are why I simply cannot get into most mainstream sf settings, it's too important to me.

Unfortunately, with movies and TV shows, it's part of the limits of production. With humanoids, you can slap makeup, prosthetics, stuff like that onto actors, and you're good to go. With non-humanoids, it's harder to do practical effects. You start getting into CGI territory, which can sometimes hurt if it's not good enough. With Star Wars, you'll find more of them in the comics, novels, and CGI-based cartoons.

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-31-2015, 03:20 PM
Unfortunately, with movies and TV shows, it's part of the limits of production. With humanoids, you can slap makeup, prosthetics, stuff like that onto actors, and you're good to go. With non-humanoids, it's harder to do practical effects. You start getting into CGI territory, which can sometimes hurt if it's not good enough. With Star Wars, you'll find more of them in the comics, novels, and CGI-based cartoons.

I'm open to learning about ones in comics, novels and cartoons if there are any that would appeal :)

01-01-2016, 05:35 AM





Deleted Tosche Station scene from A New Hope

OK I have like mutliple questions

a) who dis

2) why does he look like mustacheod Mads Mikkelson

III) what is happen


AHEM! *dons his lore cape*

This is Biggs Darklighter, Luke’s best buddy growing up on Tatooine. There was a big chunk of story cut from A New Hope where Luke looks up at the sky, sees the Star Destroyer and Princess Leia’s ship shooting at each other in orbit, and jumps in his landspeeder to tell his friends like an excited puppy.

He arrives at Tosche Station (from the infamous line “But I was gonna go to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!”) and is surprised to find Biggs there, who had just gotten his certification from the Imperial Academy (mentioned in the line “That’s what you said when Biggs and Tank left” when Luke was trying to coax Uncle Owen into applying). Luke drags everyone outside to look but by that time the two ships have stopped shooting, so they write it off as Excitable Dumbass Luke getting his dumb hopes up again and go back inside.

It’s worth noting that Biggs takes the first look through Luke’s binoculars and says it’s probably just a freighter refueling. Having been to the Imperial Academy he’d know damn well what a Star Destroyer looks like and that having one in orbit over Tatooine means Srs Bsns is afoot. But he doesn’t mention this and lies, probably in an effort to keep Luke from going “ZOMG ADVENTURE!” and trying to get involved.

When everyone else inside, Biggs and Luke go for a walk and Biggs lets Luke in on a secret: he and a bunch of other Academy grads are going to mutiny and defect to the Rebel Alliance the first chance they get. Luke basically goes “GEE WHIZ!” and Biggs shuts him up. He explains that this is stupidly dangerous and is going to make him a wanted man if he survives, so this is the last time the two are probably ever going to see each other. Luke still doesn’t Get It Yet and is mostly envious of all the excitement and adventure Biggs is about to embark on.

Fast forward past: Luke discovering real and innocent people get murdered by the Empire (courtesy of Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru’s smoking remains), finding out that dashing rogues can really just be selfish, trigger-happy *******s thanks to Han Solo, and watching the man who opened his eyes to a bigger universe get killed by the monster who Luke thinks murdered his father. His boyish naivety has taken quite the beating. But as he gears up to help attack the Death Star, who should he run into but his best buddy Biggs! How bad can war be when your best friend is at your side?


… oh.

Biggs gave his life to protect Luke, physically blocking Vader from shooting his best friend for as long as he possibly could. Between that, the reassuring words of Obi-Wan, and the timely return of Han (who Chewie threatened to tear the arms off of if they didn’t go back), Luke learned a critical truth: the universe was a lot darker than he ever realized, but no matter what there is always hope.

They came for power converters, they left with a friendship that would last…for like a couple more weeks.

luke skywalkers gayest looks:


1. gay *ss yellow leather jacket. i mean come on………………..with the floppy *ss hair. easily one of his best and gayest looks.

2. farmboy chic tatooine look. to add another layer of gayness add the poncho and bucket hat. simple yet gets the vibe across.

