View Full Version : Age of Sigmar mini I found in a 40K box

12-02-2015, 05:18 PM
Hey guys, a friend suggested I post these pics here.

Full story is that I bought a Tau infiltration cadre box set today, expecting the usual - 10 pathfinders, 3 stealth suits, a piranha, a few drones, an ethereal... wait... where's the ethereal... what's this weird dwarf-looking mini that I have in this box instead? Asked him for help IDing it, he suggested I post it here since he pointed out it said 'GW 2016' on the sprue and it wasn't any dwarf mini he'd seen... so maybe dwarves are next?

Images only linked because they're a little large.


12-03-2015, 02:26 AM
Hey guys, a friend suggested I post these pics here.

Full story is that I bought a Tau infiltration cadre box set today, expecting the usual - 10 pathfinders, 3 stealth suits, a piranha, a few drones, an ethereal... wait... where's the ethereal... what's this weird dwarf-looking mini that I have in this box instead? Asked him for help IDing it, he suggested I post it here since he pointed out it said 'GW 2016' on the sprue and it wasn't any dwarf mini he'd seen... so maybe dwarves are next?

Images only linked because they're a little large.


Enjoy ebaying that :-)

Mr Mystery
12-03-2015, 02:35 AM
Looks to me like some kind of Fireslayer Priest.

Scratch that - some kind of standard bearer. I managed to mistake the banner top for part of the torso.

Erik Setzer
12-03-2015, 09:15 AM
Looks like a Fyreslayer. Could still be a Priest, just holding an icon. But probably not, given that Dwarfs don't usually go with Priests. Kind of odd to see a mix of Slayer and Chaos Dwarf looks, but it could work. Have to see it fully assembled to really get an idea of what it looks like.

I actually expected more literal fire, but it might be silly to have a whole group of Dwarfs with flames for hair and beards. (Not going to stop me finishing my own conversion once I remember to get some more green stuff, though. Just one flaming Dwarf should be fine, right?)

Mr Mystery
12-03-2015, 09:49 AM

Are you putting him in a Catapult to throw at your enemies?

- - - Updated - - -

Also, looks like the helmet is optional....

Von Carstein Vagabond
12-03-2015, 12:44 PM
Interesting! Rumour has it that Dwarf/Duardin fire slayers would soon be released. This certainly confirms some development on that line. Makes me wonder if this was a one off/small batch error ... or could more sets contain this by mistake? One thing to note is the spure is copyrighted 2016 which might mean its initial release should/could be next year?

Certainly looks like some sort of fireslayer high priest/chieftain to me. Thanks for posting! If the right people see or hear about your post this could go viral among the AOS community! You can congratulate yourself a the most authentic Age of Sigmar leak since its release! If GW found out someone somewhere will have been executed ... or may be not (certainly is their companies mentality though).

Erik Setzer
12-03-2015, 12:49 PM

Are you putting him in a Catapult to throw at your enemies?

No, though that would probably make for a rather dangerous projectile.

Makes me wonder if the "Grudge Thrower" was actually named that because it was used for launching Dwarfs with a serious grudge into combat faster.

Mr Mystery
12-03-2015, 01:01 PM
I wouldn't like an Ironbreaker to the face!

Path Walker
12-03-2015, 01:33 PM
There is just no way that was an accident!

Kaptain Badrukk
12-04-2015, 06:08 AM
They hire casuals for the xmas packing, so it could well be. One year someone got over-excited and LOADS of boxes had skaven in when they shouldn't have.

12-04-2015, 11:40 AM
Lets be honest. You didn't find this in a box, you a leaker of GW stuff. You are either an official GW leaker as per a recent front page post, and this is a corny cover story to try and put us off the scent of an official leak.

Or, you are a leaker who doesn't want to be IP traced and smashed for breach of your NDA. So a corny cover story about 'found in a box'.

Erik Setzer
12-04-2015, 12:23 PM
It's actually possible it ended up in a box. Hey, crazy stuff happens in packing facilities, and you might end up with a sprue knocked off the shelf into a spot it shouldn't be. I've had items missing, extra bits, stuff like that. It's not unreasonable to think it happens that sprues being stored for release in the coming months might end up cross-contaminating.

If it was a "sanctioned" GW link, I'm certain the photos would be of much better quality, and he would have also assembled the model to show off how it looks.

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-04-2015, 01:30 PM
Well, it's nice to finally see a non-stormcast or chaos faction that has new models. I am certainly intrigued by the concept of fire dwarves but would have to see more.

12-05-2015, 09:07 AM
Where was that box packed? I'm sure that one plastic sprue looks like any other to a Chinese factory worker. "Oh, I've run out of my stack here, so I'll just grab another from this nearby stack." We see this a lot in fabrication, where assemblers misplace parts (like say a bolt) and use a bolt that is the same size (but maybe not the same rating) from another section. Then in testing the pressure vessel they were assembling fails because someone got lazy and borrowed parts rather than getting the right one replaced. I'm sure chinese box packer is more concerned with his box quota than accuracy.

Ray Rivers
12-05-2015, 10:28 AM
Where was that box packed? I'm sure that one plastic sprue looks like any other to a Chinese factory worker.

The minis are made in the UK. Doubt if any Chinese had anything to do with it.

Path Walker
12-05-2015, 11:15 AM
Boxes are all packed by staff in the UK but this was either a deliberate way to leak models out by GW or a cover for a deliberate leak.

12-06-2015, 06:54 PM
Boxes are all packed by staff in the UK but this was either a deliberate way to leak models out by GW or a cover for a deliberate leak.

I think so - the way the photos are done, good close up on both sides - is the same way the Calth sprues leaked. And the BoLS front page tried to cite that as an 'official' leak...

12-07-2015, 04:59 PM
Boxes are all packed by staff in the UK but this was either a deliberate way to leak models out by GW or a cover for a deliberate leak.

they arent

at least not in the US or AUS. The AUS GW boxes are packaged here, thats what lets GW put "product of australia" on the box as they are "substantially altered" in australia.