View Full Version : Starcraft And 40k

04-06-2010, 04:03 PM
Hey there!
Before anything else is said this is NOT discussion on who stole what ideas!
If you know what starcraft is and know about the new one coming out then yay!
If not heres the link http://www.starcraft2.com/
Just wondering if anyone has ever seen a 40k army based on the zerg <Nyds> Terran <SM/Iggies> Or Protoss <Eldar(?)>
I was thinking first of starting a marine army, second making that a BA army (Just for the descent of angels rule over a generic chapter really> and thirdly of basing most of the troops off of reapers http://www.starcraft2.com/features/terran/reaper.xml
it'd be fairly easy just equip them with bolt pistolsXlots
Hell you could probably make an entire Fandex out of the Terran race!
Hmm speaking of which...
Anyhow i wanted a new 40k army (having Iggies all alone) and one that i could probably get away with proxy'ing for certain units (Right now i use a single seraphim as a lone inquisitor armed with a bolter+power weapon) and marines seem to be a fairly solid choice..
And now i am off to ponder the implications of the fandex from starcraft ;)

04-06-2010, 04:08 PM
Christ for one minute I thought we were about to get a 'Master chief is better than Marine' thread substituting Starcraft for Halo....

04-06-2010, 04:26 PM
Master cheif> Space marine> Terran ofc ^_^
anyhow im going to be thinking about a minidex for the next few weeks..
SM who commit crimes sent to planet terran/terran prison/terran chapter for punishment in suicide missions against the enemies of mankind?

Commissar Lewis
04-06-2010, 05:26 PM
It's an interesting idea, to be sure. However you'd likely catch some flak from the diehard anti-Blizzard fanboys. I've seen a fair share that despise Starcraft claiming it ripped off 40k, which isn't true.

Never played SC myself, though.

04-06-2010, 06:09 PM
It's an interesting idea, to be sure. However you'd likely catch some flak from the diehard anti-Blizzard fanboys. I've seen a fair share that despise Starcraft claiming it ripped off 40k, which isn't true.

Never played SC myself, though.

They're both adapted from Heinlein's Starship Troopers. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Standing on the shoulders of giants and all.

04-06-2010, 06:37 PM
Meh. Starcraft is mediocre at best for an RTS game, it's not aged very well no matter what the fanboys scream (And it wasn't all that great when it was released, rose tinted glasses).

Sir Biscuit
04-07-2010, 12:01 AM
Troll much? Let's stay on topic.

I honestly don't think Eldar are a very good proxy for Protoss. While they fit from a fluff perspective, (advanced technology, skimmers, all that) they have nowhere near the durability or melee prowess that are the hallmark of the Protoss.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's an easy equivalent in 40k. The closest equivalent is honestly probably Space Wolves.

Blood Claws = Zealots
Hellfire Dread = Dreadnought
Vindicator = Reaver
Rune Priest = High Templar (Bonus: Chooser of the Slain = Observer)
Land Speeder = Scout/Corsair
Kitted out Wolf Lord = Archon

I don't think there's really a good equivalent for carriers, arbiters, or dark templar in there, but it's pretty solid otherwise.

Zerg are pretty easy with Tyranids.

I think you're on the right track with Terran.

04-07-2010, 12:08 AM
Master cheif> Space marine> Terran

Master Chief would struggle against even just a scout.

Commissar Lewis
04-07-2010, 12:52 AM
They're both adapted from Heinlein's Starship Troopers. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Standing on the shoulders of giants and all.

I know that, but it's astounding how many people claimn 40k ripped off SC and SC ripped off 40k. I've seen some rather nasty flamewars about that on gamefaqs.

When the truth is all Sci-Fi borrow some elements from other Sci-Fi. It's how you use said elements and add your own that make things unique.

But like I said I never played SC so I'm like Donnie here - have no frame of reference and am outta my element.

04-07-2010, 05:44 AM
Truth is.
i don't care who ripped off who.
As it is i'll have to practice making cigars :P

04-07-2010, 05:54 AM
i thought starcraft was supposed to be a warhammer 40k game untill GW and blizzard had a disagreement so blizzard hac to change some of the stuff and then they just put it out as starcraft which i really didnt like very much.