3. twink *ss green dagobah tank top doing nightmare crossfit. even yoda needed a closer look. need i say more

01-01-2016, 06:14 AM
I'm open to learning about ones in comics, novels and cartoons if there are any that would appeal :)

The Force Awakens has rathtar in it:

01-01-2016, 07:32 AM
I could have sworn there was a nautilus-like species that had a brief cameo in one of the movies (either in the cantina in Ep 4 or Jabba's palace in Ep 6) but I can't find details on it anywhere. Which is going to bug me for ages.

I did find these three mentioned in background material, which seem to be suitably gribbly: Pulra (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Pulra), Filar-Nitzan (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Filar-Nitzan), and Celegian (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Celegian)

Mr Mystery
01-01-2016, 09:28 AM
Bought four short stories from the new canon yesterday - High Noon on Jakku, The Face of Evil, All Creatures Great and Small, The Crimson Corsair and the Treasure of Count Dooku.

Very much in the vein of 'Tales From', and decent reads all. Grab them!

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-02-2016, 06:22 AM
The Force Awakens has rathtar in it:

That's more like it, def more my thing. Does she have facebook at all? <3

I could have sworn there was a nautilus-like species that had a brief cameo in one of the movies (either in the cantina in Ep 4 or Jabba's palace in Ep 6) but I can't find details on it anywhere. Which is going to bug me for ages.

I did find these three mentioned in background material, which seem to be suitably gribbly: Pulra (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Pulra), Filar-Nitzan (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Filar-Nitzan), and Celegian (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Celegian)

Thanks, I certainly like all three of those, especially that last one as they sound benign and intelligent.

01-02-2016, 06:26 AM
I don't think so no.:p But you get to see quite a bit of a few of them in an extended scene of the new movie, lots of tentacles and flailing. Also very big, much more impressive than the photo indicates, I think you'd like them.:)

- - - Updated - - -


01-02-2016, 08:00 AM
Sadly that particular species is not sapient. :(

01-03-2016, 03:40 AM







Asymmetrical Xeno
01-03-2016, 03:43 AM
I don't think so no.:p But you get to see quite a bit of a few of them in an extended scene of the new movie, lots of tentacles and flailing. Also very big, much more impressive than the photo indicates, I think you'd like them.:)

- - - Updated - - -


I like her, she looks like she'd carry me out of a fire like a babe in arms too. -blush-

01-03-2016, 05:38 AM
Them carrying people is canon too.;)

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-03-2016, 06:28 AM
Them carrying people is canon too.;)

I'll wear my best respirator and goggles for her.

Arkhan Land
01-03-2016, 08:54 PM
this is awesome


01-04-2016, 04:43 AM
Luke and Leia’s relationship, creepy or totally fine?







Gwendoline Christie is like, dude. You should see my other show.

Mr Mystery
01-04-2016, 04:53 AM
There is that.

Tangentially, not long until Game of Thrones returns to our screens. Huzzah!

Back on topic...

I'm encouraged that certain kids book tie-ins are currently an absolutely sod to find.

01-04-2016, 08:06 AM
I love Gwendoline Christie so much lol.

01-04-2016, 08:30 AM
Totes :p





Erik Setzer
01-04-2016, 10:08 AM
I like how Christie's like, "Meh, Game of Thrones is so much worse," and Isaac's like, "Hey, whatever makes you happy, love is harmless, right? Now where did Boyega get off to..."

01-07-2016, 05:53 AM
http://49.media.tumblr.com/46c321c4ac0fd423dd63b8368ea3385a/tumblr_o0j6usxhrs1r0abexo4_250.gif http://49.media.tumblr.com/c76a0b93fa3627b0a9e208ccad355770/tumblr_o0j6usxhrs1r0abexo3_250.gif

http://49.media.tumblr.com/f4e59900c87e4b6a770ee646d528a5e8/tumblr_o0j6usxhrs1r0abexo5_250.gif http://45.media.tumblr.com/cb0d77724fc9018f2457d0935d1e88df/tumblr_o0j6usxhrs1r0abexo1_250.gif

http://49.media.tumblr.com/b6167e878f627dea11004b86eecfa1ab/tumblr_o0j6usxhrs1r0abexo2_250.gif http://49.media.tumblr.com/fab5beb1d80333f235b4130ee130fb99/tumblr_o0j6usxhrs1r0abexo6_250.gif

01-07-2016, 06:01 AM
Totes lol.

