View Full Version : Stormraven

04-03-2010, 03:03 PM
Has anyone play tested the different variants of the Stormraven yet?

I am going to be building mine soon: gunna magnetize all the weapons so I can experiment with different combinations.

The Stormraven ranges from ~200-300 points, depending how you configure it.

I have to admit... something draws me toward the Hurricane Sponsons, Twin-Linked Plasma Cannon, and Typhoon Launcher... but realllllllly expensive--- super versatile!

04-03-2010, 04:19 PM
I confess I haven't done much play testing but my logic goes as follows:

The Typhoon's main advantage is range so is most useful if you're going to sit back on the baseline for a couple of turns popping off targets that might be a threat before committing to the attack. It's got good fexibility true, but you pay a lot for it as you're giving up weapons too, unlike the hurricanes.Also, lascannons trump assault cannons in this role.

The hurricane bolters and frag typhoon missiles are useful as defensive weapons that can still fire at speed against horde armies if you're going to get close early and pair well with the assault cannons but are expensive against tougher foes like other power armoured armies or lots of mech where they'll be less useful.

Plasma cannons are good against H infantry but their blast makes twin linking less valuable IMHO which means you're paying a premium in points for them.

Ultimately, the Storm Raven's AV12 makes it a bit of a glass hammer against most armies and I don't think you want to make it too expensive. If you get to 300 points, you're already halfway to having a second Storm Raven.

04-03-2010, 06:47 PM
The stormraven is too fragile and vulnerable to be able to use it's long range shooting very effectively, I think. It should be about the size of a Valkyrie, making it near impossible to protect, and doesn't have the greatest armor. Such an expensive and fragile model would require a ton of firepower to justify using it in that role, and I just don't think the stormraven has enough firepower to do so.

Now, on the other hand, keeping it with a TL AC and a TL MM, and use it for it's purpose of delivering a pair of hammer units into the midst of the enemy. Take shots of opportunity with the AC and MM, since you can move 12" and shoot both thanks to PotMS. Even if you get blown up pretty quick, you can deliver some nasty units straight into your opponent's face and get a few potshots off with a MM and AC. That's a dead tank or two, and some dead infantry, plus you've delivered your assault units. If the Raven lives, that's just cake.