04-07-2010, 06:20 AM
both starcraft and warhammer 40k are useing very many generic scifi elemts.

the only real similarities are the name "space marine" and the fact that mankind is the dominant race in the galaxy strugling against alien invaders of both primal (zerg/nids) as well as old (protos/eldar, necron) and interior origin (rebels/chaos).

that and the way hormagaunts in DOW2 move appears very much the same that zerglings move in SC2.

even the space marines are very distinct in their background and capabilities. in 40k they are genetically engineered super-human soldiers in the best armor and wearing the best weapons avilable to mankind and in starcraft they are criminals stuffed into mediocre armor, carrying mediocre weapons

tbh I think tyranid rules would represent protos best. you can have devastating psy powers with zoantropes (high templars), durable shooting units (carnifex for immortals), durable, high damage melee units (wariors /w swords for zealots).

04-07-2010, 07:02 AM
i thought starcraft was supposed to be a warhammer 40k game untill GW and blizzard had a disagreement so blizzard hac to change some of the stuff and then they just put it out as starcraft which i really didnt like very much.

that sounds nearly right there - thats what i heard - it was going to be marines V tyranids there was some disagreement and the deal was off - blizzard did some rebranding and tada - starcraft

thats what i read while browsing the web. i dunno if its 100% true though

04-07-2010, 07:15 AM
I've seen some rather nasty flamewars about that on gamefaqs.
Pfft, like it takes real trolling to have THAT happen.

tbh I think tyranid rules would represent protos best. you can have devastating psy powers with zoantropes (high templars), durable shooting units (carnifex for immortals), durable, high damage melee units (wariors /w swords for zealots).
Protoss = Eldar.

04-07-2010, 07:30 AM
I heard it was Warcraft which was supposed to be a Warhammer game when the deal between Blizzard and GW broke down.:rolleyes: Personally I think the story is a myth, I've never seen any corroborating evidence. Feel free to produce it if there is some, of course.

that sounds nearly right there - thats what i heard - it was going to be marines V tyranids there was some disagreement and the deal was off - blizzard did some rebranding and tada - starcraft

thats what i read while browsing the web. i dunno if its 100% true though

04-07-2010, 07:32 AM
Starcraft was the Picasso of RTS games when it came out, and it is STILL played around the world as the focus of major tournaments which call thousands of gamers per event.

Starcraft 2, eh, all it is is barely an expansion for the original. I am sure it will be the standard for RTS's for the next decade as well...

I heard it was Warcraft which was supposed to be a Warhammer game when the deal between Blizzard and GW broke down

You heard correct.

04-07-2010, 07:37 AM
Protoss = Eldar.
I don't think I agree with that. The thing about the protoss is that they're the "physically perfect" race. They aren't just fast and hugely psionic. They're big, strong, tough, fast, and hugely psionic. Eldar are not big, strong, or tough.

I agree that certain tyranid strains could do protoss well, as Xas said. I too would first consider using Space Wolves or Blood Angels, though. I think that certain iconic protoss units, such as dragoons and their variants, would be difficult to represent without walkers, and any choppy marine could do a good job of representing zealots (a 3+ save is pretty good, so I would argue it's closer to zealot power armor than it is to marine power armor).

04-07-2010, 08:54 AM
I do. They are a psychic alien race whose alien technology utilizes their psychic nature, with a combination of high technology and low tech tactics (for example, I actually equate zealots as closer to howling banshees rather than Marines in any way).

In truth, I'd actually say the Terrans are closer to the Imperial Guard than they are Space Marines in any way. And their armor would probably be closer to Flak Armor, with Zealot Armour being closer to the 4+ save of mesh or carapace.

04-07-2010, 09:54 AM
I definitely agree that the Terrans are more like Imperial Guard than space marines. By the same token, though, while I agree that eldar have plenty of protoss-like things about them, it feels weird to me to have T3 S3 protoss. They're definitely significantly stronger and tougher than humans. So while eldar tech has more of a protoss feel to it, I feel like space marine statlines tend to fit the protoss better.

