View Full Version : Codex: Catachans

04-02-2010, 06:04 PM
Are they still played/legal? Moreover, does anyone really use their special rules? Supposing some gamers (may have) forgotten about the booby traps. I haven't had my hands on a codex in years, so I'm just curious if they're still a viable option these days with all the mech cruising around. Lots of chainsaw sentinels seems kind of fun though. :D

Probably not, but I'm just curious what the general opinion is. You can basically make several lists and depending on what your opponent is bringing, use the list with the appropriate trap setup... right?

04-02-2010, 06:11 PM
Codex: Cat was replaced when the 4th ed IG codex came out. Although, personally, I wouldn't mind playing against it (even if using the updated unit composition) because the special rules would disallow mech.

John M>

04-02-2010, 06:21 PM
I really like thinking out-of-the-box, and I think that Catachans with a healthy dose of mortars and mines. I liked puting a shredder mine(? the flamer template one) right across cover. Luring units out is particularly fun when you can taunt the hell out of your opponent Dan Hibiki style just to get them off track. Sure, it's playing dirty, but it's not breaking any rules!

04-02-2010, 06:47 PM
You mean pdf. Codex Catachans? I don't think its legal, I think the new codex replaced it, the previous 4th ed one replacing the thin codex book catachans. God could you imagine a whole army that could use the outflanking rule and had that much melta and flamers running around? nuts!

04-02-2010, 07:44 PM
Are they still played/legal? Moreover, does anyone really use their special rules? Supposing some gamers (may have) forgotten about the booby traps. I haven't had my hands on a codex in years, so I'm just curious if they're still a viable option these days with all the mech cruising around. Lots of chainsaw sentinels seems kind of fun though. :D

Probably not, but I'm just curious what the general opinion is. You can basically make several lists and depending on what your opponent is bringing, use the list with the appropriate trap setup... right?

I actually have the 3rd ed. book right here in front of me. Unfortunately it is not tourny legal. However that doesn't stop me from using it. It allows 50-90% area terrain on the board so in 5th that could cause a lot of problems for the mech heavy lists. As long as your opponent says its cool, then by all means use it. GW has slowly weeded out the fluff in the rules for streamlining. Nothing you can really do about it. I have 2 lists. Both are Catachan based. 1 from each book, the 3rd Catachan book, and the new IG codex.

04-02-2010, 08:26 PM
Does the new IG codex allow for mines n' stuff? I liked the feel of the mind games, plus the new(er) rules for Marbo really caught my attention. (Pop up, throw demo charge, go to ground :D )

The whole army if played right can make your opponent feel under pressure. One more question, if I remember correctly, Mortar teams are the only heavy weapon squad a true catachan force can take, how well do those work under the new rules?

04-03-2010, 02:02 AM
no mines, and that was one of the major things i liked about the codex. The removal of that seems to be part of the "streamlining" from GW. No ambush either which really sucks.