Mr Mystery
01-07-2016, 09:19 AM
Second part of the Aftermath trilogy 'Life Debt' is due in March.

Again, it's written by Chuck Wendig.

Pros (Prose?) - the man can write a plot, and the first book gave some insights as to how the Republic was intended to be.

Cons? His writing style is a little odd. A screenwriter by trade, the first novel read a little oddly. Lots of largely inconsequential descriptives which slows the pace down. But far from unreadable.

Erik Setzer
01-07-2016, 10:16 AM
Yeah, he's got the whole trilogy.

No offense to him, but I can't stand reading his stuff. I haven't made it halfway through Aftermath yet. They probably saw the sales numbers and figured they should give him a whole trilogy without seeing what people were saying. People bought the first book because it's something new that might help set up TFA and explain the new post-RotJ timeline. They didn't buy it because they thought the author was amazing.

That sounds a lot meaner than I intend, but geez... Please get other authors in there! I think I'll have to settle for reading plot summaries.

Mr Mystery
01-07-2016, 11:46 AM
I struggled, but still read the book in an evening, because I'm a pulp sci-fi slag.

Mr Mystery
01-08-2016, 03:14 PM
Haven't seen Moulin Rouge myself

- - - Updated - - -

Haven't seen Moulin Rouge myself


01-11-2016, 05:55 AM

01-11-2016, 06:09 AM
ADB giving his thoughts on Phasma and Boba Fett, and how different the two are portrayed in their respective movies:

Pretty cool insight from a guy whose writing I really enjoy, and who seems to be good at establishing solid characters of either gender.

Mr Mystery
01-11-2016, 06:36 AM
Interesting thought emerges from that piece....

Snoke is only interested in Hux and Kylo Ren. Phasma and the others aren't even and after thought. He wants Hux to bring Kylo Ren to him - and it's not inconceivable that Hux only gets that much consideration because he's the one being told to bring Kylo Ren. Had someone else delivered the bad news, it seems just as likely Snoke would have given them the same order.

So, what have we seen of Phasma? On screen, very little.

But Finn's reaction after they capture Phasma tells us quite a lot. He hates her. His reaction is much like a school pupil suddenly being in a position to make the PE Teacher run laps in just their pants on a freezing winter's day, whilst they get to be all snug and smug in thermals and thick coats. The dude is totally stoked that Phasma is now the one being given orders.

This, and the previous snippets we've seen of Phasma inform us that she is quite a big cheese to the rank and file. She's their immediate boss. Quite possibly the Stormtrooper Liaison to those that are running the show.

But, by the movie's end? What a fall from grace and favour. Other than ruthlessly following Ren's order on Jakku to wipe out the villages everything she tries goes wrong. Finn's re-programming either isn't done, or fails to take (movie isn't especially clear). That's clearly not like her, given why she wanted Finn to report for re-neducation (full report, and check his blaster. She knew he didn't fire a shot). Then, she's humiliated further by Han, Finn and Chewie.

Why did she comply? Someone mentioned previously that she had every confidence that lowering the shield would make not one iota of difference. So she humoured them. How was she to know The Resistance would do something as ludicrously foolhardy as come out of lightspeed that close to a planetary body? Did she even consider it possible? It seems unlikely that she's a pilot. Army and Navy are typically quite different skills sets. As Captain of the Stormtroopers, why would she need to worry about what enemy ships can and can't do? All she really needs to know is that the First Order's Navy has her back in the skies, and that her troops can, in a pinch, shoot down enemy fighters with their standard armanents (amply demonstrated in the opening minutes, given a single blaster bolt takes out an X-Wing's (admittedly unshielded at the time) engine, preventing it from taking off at that point.