Lord Azaghul
04-07-2010, 10:40 AM
Starcraft is still one of my favorate games (I'll still pull it and expansion out on a slow saturday)

Your army idea sounds fun, but its going to be tricky to get a 1 to 1 visual ratio. 'Cause the IG do feel more the starcraft marines, but SM look more like 'em, I think some heavy converting could be down with wraithlords and the protoss.
Some of the new BA stuff could do very well (dropships anyone?). Some heavy converting may be underway, but I think you could make it visually recognizable.

04-07-2010, 01:27 PM
I definitely agree that the Terrans are more like Imperial Guard than space marines. By the same token, though, while I agree that eldar have plenty of protoss-like things about them, it feels weird to me to have T3 S3 protoss.
I would say they really ARE similar to humans-- but they have better arms and armor than the average human, and better training. Kinda like Eldar. The difference in effectiveness between the Protoss infantry and Terrain infantry can be explained like the difference between a Guardsman and a Banshee. The Armour makes them more durable and the power weapon makes them hit harder.

04-07-2010, 02:13 PM
I would say they really ARE similar to humans-- but they have better arms and armor than the average human, and better training.
Wait, in physical terms? Protoss are like, ten feet tall and were engineered by the Xel'naga to be stronger and faster than any of the other races the Xel'naga had come in contact with (collection of sources (http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Protoss)). A protoss is definitely supposed to be badass even if you take away his psionic abilities and his equipment.

In terms of counts-as that's awkward, because in 40K terms a protoss zealot would have the speed, weapon skill, and power attacks of a banshee but with the strength and toughness of a space marine, and possibly with a built-in invulnerable save as well, depending on how you wanted to depict their shields in 40K terms (and on top of all that, an armor save that ought to be better than whatever you assign to a CMC-300/400). I don't think eldar are a bad representation, but I think there are aspects of a protoss that space marines capture better - just as, to be fair, there are aspects of a protoss that eldar capture better.

04-07-2010, 02:24 PM
Protoss are like, ten feet tall
Zealots didn't seem bigger than Marines to me when I played Starcraft, but maybe that's just separation of game and story.

04-07-2010, 02:55 PM
Yeah, it is. Protoss are supposed to be huge. Lanky, but huge, and frighteningly strong even compared to most zerg warrior strains.

04-07-2010, 03:59 PM
Christ for one minute I thought we were about to get a 'Master chief is better than Marine' thread substituting Starcraft for Halo....

WHOOOT, go Master Chief!!!

Oh, wait, we're not even talking about that anymore...

Terrans almost remind me of Sisters of battle, insomuch as they are normal humans, but with power armor and really big guns. Not because of that whole nun thing.

04-07-2010, 04:29 PM
Except Sisters of Battle have more skill, talent, and loyalty. You know, seeing as they're trained from shortly after birth, rather than being convicted criminals. So they're far more than Terran Marines could ever be.

04-07-2010, 04:30 PM
Aaah stop going on about the blizz/GW thing!
Warcraft was supposed to be fantasy but Blizz and Gw had two totally diffrent ideas (Look at trolls in warcraft and fantasy) that wasn't an official thing but someone in the company making a personal statement..
Starcraft was never 40k . . .EVER... they both use the standard sci-fi things (and tbh zerg are more like flood from halo than nids cos they dont EAT they infect and replicate!)
As it is i just think that SM would be easier to represent the Terrans
Although, if i do the 'dex as this being a chapter filled with disgraced marines who being marines are too valuable to execute are sent on suicide missions.. planet-Terran? a prison planet and some of the convicts on death row are given death now or death in battle as a SM i could use my current guard as a sort of penal legion in conjunction with them.
So some standard SM units (Chapter-master=warden and so on)
And then space marines with that rule (Rage?) that makes em charge the nearest unit with the same kinda cool thing as the penal legion troopers get (rolling for insanity) the unpredictability is always something i loved with them
Going to read through all the codex's i can get my hands on now!
Not really, the terrans have to fight for survival every day in prison :P
Think of it like the difference between penal legionaires and guardsmen, the sisters will be well trained and know what to do but the terrans will do ANYTHING if it means winning

04-07-2010, 04:34 PM
Lol, no.

