View Full Version : Noxx's Blood Angels log

04-07-2010, 07:00 AM
As an extension of this thread (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=6224) I decided I'd like to share with you some of the other Blood Angels stuff I've been working on since xmas, and later some of the stuff I've cobbled together since the new kits have been released. They're all kinda WIP in that they all need some basic tidying up. If I get some good suggestions of how to finish them off, I'll go back and do them :) Basing is still an issue, haven't decided what environment I'm going to base them for at all yet.

First off, the obligatory Sanguinary Priest:


Next up my Chaplain, with scratchbuilt crozius and the skull head from the fantasy Chaos Warrior sprue:


Finally for now, this guy's going to be a Captain although I'll likely almost never use him, Reclusiarch's got to be my favourite non-named HQ in the new 'dex. Tabard definitely needs re-doing, and that skull needs a wash.

*image has vanished from my picasa - will take a new shot at some point*

Thanks for reading! Comments dearly welcome - I'm a bit less comfortable with the look & feel of these than I am with the golden boys so even basic stuff would be a big help.

04-07-2010, 07:31 AM
I think some shading on the red would make a lot of difference, it's seems a little flat at the moment. And a lighter shade of green to highlight the eye lenses. Apart from that, looking pretty good. I like the chaplain conversion.


04-07-2010, 09:44 AM
Thought I'd get some squads up, if for no other reason than to show I can take photos of more than 1 model at a time! Still all unbased, as I'm making a new table with a friend in the summer & I want the bases to match.

These assault marines were done & dusted before the new kits were released, so they don't have any of the shiny bits :( Kinda bland as a result. Thinking about adding the retro yellow/black stripe effect to the chainswords after seeing Duke's assault marines. Got another squad on the way that does have some new bits in, though, so happy days


These are my flesh tearers, who I'm using in my bangles as vanguard veterans. I dunno, I thought it was a neat idea. Kinda WIP, haven't totally decided on a highlight colour for the legs/arms yet, and need to add special effects to the weapons, fiddle around with the purity seals, yadda yadda


Finally, the first half of a soon-to-be-finished tactical squad that takes advantage of the spare shoulder pads & bolters from my new kits. Of the lot, these guys are probably the most finished. Yay!



*EDIT* Hard drive crash + picasa sync function = all these photos have gone. I'll take some new ones soon.

04-07-2010, 11:01 AM
The only thing I would suggest would be to add a wash of gryphonne sepia to the skin and I agree with the idea above with regards to washing the red, levithian purple works quite well for red armour.

04-07-2010, 11:08 AM
levithian purple works quite well for red armour.

Cool, thanks for the tip. I'm buying paints on monday, I'll give that a whirl.

05-05-2010, 04:39 AM
Got more pics incoming soon, been seriously bogged down with uni work but it'll all be finished by friday... woohoo!

This is my basically-finished Seth, using largely the same scheme as the catalogue image on gw.com


Hope you guys like it!

Not sure why my old pictures are 404'ing now, I'll update with the new urls when i have another spare 5 minutes...

05-05-2010, 08:58 AM
For some reason Seth is the only pic I can see... As far as his paint job the highlighting on the black looks good and clean. The red looks dirty a bit, if that is what you were going for then it is perfect. If it isn't then you could look at touching up the ink pool on his elbow pad a bit with red. Keep up the great work, it is always great to see another Blood Angels army.


05-05-2010, 10:10 AM
Hey Duke, yeah dirty is what I was going for. I'm kind of new to washes, so it's come out that way more by accident than anything, but I'm happy with it. Definitely a character that likes to get "in amongst it".

All the other pictures are broked! I'm gonna work on fixing them when I've got some free time, and do an update with some of the new stuff I've put together (finished sang guard, nice converted furioso librarian dread, some troops, etc).

