View Full Version : Help me make an effective army out of this!

Hendrik Booraem VI
12-01-2015, 12:29 PM
Here's why my army lists are always weird: I have an odd assortment of Space Marine models. Mostly stuff purchased on E-bay, but some stuff that I bought from my FLGS (hat-tip to https://www.facebook.com/Borderlands-Comics-and-Games-140146312709268/?fref=ts).

I have:
1 Space Marine Captain from AOBR
1 Space Marine Captain from AOBR painted differently (I claim he's a librarian)
1 Dreadnought from AOBR (I bought an assault cannon arm to replace the multi-melta - they're magnetized so I can use whichever)
10 Terminators from AOBR
10 tactical marines from AOBR (with ML and Flamer)
20 tactical marines from DV (2x plasma cannon, 2x plasma gun, 1 sgt w/plasma+chainsword, the other modded to bolt pistol+TH)
13 terminators from Space Hulk (1 heavy flamer, 1 assault cannon, 1 TH/SS, 1 librarian, 1 LC, 1 sgt w/power sword + storm bolter)
3 land speeders with assault cannons and heavy bolters
5 scouts with bolt pistols and close combat weapons
5 assault marines with Bolt pistol/chainsword and magnetized jump packs in case I decide to use them as a command squad?
1 devastator sgt w/bolter and chainsword
2 devs with heavy bolters
2 devs with MLs
2 devs with multi-meltas
2 devs with lascannons

annnnnd that's about it. I have some bits left, so I could put together the grav-cannons from the Devastator box, and I have some power weapons so I could make some vanguard vets or something, but not really much else. I want to get a Thunderfire Cannon, Predator, and sniper scouts eventually, but in the meantime, what's the best list I could cobble together out of that?

I tried a 1st Company formation with an allied CAD of terminator captain, scouts, and tactical squad. That wasn't HORRIBLE, but it really didn't bring enough firepower at the 1000 points level. OH, I should clarify, I have an escalation campaign coming up in January, so I need to make actually THREE lists. 1000 points, 1250 points, and 1500 points. Assuming that I can't get any other models, and I have to work with what's listed above.

Suggestions welcome!

12-07-2015, 11:47 AM
The biggest problem that I see with your army, is its lack of mobility. you can teleport the terminators on the board, but most of your army is slowly walking on from the table edge. you may want to see if you can acquire a few drop pods used, or rhinos. you may won't to think about using some of them as an allied detachment, you could turn one of the land speeders into the raven wing custom HQ one with 14 front and side armor, the unique terminators from the dark angels are pretty neat to if you have modeling skills. you could also convert a land speeder into a transport for the 5 scouts, or make them black Templars fielding them as part of a Templar squad with some 3+ perhaps in a land raider crusader I like to stuff an HQ, 5 scouts, and 10 marines into a land raider crusader from time to time, but it can be expensive for 1000-1500point limits.