Ignoring the fact that Space Marines are quite beyond human whereas Terran Marines are criminals conscripted into the military, Terran Marines are pathetic weaklings even in the starcraft universe. A single burst from a Terran Marine's weapon isn't even able to kill a friggin' zergling, which is IMO less than a hormagaunt. A single shot from a bolter can do this easily, and kill far tougher enemies besides.

04-07-2010, 04:38 PM
Wait, what? sisters became SM!? ^-^
Seriously though.. its not putting starcraft inside 40k, it's adapting the terrans story and units to fit in with the game!
Also not all terrans are conscripted, only most of them (no-one has enough criminals to fuel an entire army and if you do, who's going to organise the whole thing?)

04-07-2010, 05:07 PM
No, that would be stupid and indicative of you being either illiterate or a troll.

I know what you're doing. And I'm pointing out how I think it's stupid. Imperial Guard is far more representative of Terran than any Marine force could ever be.

04-07-2010, 06:33 PM
Terran Marines are pathetic weaklings even in the starcraft universe. A single burst from a Terran Marine's weapon isn't even able to kill a friggin' zergling, which is IMO less than a hormagaunt. A single shot from a bolter can do this easily, and kill far tougher enemies besides.
There's a difference of scale here. An Imperial Guardsman is slightly more dangerous than a civilian human, but not enormously so. He is much more likely to be fully equipped than a civilian, and his gear is likely to be of higher quality, and he benefits from training and combat experience (depending on how cavalier his commanders are about his life, anyway) - but he has the same sort of gear that a civilian could have, and his physical capabilities are no greater or less than those of a civilian.

A Terran marine, on the other hand, is very significantly more dangerous than a civilian human, or even a regular human soldier. A CMC-300 or -400 really is power armor, with all the superiority that implies compared to non-exoskeletal battle armor. His Gauss rifle really is an extraordinarily dangerous weapon, the sort of weapon that you need power armor to handle. Fluff-wise, a Terran marine fighting men equipped with regular weaponry and unpowered body armor really is technologically analogous to a battle sister or other power armored human fighting regular troops. StarCraft the game just scales itself within StarCraft the universe such that the power-armored troops with the automatic rail rifles are the smallest, weakest thing on the battlefield. The whole host of lesser troops doesn't even appear.

04-07-2010, 08:04 PM
So, are we going to have an Enterprise vs Star Destroyer vs Emperor Class Battleship thread as well?:p

04-07-2010, 08:31 PM
So, are we going to have an Enterprise vs Star Destroyer vs Emperor Class Battleship thread as well?:p

How about this: Firefly was a complete rip-off of Rogue Trader!

04-07-2010, 09:42 PM
An Imperial Guardsman is slightly more dangerous than a civilian human, but not enormously so.
You're thinking of a Conscript. An Imperial Guard Infantryman/woman is equivalent to a modern, fully trained career soldier, if not better because of all the constant combat experience.

04-08-2010, 05:36 AM
Starcraft was the Picasso of RTS games when it came out, and it is STILL played around the world as the focus of major tournaments which call thousands of gamers per event.

Starcraft 2, eh, all it is is barely an expansion for the original. I am sure it will be the standard for RTS's for the next decade as well...

You heard correct.

Yeah I heard it was played around the world - if you take the world definition as being the same as in the 'World Series'. Actually I heard the reality was hordes of obsessing Zerg Rushing South Koreans.

