View Full Version : Captain America: Civil War

11-25-2015, 06:32 AM
I approve.

Mr Mystery
11-25-2015, 06:42 AM
Was that Gen Thunderbolt Ross I spy?

It's all looking very, very groovy I must say.

11-25-2015, 06:49 AM
Totes is.

Yup I am much excite, and its by the same chaps who did Winter Soldier which is probably teh highlight of the MCU to date for me so I think this will be very good.

Mr Mystery
11-25-2015, 07:28 AM
I'm torn about how I'd like this film/story to end....

On one hand, having a 'big bad' rock up and force them to stop bickering would leave simmering tensions to be explored in other MCU films.

On the other? That still feels like a bit of a cop-out, and I'd prefer some kind of resolution similar to the comic books.

Also, Tchalla is looking cool!

- - - Updated - - -

Looking up the MCU release slate, I spotted this...

Marvel's Damage Control[edit]

The series follows the overworked, underpaid, clean up crew of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, who specialize in dealing with the aftermath of superhero conflicts, rescheduling events because of the conflicts, and retrieving lost items.[12]

Ben Karlin serves as executive producer of the series, along with David Miner and Loeb.[12]

Sounds interesting, no?

11-25-2015, 08:16 AM
that Super Viscera Cleanup Detail sounds neat to be sure, and the trailer for Civil War is also ace

Erik Setzer
11-25-2015, 10:38 AM
It all looked so awesome, but then that part at the end... ALL THE FEELS. Can't wait to see it.

Also, Damage Control sounds hilarious and awesome. (Just as long as it doesn't turn out like Mayor Me's "damage control.")

11-25-2015, 02:21 PM
I know it'll never happen, but I'd still like to see a Captain America/Punisher crossover.

Of course, I wouldn't want it to be an action film; It'd be a drama, with Punisher on the inside and Cap visiting, trying to turn him back into a man. He'd fail, because Punisher is just too far gone, and much, much too much of self-made psychopath, but there'd be some great dialogue. Just two talking heads, with Cap appealing the good soldier inside Punisher, having completely misunderstood the man.

Kind of like a MCU version of 'Silence of the Lambs'.`

Back on topic, 'Civil War' is looking superb. Marvel really get what they're doing.

Mr Mystery
11-25-2015, 03:36 PM
You say it'll never happen, but Punisher is coming to season 2 of Daredevil, so never say never...

11-25-2015, 05:28 PM
Which is why.

The Netflix series are to the MCU as the Marvel MAX imprint was to 616 continuity.

So no crossovers. :(

Mr Mystery
11-26-2015, 12:37 AM
I dunno dude.

They're on record as saying if the series prove popular, there's no reason film won't follow.

It's all connected, after all.

11-26-2015, 05:15 AM
Civil War Spoilers

*Lee surrenders.
Lincoln dies.*

02-09-2016, 08:31 AM