View Full Version : Battle missions Killteam versus BRB

Uncle Nutsy
04-03-2010, 04:54 PM
I've been trying to figure this out on my own for a while, and research hasn't led to a clear-cut answer.

I know in the BRB under turboboost it says "units mounted on bikes and jetbikes..." and in the killteam section it says "a model can take any USR only once"

I need to know something: does the expansion book override the BRB in the sense that I can utilize turboboost on a Tau Crisis suit?

I've even discussed this with the local gaming group here and they all tell me it's legal and have had zero problem with it. But I would like an answer from you guys.

04-03-2010, 07:09 PM
I think you're misunderstanding the Kill Teams rules. The "can only take a USR once" doesn't apply to unit rules.

In killteams, you can grant 3 models one extra USR. It doesn't matter what other USR's they have. For example, if I take a unit of Plague Marines, I can give one Preferred Enemy, one Relentless and one Furious Charge. Because the unit came with FNP standard, each of those models also has FNP.

Edit: Turboboost is kinda a weird example. You could give one of your models the Turboboost USR. However, the USR states "models on a bike or jetbike may...". So even though you could give the USR to anyone, if they aren't on a bike or jetbike they still couldn't use it. I think.

Uncle Nutsy
04-03-2010, 07:47 PM
Turboboost is kinda a weird example. You could give one of your models the Turboboost USR. However, the USR states "models on a bike or jetbike may...". So even though you could give the USR to anyone, if they aren't on a bike or jetbike they still couldn't use it. I think.

yeah that's what's got me wondering. But it does make sense somewhat, because the suit now has the ability to kick it's jets into overdrive, sending it flying to a new location.

04-03-2010, 11:24 PM
Yeah, it's kinda an odd situation. The rule itself states that it only works for bikes and jetbikes, so in theory a unit could have turbo boost and not be able to use it due to the fact that it's not a jetbike, as in this case.

While it would be funny to give someone turboboost to use in killteams, I think the bike and jetbike only thing still applies. You could give it to anyone, but only bikes and jetbikes could actually activate the rule.

Uncle Nutsy
04-03-2010, 11:34 PM
I've read over the turbo-boost rule very carefully. It's telling me the UNIT (not the bike itself) mounted on the bike may utilize the turbo-boosters, so to me that means some funky jiggering was done to the unit's armor to make him go fast.

"Oi! 'ere's some fancy pushas for ya to take into da ba'tle ta use against dem 'umies. 'dey's on your back so don't run into any o' dem walls o'rwise you get squished n we gotsta send in anudda boy"

That brings me to a couple more questions: does the missions book override the brb or vice versa? and is "You may select three models in your army to designate as specialists, to give any USR from the book" a specific rule?

04-04-2010, 12:53 AM
Can on give a character, say, the Doom of Malan'tai, Eternal Warrior?

04-04-2010, 12:41 PM
Can on give a character, say, the Doom of Malan'tai, Eternal Warrior?

Eternal Warrior yes, Doom no. One is a USR the other is not.

But for the most part you guys are selectively reading the USR concerning turbo-boosting. The Rule clearly states in the first line "Units mounted on bikes and jetbikes may utilize turbo-boosters to move at extreme speed. In other words the Character get the benefit of using turbo boosters expressly because they are on a bike or jetbike. They are in fact utilise an ability of the bike without which they would not have it.

Another way to look at it is using the interpretation of "unit". In this context it is that the person and the bike together constitute a model in that "unit" - they are not separate or exclusive and the rule applies toi the "unit" of bike and jetbikes. That is to say a "unit" composed of bike mounted models.

No bike, no turbo-booster.

04-04-2010, 12:53 PM
Eternal Warrior yes, Doom no. One is a USR the other is not.

I didn't mean Doom the psychic power. I meant the Character "Doom of Malan'tai" from the Tyranid codex. The T4, 3++ baddy with between 2 and 10 wounds.

with Eternal Warrior, he is unstoppable.

04-04-2010, 01:09 PM
I didn't mean Doom the psychic power. I meant the Character "Doom of Malan'tai" from the Tyranid codex. The T4, 3++ baddy with between 2 and 10 wounds.

with Eternal Warrior, he is unstoppable.

... until someone breaks out the psycannons that is.

OT: as hilarious as I think it would be for a non-bike to have Turbo-boosters*, the wording of the USR would contradict its use by RAW. However, if your group okays it, there's no problem.

* I'm thinking of the model having a giant rocket strapped to its back flying around with the hapless guy on board screaming his head off while trying not to crash. If it's a Stormboy, the it's a bigger rocket :D

Uncle Nutsy
04-04-2010, 01:41 PM
But for the most part you guys are selectively reading the USR concerning turbo-boosting. The Rule clearly states in the first line "Units mounted on bikes and jetbikes may utilize turbo-boosters to move at extreme speed. In other words the Character get the benefit of using turbo boosters expressly because they are on a bike or jetbike. They are in fact utilise an ability of the bike without which they would not have it.

Another way to look at it is using the interpretation of "unit". In this context it is that the person and the bike together constitute a model in that "unit" - they are not separate or exclusive and the rule applies toi the "unit" of bike and jetbikes. That is to say a "unit" composed of bike mounted models.

No bike, no turbo-booster.

yeah. I understand that's the spirit of the rule. But I still would like an answer to my other question, wether or not the battle missions book trumps the core rulebook.

BTW: i just had an evil thought. Turboboosters + Tau XV9 + dual Phased Ion Guns in killteam = horrible pwn.

04-04-2010, 05:22 PM
I think RAW you cannot USE turboboost on a non-bike modell.

I also think that it was fully intended that you solve such minor issues with your oponent before the game. It's not like you are going to do a tourney with killteams :)

I'm also in the boath to allow it to be used just for hilarity ^^

04-04-2010, 05:41 PM
It's not like you are going to do a tourney with killteams :)

Actually, I think that would be a blast.

Uncle Nutsy
04-04-2010, 05:50 PM

Of course the expansion was written just for purely fun games, and with 200 pts as a limit, I think it fits the bill quite well.

A necron with furious charge and another necron with rage = lol

or even a greater knarloc with stealth = rofl

04-04-2010, 08:05 PM
yeah. I understand that's the spirit of the rule. But I still would like an answer to my other question, wether or not the battle missions book trumps the core rulebook.
Yes, BM "trumps" the rulebook. In this case, however, there is no conflict. You cannot give the same USR to more than one model per the specialists rules. The Kill Team mission does not say that no two models may have the same USR. Hence you could have a bike, which has the turbo-boosters USR, and also give the turbo-boosters USR to a non-bike unit.

However, as other people have pointed out, Kill Team doesn't modify how USRs actually work, and turbo-boosters doesn't do anything if you aren't a bike. So while Kill-Team "trumps" the rulebook in the sense that it allows you to give a non-bike unit the turbo-boosters USR, it does not "trump" the rulebook by saying, "Oh, and by the way, that part in the turbo-boosters USR where it says it only applies to bikes? That's waived for purposes of this mission."

Uncle Nutsy
04-05-2010, 03:34 PM
well, I've talked to the group regarding if a suit can use turboboost and to sum it up, they said "go for it".

So I'm going to head into the local hobby shop to get myself a crisis suit and model it in a superman pose. :D

04-05-2010, 10:17 PM
well, I've talked to the group regarding if a suit can use turboboost and to sum it up, they said "go for it".

So I'm going to head into the local hobby shop to get myself a crisis suit and model it in a superman pose. :D

Fun times, I honestly don't agree with the ruling, but hell have fun and enjoy. :)

*stares at his tyranids* Oh the fun a turbo boosting tyranid model could be. haha