Then of course, her humiliation is completed by being presumably dumped down the garbage chute. That's far from a death sentence, especially given she'll likely have the appropriate codes and access to promptly just open the nearest door or maintenance hatch and then be about the rest of her day.

We also know she's returning in the next Episode, so she survived the destruction of the Starkiller Base. How isn't massively important, is it? Plenty of opportunity for the 'well I'll just let myself out then, innit' reasoning above.

But will Snoke take her in again? Is The First Order still a going concern, or was that pretty much it for them?

If the former, I think we can be confident that Snoke and those that survived will know who input the code to lower the shields. Confidence in your allies or not, is that ultimately forgivable in a military environment?

If the latter? Where does she go from there? What's left for her? Being a FO Stormtrooper, we can fairly safely assume that was her life as much as it was Finn's and Nine's etc. Kidnapped as a very young child, and raised to be a Soldier.

Either way, she has one thing left. Vengeance. Vengeance against the traitorous upstart that brought her otherwise glittering career to an abrupt end through multiple instances of humiliation and outright betrayal.

I really, really hope we see Phasma go semi-rogue, becoming obsessed with taking Finn out of the equation. That would be her own path to a redemption of sorts - an offering to Snoke/Hux/Kylo Ren to redeem herself and regain not only her position, but her entire purpose in life. Kind of a Star Wars take on Crais in the first season of Farscape.

From memory, we've not really had that sort of story arc in the movies.

Erik Setzer
01-11-2016, 11:58 AM

Phasma's clearly a big deal, given that her armor is made from the remains of Palpatine's personal ship (possibly the ship we saw in Episode 1). I also heard that she was confident her people could hold even with the shield down. And I can see that. You have all these Stormtroopers, they should have been able to stop three people (four once they got Rey) from doing much harm. The place was also shielded well against snubfighter attacks. It took the guys inside detonating charges and blowing a hole in the wall to allow Poe to fly in and shoot the place up inside. If Phasma's people did their job right, there's no hole, and those X-Wings just get whittled down and killed. (She might have also recognized SKB wasn't that important overall, and had already done its purpose in taking out the seat of Republic power.)

As for Snoke and who he cares about... I was reading Wookiepedia, and I need to get the books to confirm this, but apparently he's some kind of older Force user who was around to see the Empire rise and fall, and thinks Kylo's got the right balance of Dark Side and Light Side in him. Maybe he thinks Kylo is the one the prophecy talked about? Or has something else in mind. But that would be an interesting concept, to think that Kylo's trying to walk on the edge between Light Side and Dark Side and touch both without falling too far to one or the other.

01-12-2016, 04:13 AM
Having Phasma follow a similar path to Asajj Ventress would be pretty nifty (aside from the being forced into an awkwardly rushed romance to give her a reason to die for a male character).

Mr Mystery
01-12-2016, 04:15 AM
Wasn't aware that happened to Asajj? It shouldn't have.

01-12-2016, 04:18 AM
Yup in the Dark Disciple novel, totes pissed off about it.

01-12-2016, 04:21 AM
Well that's bollocks, Asajj was awesome, and tbh not the type to settle down, IMO.

01-12-2016, 04:24 AM
Yup. Only up side is they dumped her body in a pond of magic Nightsister force goo on Dathomir, the same stuff which they used to give Maul some new fancypants legs so its not inconceivable she could be resurrected.

Mr Mystery
01-12-2016, 04:24 AM
Always thought Asajj was far more likely to beat someone to death with their own liver because it might be funny that get all mooshy.

Is that proper canon, or old EU legend status?

01-12-2016, 04:26 AM
Proper canon sadly.

Mr Mystery
01-12-2016, 04:26 AM

There's but one thing for it.