05-25-2010, 06:12 PM
Hey guys,

had a ton of stuff in the works ready to be snapped and uploaded to this log, but I've been crazy busy with uni the last month. it's all over now, so expect more updates soon, and in the meantime i've got something special - my converted Captain Tycho (pictured)


I know he isn't meant to have a pfist, but I thought it communicated the idea of "dead man's hand" better than just... a hand. Naturally, he's pictured in front of a Horde fort from world of warcraft for absolutely no reason.

comments + criticism always welcome, hope you like him guys!

06-02-2010, 12:28 PM
Hey guys, another small update here, didn't get much of a response for the last one but I'll keep plugging away :) full squads to come - got most of my current crop finished now - but here's something vaguely exciting, my all-plastic Mephiston:


As you can probably tell, he's based on the dark angels veteran robes, green stuff collar and hair, sword is two chaos warrior swords stuck together, backpack is from the death company sprue. I'm pretty happy with him as an alternative to the ancient Mephiston sculpt on offer from GW. The current paint job is a little bit rushed, I'll go back and tidy some of the details like the scroll on the LH shoulder and the chest highlight at a later date, just wanted to get him tablepainted for now.

Comments & Criticism deeply appreciated, on the paint job and the modelling! Thanks guys!

06-02-2010, 01:06 PM
That's a fun conversion. I would put him on a larger base!

I am working on my version of Mephistons too-- using Sigvald the Magnificent-- working on making a had to carry the plasma pistol, and covering up all the Slannesh symbols.

06-02-2010, 02:47 PM
Glad you like it! I'm probably gonna do a scenic base that the small base can fit on to. I was nervy about making him vulnerable to blast markers by gluing him to a large base.

Using Sigvald is a good shout, I'm thinking about using that model as the basis for my Sanguinor.

02-04-2012, 02:25 PM
Hi guys,

been a *long* time since I updated this, been crazy busy with a new job, but I thought I'd share some of my newer models...

Below, some photos of a new tactical squad i've been working on. The sergeant is based on the cover image from the new Blood Angels omnibus - he's meant to represent Rafen from the BA books (his wargear constantly seems to change, but I guess this is pre-power sword and plasma pistol)


Some more marines from Rafen's squad:



Captain Varrus and some marines, nice little action shot as they disembark:


C's and C's always welcome. I'm really happy with how they've turned out, hope you guys like 'em!


02-04-2012, 03:57 PM
Yay! Blood Angels Tactical Marines!

People forget that BA follow codex companies...
I have 40 Tactical marines, myself.

I like the action shot of the running Meltagunner.
Also, I like the simple captain.

02-06-2012, 12:36 AM
Good stuff, and nice posing too. it's always good to see more BA's. :D

Say, why not try experimenting with outlining the details with some thinned black ink, or... dundundunnn... black oil paint washes? That would make those babies pop out for sure!

02-06-2012, 02:11 AM
Have to say that as the blog has progressed the standard of painting gets better and better, I like the character conversions a lot and the banner is very nice too. :D

02-06-2012, 03:17 PM
Thanks guys!!!

I thought i'd stick up a couple of shots of the Baal Pred i've been working on:



And the razorback featured above... although i'm not happy with the driver's face detail yet, WIP



I'm thinking the side exhausts need to be dirtier, but i haven't really got a plan for how to do that... any suggestions? I want them to be properly different to the mud around the tracks.

That's all for now! I will update with my terminators and librarian at the weekend.


02-07-2012, 06:30 AM
Nice stuff. Nice stuff. :)

04-10-2012, 11:24 AM
Howdy y'all,

Another one of my small, infrequent updates for you - this is my first mini painted exclusively with the new paints.


I'm not totally sure about the texture paint for basing, I did use it quite sparingly and I guess if you globbed it on there you'd get a better effect. I am very impressed with the new colour paints and was able to get from black undercoat to this level in maybe two hours. Getting the red consistent with minimum effort was a revelation and I'm considering adding a totally unneccessary squad or two to my blood angels just to play with the red some more. Or maybe a new army...

Anyway, C&C always welcome, cheers!


bloodangel 83
04-10-2012, 11:47 AM
Nice job on your BA army. Keep up the great job and i like the old codex paint job on your marines. BA83.