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View Full Version : Go Dark Eldar

08-06-2009, 01:22 AM
I have played DE since when I bought my 3rd ed box set. GW has ignored them, pushed them into a corner and threatened to take them away. and still I play them.. I am the only one at my gaming club that has any DE at all. Most tournament players I play against either tell me they have never player against DE or ask if it is even still a legal list.Who else still has faith that GW will give us a new army book and models. They keep pushing it back and the rumors constantly fly, but with armies like space wolves being updated again I have faith.

08-06-2009, 02:04 AM
Our codex is powerful as is. The longer the wait the better because GW can only BUT weaken our book.

The grass is always greener....

08-06-2009, 02:21 AM
I'm one of the two dark eldar players in the area. I've only been playing a few months, have a very small army, and out of 7 games have lost 6 and drawn 1. This does not impress others with the great lethality of the army.

Then they go off and play the other DE player. Who frequently wipes the floor with them. And who won the last tournemant in the area. This makes me smile. I need to sit at his feet and learn more nasty tricks.

08-06-2009, 07:22 AM
Look as BuFFo said, the book can only get worse.

Either that or they'll overpower it and EVERYONE will play it.

I like being the only Dark Eldar player in my area. The hardest games I've ever played are against other Dark Eldar armies. Right now I'm unique and my dirty tricks are unknown. I kind of like it that way.

And besides, at least we have a model range unlike the poor Chaos Dwarves in Fantasy.

Lord Inquisitor
08-06-2009, 08:11 AM
I'm about to start Dark Eldar. They've been calling me but I keep telling them no. But now with the codex at best 2 years away I'm going to start a small army. At my store we have 750 point tournaments every month, so that is what I'm going to make it for. After having only truly played Dark Eldar onece I don't know a great deal about them. But this is what I want to take. Archon with the thing that always wounds on a 4+ and the 2+ invulnerable save. Some Incubi. Then have 3 or so squads of warriors. All of this will be in Raiders and then have like 1 Ravager. How does that sound? I will get the codex in a few days so then I will get a good feel for them.

08-06-2009, 10:07 AM
That sounds like a great starting force.

Make sure your Archon and Retinue is in a Raider and make sure your Ravager is a triple Disentegrator Ravager.

Other than that, good luck and report back to me your winnings!

08-07-2009, 06:33 PM
I went to a tournament with a 3 disentegrator ravager and things went badly. I had a few blasters in my army and some haywires but other than that I failed at bringing tanks down at range. I much proffer dark lances. and I really need to learn from you guys, I have never won playing my de army

08-07-2009, 07:01 PM
I have only played one game against DE, and I got wiped... I think I killed four of his models... 2 incubi and 2 warriors. The army is interesting, and I like the idea of swift moving raiders, but I just can't get over the models. If they would just update the models, I would definately play them. They wouldn't even need to change the codex for me, just the models.

As for the survivability of the Army as a whole, I would say yes they will survive, for two reasons.

1. They have their own section in the core rulebook (unlike the Inquisition, which worries me)
2. GW is at least saying that they want to get to it (once again, unlike the Inquisition)

So, if anything needs worrying about, it is daemon and witch hunters

08-07-2009, 07:03 PM
My old tactic was to put a horror fex on all my raiders and pin what I wasn't assaulting , than I would assault what was pinned the fallowing turn .