View Full Version : Daboarder's Perdition Guard.

04-03-2010, 12:59 AM
So with the advent of the new codex I finally decided to post the pictures of my Honour Guard, the ones that aren't here are currently being revamped/slightly altered for the new codex. These alterations include the addition of a Thunder hammer for the standard bearer, a Sword and Shield for the novitiate, and finally a wrist mounted perdition pistol for my chapter master.

First up we have My sangiunary High Priest Kaiyne.
For the duration of the PDF he faithfully served the role of Chaplain Lemartes but wiht the inclusion of Sangiunary Priest's in the new codex's he is the first of many more to come, One based upon the Seth model and another upon the old gamesday captain wiht thunder hammer.


Next up are my 2 "basic" Honour Guard, bearing power axe's and shield's. Because I wanted these 2 to be faceless bodyguard style marine's I decided to use the same equipement to model them but leaving enough differences in detail to give them some personality.


And number 2


Finally for now I present to you the as yet to be named Chapter Champion of the Perdition Guard.


So what do you guy's think of the final HG? I'll be posting pictures of the rest of my Honour Guard when they are finished nest wednesday.

04-03-2010, 01:23 AM

That is some nice work. I must ask where those wings are from?


04-03-2010, 08:39 AM
Great conversion work. The first guy has a really great position. Like he is gonna land.....drink a shot of blood from the cup.....then whoop some ***.

person person
04-03-2010, 04:47 PM
That is some ace conversion work. Poses are really cool.

04-03-2010, 10:16 PM
Great job on the conversions- particularly on the sanguinary chaplain. And kudos on the basing!