Aaah stop going on about the blizz/GW thing!
Why this is a more interesting precept if someone can put down evidence/sources...
Warcraft was supposed to be fantasy but Blizz and Gw had two totally diffrent ideas (Look at trolls in warcraft and fantasy) that wasn't an official thing but someone in the company making a personal statement..
Starcraft was never 40k . . .EVER... they both use the standard sci-fi things (and tbh zerg are more like flood from halo than nids cos they dont EAT they infect and replicate!) Infect and replicate - like genestealers then - from 1987 Rogue Trader, and themselves probably ripped off from Alien?
As it is i just think that SM would be easier to represent the Terrans I don't believe you you just want MEQ
Although, if i do the 'dex as this being a chapter filled with disgraced marines who being marines are too valuable to execute are sent on suicide missions.. planet-Terran? a prison planet and some of the convicts on death row are given death now or death in battle as a SM i could use my current guard as a sort of penal legion in conjunction with them.
So some standard SM units (Chapter-master=warden and so on)
And then space marines with that rule (Rage?) that makes em charge the nearest unit with the same kinda cool thing as the penal legion troopers get (rolling for insanity) the unpredictability is always something i loved with them Why not give them relentless and make them all 13pts while you're at it?
Going to read through all the codex's i can get my hands on now!
Not really, the terrans have to fight for survival every day in prison :P
Think of it like the difference between penal legionaires and guardsmen, the sisters will be well trained and know what to do but the terrans will do ANYTHING if it means winning What is the relevance of this I would expect any 1 sister of battle to mince any 3 IG penal troops at the very least?

Painting your chapter grey, giving them all black arows, and calling the chapter master 'The Warden' whislt using the Vanilla SM list is interesting backstory. Milliputting an army until them look like characters from Starcraft is also fairly unique.

Starting to butcher in extra rules , 'rolling for insanity' (???) etc smacks to me of having your cake and eating it.

04-08-2010, 08:16 AM
Aye but having rage isn't a good thing :P
as far as i can remember it means you charge the nearest enemy unit always so you dont have a lot of control over them.
thinking about it, use standard SM forces and one or two new things (mabye just a character with a new name)
But make assualt marines 25 points with two bolt pistols rage and something similar to how penal legionairres (one in three chance of getting assualt weapons, rending, and furious charge)
And this was NOT supposed to be a topic about starcraft marines Vs 40k marines!
If you want to talk about that make your own thread, otherwise don't clutter this one up with unhelpful comments.
The backstory I'm doing at the moment is that they are marines disgraced and sent to do suicide missions in the worst parts of the universe (Maybe the "Reapers" are just humans with SM bits in power armour and have little/no training represented by Ws 3 Bs 3 str 4 t4 and so on?)
I don't want to make an army that will just win everything without trying.
i want to make an army that is fun to play (with and against)

04-08-2010, 08:38 AM
Yeah I heard it was played around the world - if you take the world definition as being the same as in the 'World Series'. Actually I heard the reality was hordes of obsessing Zerg Rushing South Koreans.

The World Cyber Games is a world wide organization which hosts tournaments around the world. Last year, 11 years after Starcraft came out, Startcraft was still the most important/played game at the World Cyber Games.

This is only one of the events that Starcraft is used in around the world.

04-08-2010, 11:10 AM
You're thinking of a Conscript. An Imperial Guard Infantryman/woman is equivalent to a modern, fully trained career soldier, if not better because of all the constant combat experience.
No, I'm not, I'm thinking of a regular guardsman, who wears armor suitable for an unaugmented adult human, wields weapons suitable for an unaugmented adult human, and whose stamina and physical power are no greater than those of an unaugmented adult human.

Contrast with a Terran marine, who wears armor that is so heavy that it needs an exoskeleton, wields weapons that are so powerful they need an exoskeleton, and whose stamina and physical power (because of his exoskeleton) are far greater than those of an unaugmented adult human, even one in excellent physical shape.

The StarCraft equivalent of an Imperial Guard regular wearing flak armor and wielding a lasgun is not a marine, it's a regular with an automatic rifle and unpowered hard plates.

My point is about gear, not training. It has to be, because in the 40K universe it's reasonable to judge a soldier's quality by the quality of his gear, and in the StarCraft universe it's not. Conscripts, regulars, and elite soldiers all might wear power armor with overpowered weaponry, and they all might wear unpowered armor with regular weaponry. A conscript marine is analogous to an Imperial Guard conscript wearing power armor and wielding a bolter; a regular marine is analogous to an Imperial Guard regular wearing power armor and wielding a bolter; an elite marine is analogous to a stormtrooper wearing power armor and wielding a bolter.