Phasma, in her fugue state at having lost everything in her life because of a single rogue Stormtrooper stumbles about the Galaxy, eventually meets Asajj who gives her a masterclass in proper badassery and vengeance. They team up and kick everybodies heads in THE END.

01-12-2016, 04:33 AM
Gets my vote.

Mr Mystery
01-12-2016, 04:35 AM
I can't believe they bumped her off.

Going down swinging against a horde of enemies she can't outclass - fair enough.

But MANGST? Just.........no. Especially as I always got the impression if not asexual, she was batting for the other team?

Who wrote this? I must read the book, then send them a lengthy email simply stating 'Boo! Boo!!!!! BOO!!!!!!' in a polite, yet forthright British manner.

01-12-2016, 04:39 AM
+1 on that. Asajj was a fun villain, and her story arc in Clone Wars had a really cool note of redemption to it, (like that scene with Ahsoka that made me laugh. "See, didn't kill a single one. It's the new me.") I'd really like to see what sort of existence she carves out for herself...bounty hunter?

01-12-2016, 04:52 AM
It was a huge waste. The author is Christie Golden, and she was adapting unfinished scripts for the tv show so its unclear how much was her and how much was the scripts

Mr Mystery
01-12-2016, 05:15 AM
I really hope neither, and it was just a mahoosive printing error.

I find it difficult to believe either source would use mangst as a plot device, especially for Asajj. I just don't see a female writer doing that, and the Clone Wars series is why we love her in the first place!

Erik Setzer
01-12-2016, 10:37 AM
It was a huge waste. The author is Christie Golden, and she was adapting unfinished scripts for the tv show so its unclear how much was her and how much was the scripts

Ah... Poor Christie Golden. I'm not sure how much she's allowed to do herself or just writing up others' plots, but she made me absolutely hate Jaina in Warcraft (despite naming my cat after the character because she was initially as bipolar as the WC character). Let me describe how this character goes, and you can see how bad it could get:

Tides of War: Jaina meets Kalec, blue dragon and thus also basically a mage, and out of nowhere it's a romance. Seriously, no buildup, they just end up in love. Garrosh comes to wreck her city, she's warned about it, asks the old leader of the Horde (Thrall) to intervene, he won't, then she asks the rest of the Alliance for help. They did, at least, get almost all civilians out. In the end, she gets shoved through a portal to save her as her city, Therenomore... er, Theramore, gets wiped from existence (across multiple realities, because hey, magical nuke, and Garrosh doesn't mess around). She goes a bit nuts with grief, especially after seeing her dead gnome apprentice crumble to dust, then steals the artifact used to power the magic nuke, steals a book about how to use it, and promptly decides the proper answer is attempted genocide, because slaughtering kids is also okay if they just grow up to be The Enemy. Thrall tries to stop her, but can't, because she's pretty much insane at this point. Oh, but what's this? Kalec shows up, and she doesn't want to make him feel bad, so she stops. Because love... or something. Then the Kirin Tor name her their leader, despite her having stolen a book from them, and give her a position of power close to the artifact she just tried to commit genocide with.

War Crimes: Jaina watches Garrosh's war crimes trial, and gets so bitter and angry that Kalec says if she doesn't stop being moody, he'll have to break up with her. Suddenly, she decides maybe wanting to murder everyone isn't the best idea.

Two cases where Jaina's a murderous psycho and is only brought back to reality because of her man.

To make it extra strange, she's involved in leading the Kirin Tor during the Mists of Pandaria expansion, but Kalec's nowhere to be seen. Jaina's big in that expansion's story. She seems to be okay with being leader of a neutral faction, calm and reasonable, and then some contrived plot happens that pisses her off (too long to explain here), and she goes to the front lines to kick some ***, leading from the front. There's a scene where she faces off against a guy and, rather than act like a deranged lunatic who needs Kalec to rein her in, she comes to an understanding and leaves without incident. (Both, while being in opposing factions, wanted to take out Garrosh. That, and the thing she got pissed about shouldn't have even happened.) So yeah, in the game, we see that she can deal without needing a man around.

