View Full Version : Kasabian campaign Online and World wide.

04-04-2010, 10:16 AM
Dear all,

My name is Jamie and i'm starting the Kasabian campaign. The Kasabian campaign is a free, online worldwide campaign for 40k. The main difference between the Kasabian campaign and other campaigns is that you can just play normally and post your results. You don't have to play the scenarios we'll be writing or even play armie in different faction. You get more points if you do but other than that it's up to you. At the moment the Kasabian campaign is in the planning stage but we're going to need lots more people to play and help out to make it enjoyable for everyone. For more information on the campaign and to sign up go here; Kasabian Campaign (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252704)

A the moment we're using Warseer as our base but we may create our own forum.

I look forward to watching you battle over the Kasabian system.