04-08-2010, 11:16 AM
The World Cyber Games is a world wide organization which hosts tournaments around the world. Last year, 11 years after Starcraft came out, Startcraft was still the most important/played game at the World Cyber Games.

This is only one of the events that Starcraft is used in around the world.

This year, it seems to be totally off the intinerary, according to the bible that is wikipedia (wasn't interested enough to research further.) Thats funny that last years number 1 is totally gone. And that 40% of these tournaments was held in South Korea.

04-08-2010, 11:19 AM
Aye but having rage isn't a good thing :P
as far as i can remember it means you charge the nearest enemy unit always so you dont have a lot of control over them.
thinking about it, use standard SM forces and one or two new things (mabye just a character with a new name)
But make assualt marines 25 points with two bolt pistols rage and something similar to how penal legionairres (one in three chance of getting assualt weapons, rending, and furious charge)
And this was NOT supposed to be a topic about starcraft marines Vs 40k marines!
If you want to talk about that make your own thread, otherwise don't clutter this one up with unhelpful comments.
The backstory I'm doing at the moment is that they are marines disgraced and sent to do suicide missions in the worst parts of the universe (Maybe the "Reapers" are just humans with SM bits in power armour and have little/no training represented by Ws 3 Bs 3 str 4 t4 and so on?)
I don't want to make an army that will just win everything without trying.
i want to make an army that is fun to play (with and against)
So ... since Mel and I were getting there eventually, let me cut to the chase - are you talking about what existing 40K codex would best represent a counts-as Terran force, or how to represent Terrans in a new codex? What you just described seems to be saying, "Both."

04-08-2010, 11:39 AM
My point is about gear, not training.
And for that, I think you seriously underestimate the power of the lasgun or the durability of flak armor. Flak armor is actually quite advanced, providing quit a bit of protection and then even MORE against blasts and shrapnel-- it's especially designed to protect against small arms,shrapnel, proximity blasts, etc. Just because armor is heavy enough to require an exoskeleton does not make it superior-- it just makes it heavy. The lasgun is a very deadly weapon, which never jams, has self-replenishing ammunition, and can kill any normal human in a single shot with ease, or any other common member of any race in 40k (even Marines, Necrons, and Orks can be taken down with a single shot, despite their superior anatomies)

The thing is, everything in the 40k universe scales upwards in lethality so damn fast that Flak Armor, which is wildly superior to anything modern society can even concieve of putting on standard infantry just looks rather pathetic in the tabletop game. Bolters are equivalent, if not actually superior, to modern anti-tank weaponry, and carapace armor is able to block it-- that is, carapace armor is able to block what we today would consider anti-tank weaponry. Autocannons are better than any modern tank's main cannon, and are rapid fire besides. Eldar shuriken ammunition has thickness measured in molecules rather than caliber, and is capable of slicing a living creature's limbs or head off in a single shot, cutting through the armor due to its monomolecular edge. Ork Lootaz have what amounts to rapid firing tank cannons, that they carry on their shoulders or under their armpits like it was some kind of weird FPS game that ignored the laws of physics.

Furthermore I would also argue that the comparison to Sisters is still incorrect. The lowest, most inexperienced and unskilled Sisters are equivalent, using your own comparison, to the best of the best of the Terran Marines.