To Golden's defense, the two Windrunner sisters, Valeria and Sylvanas, don't come off quite as weak in War Crimes. Sylvanas is a conniving schemer (hey, she's an Undead Elf who's experienced some bad stuff, can't blame her), and Valeria wants some measure of revenge for her husband's death, but decides not to assassinate Garrosh with poison in his food while he's in jail, because she still has a conscience.

But it doesn't change the problem with Jaina basically needing a man around to keep her in check in two different novels.

01-18-2016, 07:57 AM
Brooklyn Nine Nine crossover memes never get old.

Erik Setzer
01-18-2016, 09:33 AM
The voice of Jar-Jar doing the most famous bit from Taken.


Mr Mystery
01-20-2016, 02:42 PM
Awwwwwwwww testicles

Episode VIII pushed back to December 15th 2017.

01-21-2016, 06:00 AM
Probly a good thing, 2 years between Episodes with an Anthology film in between makes sense.

Mr Mystery
01-21-2016, 06:03 AM
I'd rather they take their time than rush it, sure.

But still a wee bit disappoint.

Dare we hope it's to give Gwendoline Christie time to film that and GoT?

Mr Mystery
02-03-2016, 03:19 AM
Could be, as Phasma is confirmed. To answer my own question.

And now on to the beating heart of the Star Wars success story, merchandise.

Is anyone else really enjoy the classic 'straight leg' action on the basic figure collection? I am. Such nostalgic feels! Easy to make them stand up! Inaction figures!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not adverse to figures with lots of articulation, and I may get some Black Series figures of my favourites. But the whole 'shoulders, hips and heads' only is oddly pleasing, as is the general lack of removable helmets and that. That's how they were when I were a nipper, after all.

Anyone else?

02-03-2016, 08:51 AM
They're ok, prefer the 6" Black Series figures over the ickle figures regardless of articulation. The 6" Ahsoka should be out this month too.


Erik Setzer
02-11-2016, 11:48 AM
New novel coming out to tell the story of what happened with Leia between ROTJ and TFA:


It's being written by the same author who did Lost Stars, so it should be infinitely more readable than Aftermath.

02-14-2016, 08:11 AM

02-14-2016, 08:17 AM

02-14-2016, 08:18 AM

02-14-2016, 10:30 AM
Is that Revan?

Mr Mystery
02-14-2016, 10:39 AM
Is that Revan?

I believe so.

Though £10 says the usual scalpers will conspire to ensure that figure is 'super-rare' and thus make it well expensive.

02-15-2016, 07:58 AM
Is that Revan?


02-17-2016, 03:55 AM





02-17-2016, 07:29 AM
Oh, my gosh.

02-22-2016, 07:55 AM
New concept art (http://io9.gizmodo.com/the-new-star-wars-theme-parks-coming-to-disney-look-out-1760495155) for the Disney Star Wars park(s):



02-22-2016, 09:06 AM
Not gunna lie, that would be an epic place to visit.

02-22-2016, 09:29 AM
I thought the stormtroopers were dancing at first.

Mr Mystery
02-22-2016, 09:31 AM
Not gunna lie, that would be an epic place to visit.

BoLS invasion anyone?

02-22-2016, 09:33 AM

02-22-2016, 09:57 AM
Googling star wars dancing was one of the best choices I've ever made.

07-16-2016, 09:33 AM
At the Ahsoka panel at SW Celebration they showed some incomplete footage from cut Clone Wars episode arc featuring Ahsoka post-Jedi Order:
So good.

07-18-2016, 01:37 AM
18973 I'm like this now ;)

Find me on Twitter - or check these Star Wars 3d character models (http://www.gambody.com/3d-files/space-war-online).

Mr Mystery
07-18-2016, 01:39 AM
At the Ahsoka panel at SW Celebration they showed some incomplete footage from cut Clone Wars episode arc featuring Ahsoka post-Jedi Order:
So good.

