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View Full Version : Most Epic Underhive Moments.

04-05-2010, 09:43 AM
Necromunda is a game where, if you play it with the right people, it can become a very narrative sort of campaign. I've seen a lot of players get really attached to their gangs and even individuals in that gang. And sometimes your gangers meet a rather horrific end; anyone who has played the game for any amount of time has seen their favorite ganger die in a hilarious or tragic way. So I thought it'd be neat to hear everyone's stories about your gang's (hilarious, tragic, heroic, etc.) loss.

In one of my Orlock gangs I had a heavy called Cannonball. Pretty beefy statline, high experience, nice gear and skills, the works. He got chosen in a shootout against my rival gang. 3 on 3 and after rolls were done, he was going first. Cannonball was using a heavy bolter, and got 3 shots off, one on each opposing member. I rolled 3 sixes to hit, which for those who don't know, each 6 rolled causes an ammo check. I ended up rolling a 1 for one of the dice on that check, and the bolter blew up. He took a wound, failed his carapace save, and went out of action. He ended up dieing from that wound.
The good news is that the three members he shot up also ended up being killed by those shots. Even in death his sacrifice wasn't in vain!

So what're your stories?

04-11-2010, 07:47 AM
Not Necromunda altought that is my main game.

I had a mordheim skaven warband and the assassin adept had, depite great stats etc, a long history of charging into combat and being beaten down by the most unlikely of characters. anyway he gained as an advance sprint which meant he had an 18" charge range, charged a young un' with a spear and was instantly taken out, he then as a result of the injuryy gained frenzy. he then had to charge anything that came within 18 inches. he tended to be wounded a lot more as a result

07-06-2010, 04:53 AM
Ine an early game things were oging bad. The gangers accompanying my leader, Drusilla, had been knocked out by shooting and there were seven cc kitted out goliaths in the vicinity. Drusilla charges their gang leader, stabs him in the face and drops him. Moves on to one of his bodyguards and drops him too. Over the following few turns she proceeds to wipe out some of the hardest CC gangers in the whole campaign with nothing but a sword. Four ended up dead, including the gang leader and three were captured.