View Full Version : Eldar Night Spinner Monofilament Shroud Barrage

12-14-2015, 01:45 PM
In the Eldar Craftworlds codex under Night Spinner:
Monofilament Shroud states that a Night Spinner squadron can basically combine their fire. One model in the squadron shoots and gains +1 Str and +1 shots for each other model that can shoot.
The weapons is normally Str7 Heavy1 Barrage, Large Blast.

So there seeems to be no disadvantage for combining shots.
I could either get 3x Str7, or combine for 3x St9. Why would anyone ever opt for the 3x Str7?

I assume that since the shots are still considered a multiple barrage and thus scatter the same as 3 units firing 1 shot (vs 1 unit firing 3 shots).
Am I correct on this? Is there something I'm missing?

12-14-2015, 02:46 PM
2 reasons:

1) it becomes Str 9 Heavy 3 Barrage, Large Blast. That means you have one try to hit. If you do not, the whole barrage will go to waste. Personally I feel better with 3 tries.
2) Str 9 is not a big deal. As monofile wounds against I (which is hardly bigger than 5 for most armies) you will wound on a 2+ anyways. Instand death gets better but this is a detail and not worth the additional nightspinners.

I do not even think the squadron is any good. The combined fire is not really worth the points and I'd rather have them firing at different targets.

12-14-2015, 03:40 PM
2 reasons:

1) it becomes Str 9 Heavy 3 Barrage, Large Blast. That means you have one try to hit. If you do not, the whole barrage will go to waste. Personally I feel better with 3 tries.
2) Str 9 is not a big deal. As monofile wounds against I (which is hardly bigger than 5 for most armies) you will wound on a 2+ anyways. Instand death gets better but this is a detail and not worth the additional nightspinners.

I do not even think the squadron is any good. The combined fire is not really worth the points and I'd rather have them firing at different targets.

I see. I am running 3 in a 1k point league. Guide on teh squadron to help hit and that Str9 3shots is a threat to AV12 (side armor) vehicles.

12-14-2015, 03:53 PM
If you like the models there is no discussion. But there are a lot of options in the heavy support slot that does a better job with vehicles (and horde for that)

3 Warwalkers comes roughly at the same cost as 2 Night Spinners, house 6 Lances if you need anti-tank/MC/TEQ (or double Scatter against horde) while beeing a pain thanks to scout and battle focus (and they are better targets for guide)
That would still leave enough room for another Nightspinner.

12-14-2015, 09:16 PM
2 reasons:

1) it becomes Str 9 Heavy 3 Barrage, Large Blast. That means you have one try to hit. If you do not, the whole barrage will go to waste. Personally I feel better with 3 tries.
2) Str 9 is not a big deal. As monofile wounds against I (which is hardly bigger than 5 for most armies) you will wound on a 2+ anyways. Instand death gets better but this is a detail and not worth the additional nightspinners.

I do not even think the squadron is any good. The combined fire is not really worth the points and I'd rather have them firing at different targets.

Either way only 1 roll to hit. With multiple Barrage in a unit the closest model fires first, then the others all scatter from teh first models hit position.
Instant death is still calculated from the model's toughness, so Str9 is no better vs T4 than Str8 (2 Night Spinners).

I am a fan of War Walkers, but this list is all jetbikes and I think the AV12 (w/Holo Fields and cover) are worth the extra points. Still 42 Str6 shots/turn plus the Night Spinners for horde.

12-15-2015, 02:02 AM
I think the AV12 (w/Holo Fields and cover) are worth the extra points.

Depends on the army you are fighting against and the terrain you have available.
Battlefocus is pretty neat as it allows you to go out of sight after you fired while the Holofield and power field are pretty much the same.