Right in the Holocrons

07-18-2016, 03:38 AM
Anyone else think the return of Thrawn means more chance of Mara Jade making a reappearance?
Also since when did wedge go the Imperial academy?

- - - Updated - - -


07-18-2016, 03:50 AM

The DLR train driver is urging people to make sure they take their “bags, coats, lightsabers and blasters” with them when they get off at Excel.

07-18-2016, 03:57 AM
The DLR staff are really cool about it around Comicon time. IIRC the trains to the Excel were free last time we went as well.

I miss Comicon, has this great carnival atmosphere.

07-18-2016, 05:58 AM
Posting this here rather than the TFA topic because its speculation more than anything:

I like watching Star Wars fan theories for the lulz, but this one actually makes an awful lot of sense. I'm not saying I believe it, but it makes a compelling argument to the point I kind of hope it is true.

Mr Mystery
07-18-2016, 07:15 AM
I dunno....seems really shonky.

Her fighting style is the same!....except she's untrained.

Voice in the head? Apparently, it can't be Snoke, because we've seen him.....but...Rey never saw nor heard Snoke, so his voice could be entirely amorphous and unidentifiable to Rey.

It's possible like, but I still favour that Rey is a nobody. Far more interesting.

07-18-2016, 07:35 AM
Oh sure, it's a whole heap of big leaps lol, but I think the argument that it adds an interesting inverse of the dynamic of Skywalker vs Palpatine is quite a compelling argument, and the potential interactions with the Palpatine revering First Order would be interesting to explore too.

Mr Mystery
07-18-2016, 07:53 AM
I still reckon she's the genuine Chosen One - Anakin having been a forced fruition of a Force prophecy.

07-19-2016, 08:18 AM
Star Wars . com is having another fan poll thing to choose the next 6" action figure they make (http://www.starwars.com/news/vote-now-for-the-next-black-series-figure). The choices are:

Darth Talon (currently in front)
Jaina Solo
Captain Rex
Mara Jade
Galen Malek/Starkiller

Go and vote. But don't vote for Captain Rex because Hasbro are making him anyway. Also don't vote for Dengar because they will make him eventually because the ESB bounty hunters are popular and he is one of like three that don't have figures yet. Don't vote for Stakiller because he is a ****ing prat.

07-19-2016, 08:35 AM
****, but I love both Jaina and Mara.

07-19-2016, 08:37 AM
I know right? I voted Mara in the end but I think Talon will win.

07-19-2016, 08:38 AM
Starkiller and darth Talon are winning? wtf

- - - Updated - - -

I voted Jaina, but I'll throw one in for Mara on my home PC

07-19-2016, 08:43 AM
Last year we got Revan who won, and Sabine, who came second but was also probably already being planned, so a lot of peopel are expecting this year we will get the winner and Rex.

07-19-2016, 09:06 AM
I mean wtf starkiller though

07-19-2016, 09:08 AM
Right? Stupid choice. He was ahead for a bit when I checked first this morning, so angry. But Talon is ahead and while she is a horrific piece of fanservice rather than a character, she is female, and she is twi'lek, so that is enough for me lol.

07-19-2016, 09:14 AM
I've never heard of her, as I never touched anything of the old cannon pre-Han Solo trilogy.

07-19-2016, 09:28 AM
That's her.

Edit: oh ffs why is it that small.
Edit: Now it's too big.

07-19-2016, 09:32 AM
Ah, dexterity based armour :D

Mr Mystery
07-19-2016, 09:34 AM
Edit: oh ffs why is it that small.
Edit: Now it's too big.


Still bummed I sold my Sith Collection. I had Darth Talon and everything!

07-19-2016, 09:37 AM
She actually had a lot of potential, and she was tough, probably the only person in the old EU to survive getting stabbed in the chest with a lightsaber. But she was never given any character development, she was just a walking piece of eye candy really.


