View Full Version : First skorne list - 50pts

Herr Wiggles
04-05-2010, 03:14 AM
After a few days of soul searching I decided what faction for Hordes I was going to play come July, and that is Skorne as one can tell by where this is posted. Here is the list I think I am going to make for my army.
Xerxis -+5
Bronzeback -10
Gladiator - 8
Drake - 4
Krea - 4
Full Cetrati - 11
min Arcuraii - 6
Full Karax - 6
min Handlers - 2
Tyrant Commander - 3
Swamp Gobbers Bellow Crew - 1

The main punch is the combination of the Cetrati making the main line, followed by the Arcuraii to reel in the other front line, attempted flankers, and light jacks/ beasts. I added in the Karax to give the formation even higher defenses by not being susceptible to any blast damage. The Drake helps improve the mobility of the formation as a person might try to bog it down by throwing something in front of the Cetrati, so with Bushwhak they can still continue the movement. The Krea on the other hand is to make my line even harder to kill due to its animi giving a boost to defense while lower the defense of the enemy in combat. The tyrant commander I threw in mainly because it is a gorgeous model, but also the command and abilities will have their uses as well. The Gobbers are there for that screen against and shooting that could manage to punch through the defences of the formation. in my opinion for my list, they key to a good offense is a good defense.

C&C please!!!

04-05-2010, 01:55 PM
There are some Xerxis lists (http://www.privateerpressforums.com/search.php?searchid=204062&pp=25) from the Skorne forums you can compare yours to. Although since it looks like you posted yours there you probably have already seen them.

To me it seems too beast heavy for a Xerxis list. I also don't think the Arcuarii and Drake give you as much shooting as I would personally like to have. I would say, drop the Bronzeback and Gladiator for 2 cannoneers. With the Fury spell, any of Xerxis' infantry should be able to hit as hard as a heavy beast. Full Karax charging with fury can scrap a khadoran heavy in one round. Then I would say swap out the basilisks for 2 Ancestral guardians and a void seer. Mainly I think this will give you more options. The Cannoneers will give you an answer to long range shooty infantry and soften up the opposing army as you close. The void seer lets you target hiding support models and may even scare the enemy's caster/'lock enough to send it into hiding. The Ancestral Guardians ensure you will win an attrition game.

Finally I'm just gonna throw it out there that I don't actually play Skorne. I had a small Skorne force once, but I traded it away to fill in the gaps of a much larger Khador army I got for super cheap. So while my brain used to be filled with strategies for them, its been awhile now and I may be missing something important.

Herr Wiggles
04-05-2010, 02:07 PM
The main thing about the basilisks is their animi, the krea gives a bubble of +2 arm, def and -2 enemy defence, which adds to the formations brutality. As for the Titans, I may swap the BB for a cannoneer, and we will see about the other when the new sentry comes around, since I am not planning on buying this until august

04-05-2010, 02:41 PM
A lot of my thinking is derived from my experiences with Trollblood brick lists which perform in a similar way. They both have a core that is very difficult to kill, but will encounter things like Circle, Legion, and Cygnar armies that will end up encircling them and picking things off in small pieces, until you end up having to break up your formations to send things after them piecemeal. That's why I like the idea of the cannoneers. Their range and AoEs can help deal with things like Striders, Bloodtrackers, and Longgunners without making you break up your brick as much. Although really, this brick you have here may be so tough it won't matter. I'm having a pretty hard time trying to figure out how I would break it with any of the armies I regularly use. It could be really nasty in the SR scenarios. As long as you can get your guys to the control points I don't see much of anything getting them off.

One final thing: Paralytic aura only helps against ranged. Although no one wants to have to charge Shield Walled Cetrati with Defender's Ward on them. Those guys are brutal.

04-05-2010, 02:59 PM
To me it seems too beast heavy for a Xerxis list.
I can only agree here...
My suggestion would be a unit of Beast Handlers to help, you know, handle your beasts.

Also (and I hate to be that guy), Praetorian Swordsmen... They have twice as many attacks and are more manuverable than the Karax (also +1 MAT).
On feat turn, they can kill stuff .

04-05-2010, 03:23 PM
There is a min unit of handlers in there. That's enough to keep the beasts from frenzying provided all 3 stay alive.

Herr Wiggles
04-05-2010, 03:46 PM
I can only agree here...
My suggestion would be a unit of Beast Handlers to help, you know, handle your beasts.

Also (and I hate to be that guy), Praetorian Swordsmen... They have twice as many attacks and are more manuverable than the Karax (also +1 MAT).
On feat turn, they can kill stuff .

The karax are there to make sure no AOEs break up the formation since they have girded, which makes it so them, and and models in b2b dont suffer blast damage. As for the handlers, there is a minimum unit in there.

As for the sneaky ranged guys, that is why I have the gobbers, to provide the smoke screen, admitedly though, I would benefit from an extoller to give ghost sight and an acuraii or if I do get a cannoneer, to put it on that, but we will see. If I do get the cannoneer, there is an extra point to buff up the beast handler unit.