04-08-2010, 12:23 PM
And for that, I think you seriously underestimate the power of the lasgun or the durability of flak armor. Flak armor is actually quite advanced, providing quit a bit of protection and then even MORE against blasts and shrapnel-- it's especially designed to protect against small arms,shrapnel, proximity blasts, etc. Just because armor is heavy enough to require an exoskeleton does not make it superior-- it just makes it heavy. The lasgun is a very deadly weapon, which never jams, has self-replenishing ammunition, and can kill any normal human in a single shot with ease, or any other common member of any race in 40k (even Marines, Necrons, and Orks can be taken down with a single shot, despite their superior anatomies)

The thing is, everything in the 40k universe scales upwards in lethality so damn fast that Flak Armor, which is wildly superior to anything modern society can even concieve of putting on standard infantry just looks rather pathetic in the tabletop game. Bolters are equivalent, if not actually superior, to modern anti-tank weaponry, and carapace armor is able to block it-- that is, carapace armor is able to block what we today would consider anti-tank weaponry. Autocannons are better than any modern tank's main cannon, and are rapid fire besides. Eldar shuriken ammunition has thickness measured in molecules rather than caliber, and is capable of slicing a living creature's limbs or head off in a single shot, cutting through the armor due to its monomolecular edge. Ork Lootaz have what amounts to rapid firing tank cannons, that they carry on their shoulders or under their armpits like it was some kind of weird FPS game that ignored the laws of physics.

Furthermore I would also argue that the comparison to Sisters is still incorrect. The lowest, most inexperienced and unskilled Sisters are equivalent, using your own comparison, to the best of the best of the Terran Marines.
Continued here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?p=66599#post66599).

04-08-2010, 01:05 PM

Commissar Lewis
04-08-2010, 07:46 PM
And for that, I think you seriously underestimate the power of the lasgun or the durability of flak armor. Flak armor is actually quite advanced, providing quit a bit of protection and then even MORE against blasts and shrapnel-- it's especially designed to protect against small arms,shrapnel, proximity blasts, etc. Just because armor is heavy enough to require an exoskeleton does not make it superior-- it just makes it heavy. The lasgun is a very deadly weapon, which never jams, has self-replenishing ammunition, and can kill any normal human in a single shot with ease, or any other common member of any race in 40k (even Marines, Necrons, and Orks can be taken down with a single shot, despite their superior anatomies)

Indeed, poor flak armor gets a bad rap. It's damned good armor. Most things that would punch through it would likely punch a damned hole in an APC. Same with the lasgun, poor old faithful lasgun, is outclassed by everything else.

Which includes machine-gun mini-rocket launchers.

Yeah I have sentimental attachment to good ol' flak armor and lasgun. I don't need no damned power armor or fancy bolters!

04-08-2010, 11:39 PM
This year, it seems to be totally off the intinerary, according to the bible that is wikipedia (wasn't interested enough to research further.) Thats funny that last years number 1 is totally gone. And that 40% of these tournaments was held in South Korea.

Yeah, research more.

Gnoblar with Pointy Stick
04-09-2010, 10:26 AM
I tend to think of analogies between Warhammer and outside things more visually than stylistically or "Who could kick the most ***."
Terrens look more like IG to me, and Protoss always scream Tau to me.
And Zerg are like Space Wolves... I mean Tyranids.

04-09-2010, 01:04 PM
I am only getting the same color scheme between those two!

Gnoblar with Pointy Stick
04-09-2010, 01:34 PM
I am only getting the same color scheme between those two!

That's exactly what I'm talking about! The burnt yellow! It's a sign!

Seriously, though. The "noselessness," the scaled down Mech armor, the improbable hovercraft ships with oversized thrusters, the floating-drone-things, not having enough fingers, and yes, the color pallet (Burnt yellow, burnt red, and blue).

You can't tel me that when you see this image you don't think about Tau a little bit!

04-09-2010, 03:39 PM
Yeah protoss in looks ar similar to tau but in fluff to eldar :O
As it is i'm going on looks for the army (marines=marines!)

04-09-2010, 03:40 PM
Except Terran MArines don't look as cool as 40k ones, but let's not get into that.

04-09-2010, 04:16 PM
I dunno..
Some SM look cool (DA) and some are just fugly (New BA)
the standard marine isn't as cool looking as a SM but reapers look cooler than assualt :) also that flamer-thing terrans have is waaay cooler than a SM with a flamer! (It's a full armoured body suit thing)
Depends really on your point of view :d personally i hate painting flesh so thats one of the major pulls to a SM/terran list