View Full Version : 20 man blob worthwhile?

04-02-2010, 07:16 AM
Hey there all, just wanted some quick input here. I'm tweeking my 1,850 mech vet IG tourny army up to 2k and I'm considering adding a 5th troops choice to go with the 4 melta vet squads (2 in chimeras 2 in Vendettas). Anyway I've dropped my hydras for a manticore and am thinking of Adding a 20 man blob with 2 auto cannons and a commissar to sit in my back field (PCS get a chimera and some flamers and runs around with the vets).

So my question is a 20 man blob worth bothering with? I normally run 30 if I'm going to use them but I can only really afford 20 due to points restraints. In your opinions is 20 fine or will it just die way too soon and be a waste?


04-02-2010, 10:44 AM
It's a waste.

04-02-2010, 12:48 PM
Personally I've used a 20 man blob with a flamer, a GL and a commissar to decent effect as a countercharge unit. However, I play a mixed mech/foot list, in a pure mech list they'd probably get chewed up to quickly by everything your opponent has that can't affect tanks.

04-02-2010, 01:47 PM
tbh, even a squad of 30 seems low. You don't have enough sergeants with power weapons or enough bodies to protect them.

04-02-2010, 04:32 PM
hmmm it seems my fears are founded. Another vet squad it is then! Thanks for the input!

04-02-2010, 08:20 PM
BAH! Never discount the sheer amount of shots this stubborn 9 unit can bring. Even with heavy weapons, we are talking 28 shots, 42 with orders. Mine destroys terminator units. Add in heavy bolters, plasma pistols, etc... it'll take what you need down. Get them in cover and you'll be fine. Str 3 is still Str 3... WITH 40 SHOTS. That's a TON.

It's not a unit like the others in your army that can just trot around willy nilly. They have a specific task, usually holding an objective in the back or middle, in cover, laying down lots of 12-24" fire. Put a PCS with some sorta anti assault measures and you're gold.

04-02-2010, 10:20 PM
I generally agree with Walls - sticking a 20-strong unit in heavy cover in your backfield will give you a strong firebase that's very difficult to wedge off of an objective. Give them heavy weapons and they're gold.

Even in Kill Point missions- 20 men are harder to kill than 10.