View Full Version : 10 Daemons of Khorne by Awaken Realms - choose your favourite!

Awaken Realms
12-11-2015, 07:34 AM

Once again, we’d like to show to you several thematic models to compare and hear your opinion about them – which one is your favorite, why and what you like (and don’t like) in each example. This time we’d like to showcase the biggest daemons spawned in the domain of Khorne. Bloodthirsters, brutish greater daemons and daemonic engines alike (not restricting ourselves just to GW models, as there are other manufacturers with great models as well) of various visual aspects gathered here for you to vote for them – each of them unique in it’s own kind!

Take a look at ten Khorne daemons and let us know which one of them is appealing to you at most! Don’t hesitate to comment what do you like in the models as well.

You may click on each photo to see more of each of them in better quality.

1) Illidan Krull

Themed models are one of the greatest fun to work upon – and when one of the customers wished for this mighty, massive daemon to be painted in resemblance of World of Warcraft Illidan. Painting all the green runes was really fun!

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a3/76/6c/a3766cb118679ece868c2c5a0d75d909.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/illidan-krull/)

2) Forge World Bloodthirster
Only recently we had the opportunity to paint the Forge World Bloodthirster. This mighty beast is far more massive than plastic ones, and it’s wingspan is so great that it’s easily able to block out the sun from eyes of it’s victim, before dealing the fatal blow. To highlight the magnificence of those wings, we’ve done some fiery symbols freehands on them – click to see them!

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7d/f8/5a/7df85af9352037ef3b03f6c1a0d6a5a4.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/forge-world-bloodthirster/)

3) Illidan Bloodthirster

Shortly after producing Illidan Krull, Illidan Bloodthirster jumper out of the Warp!

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/aa/dc/64aadc731ff22431a7ffc1c9946adc9c.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/illidan-bloodthirster/)

4) Albino Bloodthirster
Another unorthodox scheme was the albino scheme – white-skinned daemon of Khorne was a great concept to execute!

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a0/39/01/a039016cbb2a4c327be18bffb9dfa82a.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/albino-bloodthirster/)

5) “The Wrath” warband Bloodthirster
Done as the centerpiece of The Wrath warband army, this charcoal black-skinned daemon is really looking like a bloodthirsty bull of Khorne! Black skin is working really nice on GW bloodthirster.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c1/5a/85/c15a8565666f91154ac4359e37feb849.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/bloodthirster-5/)

6) Krull Daemon
This Mierce Miniatures daemon is a massive beast! It’s also very detailes, with it’s skin very detailed, is a great Bloodthirster alternative.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0f/11/72/0f1172f5a528c47d18ab6a6028252ec2.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/krull/)

7) “common” Bloodthirster
Called “common”, as this paint scheme is the most common scheme of Bloodthirsters we’re painting.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/41/e8/f6/41e8f64878711d0c143f7cfd60cce164.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/bloodthirster-2/)

8) Khorne Skullcannons
These daemonic entities are not like most of Khorne’s servants – they do not charge blindly to the battlefield, spilling blood from distance. The nice feature of these is the dark red approach for the main colour of their patron as well as rich, deeply shaded metallics.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/20/db/99/20db99140d857001420b521ef4e6da4b.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/khorne-skullcannons/)

9) Khorne Soulgrinder

Forged on the anvil of Daemon Forge, imprinted with the essence of one of the Blood God’s children, this Soulgrinder in allegiance of Khorne is ready for everlasting battle!

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/23/14/652314aabbfcdfba8b9381b65d65349d.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/soulgrinder-2/)

10) Khorgorath

A recent addition to the Blood God’s menagerie, emergence of Age of Sigmar gave birth to the new daemon of Khorne.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/43/f0/da/43f0daa60afa3c7f2929b4bb9aa2a993.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/khorgorath/)

Which one of them is your favourite one? Feel free to share your opinion of each of them.

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