Still bummed I sold my Sith Collection. I had Darth Talon and everything!

She goes for ridiculous prices (hur) on the secondary market now.

07-22-2016, 08:29 AM
This fanpoll is getting intense lol, Starkiller took the lead a day or so ago, but now Jaina has caught up so with 4 hours to go they are neck and neck in 27%.:rolleyes:

07-22-2016, 08:34 AM
come on Jaina!!

07-22-2016, 08:54 AM
Jaina is ahead!

07-23-2016, 02:32 AM
Jaina won!


Mr Mystery
07-24-2016, 07:12 AM
Ahh. Disco Lando!

Also - Chemistry Buffs! That bread that Rey makes - is that actually a possibility?

07-25-2016, 02:46 AM
oh good the comments. The dude obsessing over what to stand her next to.

I've got this one


You know what she stands next to? My Inquisitor scale deathwatch marine, 40k scale chapel of sanctuary and a lego Xwing.

07-25-2016, 02:53 AM
Ahh. Disco Lando!

Also - Chemistry Buffs! That bread that Rey makes - is that actually a possibility?

Quicky Google Search (http://www.starwars.com/news/reys-portion-bread). ;)

I wanna try it for the novelty personally, apparently it's not too bad.

07-25-2016, 08:50 AM
Ahh. Disco Lando!

Also - Chemistry Buffs! That bread that Rey makes - is that actually a possibility?

There are reactions that froth up like that at roughly that pace. There are reactions that go from a liquid to looking something breadlike. Unfortunately, I do not know of any reactions that do both at the same time. In the movie they had a little inflatable breadthing they puffed up with air while simultaneously using a vacuum to suck away the liquid.

That said, if you want something broadly similar, in the 'add liquid and powder and a food puffs up' look at microwaved mug cakes. :p Although they're more a paste and obviously require a mug. (Don't try to make them without a mug. I have. And then I had to clean the microwave.)

07-29-2016, 09:35 AM
Source (http://michaelfirman.tumblr.com/post/147450427713/rey-a-day-85-there-is-a-limit-to-how-many-star)

Mr Mystery
08-02-2016, 02:53 AM
Spot of retail therapy....

Sidon Ithano and First Mate Quiggold, and Storm Trooper armour Finn :)

Mr Mystery
08-02-2016, 08:14 AM
Ayup.....I'm wondering if Asajj might not be as ded as we first thought....

Fog up - it was a silly death. Not read the book, but have looked into it since EG gave me the bad news.



I don't recall ever seeing her fly such a ship....could it be a subtle teaser for Season 3 of Rebels?

08-02-2016, 08:27 AM
It's her ship from the Dark Disciple novel, the Banshee, same type as Ketsu Onyo's ship.

Mr Mystery
08-02-2016, 08:29 AM

Stupid book is stupid with a stupid death of a cool character because of stupid writer and stupid mangst and stupid stupid stupid like Donald Trump stupid why did they feel the need to kill her off?

Still, 'buried' in the waters of Dathomir, so I gather. Fair chance of a resurrection because witchypoos.

08-02-2016, 08:35 AM
Yup. They dumped her in a Nightsister pond (respectefully) and it started glowing though so I doubt she will stay dead. But it is still very stupid and spoiled an otherwise good novel.

- - - Updated - - -

Dark Disciple did give us the lovely Pantoran Lhassa Rhayme though:

Mr Mystery
08-02-2016, 08:39 AM

Seeing her with hair reminds me of Skin out of Skunk Anansie even more.

Original Skin (hurr)


Solo era Skin


Second Skunk Anansie era Skin


I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a pic of Skin kicking about Ventress' designer's desk....

And yes. You're right. She is fabulous. And amazing live.

Mr Mystery
08-10-2016, 06:52 AM
Looks like we're getting a Hera and A-Wing set soon (http://news.toyark.com/2016/07/23/sdcc-2016-hasbro-star-wars-3-75-inch-scale-display-update-214984)

About bloody time!