View Full Version : Betrayal at Calth Rules

11-20-2015, 01:44 AM
Activating Units spend a Tactical Point to make an action, but not always.

Adjacent Hecks are Heckses that share the same edge are Adjacent.

Counting Hecks the Hecks your unit occupies will be surround by six (adjacent) heckses. Those Heckses are one hecks away, (AKA adjacent). Surrounding those six (adjacent) heckses, are twelve more Heckses. Those twelve are two heckses away from the unit. Surround the twelve heckses (that are 2 Heckses away) are 18 Heckses that are 3 heckses away from the unit. Some weapons and abilities have a range of 3 Heckses. Weapons cannot Shoot at an Adjacent Heck (that’s what Assaulting is for) but weapons which have a range of 3 Heckses, would potentially be able to Shoot at 30 Heckses surrounding it (between 3 heckses away and 2 Heckses away there are 30 Heckses)

Hecks capacity cannot exceed a combined Bulk value of 3
(marines=1, Termies=2, Dreads=3)

Making actions: After the Initiative Phase and Ready Phase, you activate units in the Action Phase. A Unit spends one Tactical Point to Activate a unit to perform an action. There are five actions to choose from, each costs a single action point. A unit has got to be Activated before it can make an action, but there are funny cards which can elicit an actions without spending Tactical Points or Activating units.

Pinned a debuff that occurs when your unit is adjacent to an enemy unit, you cannot Run (move 2 heckses) or Shoot (make pew pew noises) when Pinned. Your Big Bot can never be Pinned

Re-rolls allow a player to roll cast dice a second time. I think the only thing that can be re-roll more than once is the Assault Cannon.

Tactical Points are the number of times a unit can be activated. During the Ready Phase every Unit gets two Tactical Point (cardboard marker noting two points) and the spend the points during the Action Phase. Units can be forced to lose Tactical Points (Critical Effect of the bolter)

Unit is the term for a group of models that occupy the same Hecks.

Removed as a Casualty ceases to occupy the board and no longer a part of the BETRAYAL

Occupied Hecks is a Hecks that contains at least one model… why does this need to be explained?

Initiative Phase is the “who goes first?” phase. The Mission always determines who goes first on the first turn. After the first turn both players get to roll 3 dice. For every Veteran Sergeant (Veteran Tactical or Termie squad leader) a player can roll an extra dice. A Critical Hit (target with skull) grants 2 initiative point, and Hit (target) grants 1 point. Add up your points and determine who scored higher. If tied, do it all again.

Ready Phase starts with drawing a Command Card. Next every unit gets two Tactical Points.

Action Phase players take turns activating units. (If you do not know who goes first, I suggest you read the part about the Initiative Phase) Once activated a unit can perform either an Advance Move, Run, Consolidate, Attack or Shoot. An activated Unit can also perform no action at all.

If one player has no more units that they can activate, the other player with Tactical Points remaining can activate Unit after Unit until the remaining Tactical Points are used up.

Move is an action where the unit can Advance one Hecks

Run is an action where the unit can Advance 2 Heckses. The first Hecks the unit moves through cannot be occupied, adjacent to an enemy or be a Rubble Hecks.

Consolidate is when you split a unit apart, or merge a model into another unit

Attack is when you move a unit to a Hecks Adjacent to an enemy unit and initiate close combat attacks. If the defender contains at least one model following the Attack, they may strike back. If the defenders Hecks is empty following the Attack, the Attackers may occupy it.

Shoot is an action where a unit fires all of its weapons at another unit.
When you can draw a line from the center of the Hecks of firing unit to the center of the hecks of the target, it is considered Clear Line of Sight.

Obscured Shots occur when you cannot draw a straight line from the center of the firing Unit to the center of Hecks of the target, but you can draw a straight line to any other part of the Hecks. (No Crital Bonus, +2 Dice to Defender) This line may pass through occupied heckses.

Rubble heckses provide an additional dice for defence

Barricades are set up along one edge of a Hecks. Shots that cross a barricade grant the target +2 Dice for defence.

Determine the Strength when you Shoot or Assault by calculating the value of all the attacking models of the unit. Add up the Shoot values for each weapon when you Shoot or add up the number of Attacks by adding the Assault value for each model and bonus attacks for pistols or close combat weapons. This is the amount of dice that are rolled.

Roll when a unit decides to Shoot or Attack. Conserve any dice the rolls a Hit or Critical Hit.

Critical Hit count toward Hits scored but also provides a bonus effect. Each weapon has a unique Critical Hit bonus. Only one bonus, chosen from one weapon used by the unit, is applied. Bonuses are resolved before the target unit attempts to roll saves. If the target unit is Obscured a Critical Hit provides no bonus, and is simply treated as a Hit.

Defense roll is made by the model that was selected as targeted. The defending opponent selects which model will take the hit, and attempt to roll shields. Defending model rolls the amount of dice equal to its Amour profile. For each Shield rolled a Hit is discarded. After the defence roll, remaining Hits are applied to the model that was selected to defend.

Stamina Value is the amount of unsaved Hits needed to remove a model as a casualty. Hits resolved against the Stamina Value are discarded when they remove a model as a casualty. Hits that remain to be resolved, are applied to the next defender-selected model. This model can roll for defense. If the number of remaining Hits are less than the Stamina value of the defending model, there is no need to attempt a defense roll as they lack the strength to remove the model as a casualty.

Big Bot defense is determined by drawing one of 6 cards (tummy, torso, left leg, right leg, gun arm, or strong arm) Each card has it’s own Armor value and Stamina value. If the number of unsaved Hits, surpass the Stamina value, damage modifiers are applied to the Big Bot, and the card remains face up on the board. If the Hits are successfully defended or cannot surpass the Stamina Value, then the card is returned into the deck with the other 5 cars. The Big Bot cannot be forced to loose Tactical Points from the Bolter Critical Effect.

Retreat is a mandatory reaction of a targeted unit that has suffered more models removed as casualties than the attacker. Following the defenders strike back, the remaining models must consolidate out of their hecks. A model that cannot consolidate to another hecks makes a Desperate Last Stand.

Desperate Last Stand is made by rolling one dice, if a shield is rolled, the defender can remain in the Hecks, if any other result is rolled, it is removed as a casualty.

Bolt pistol Shoot 2 (only within 3 heckses) +1 dice in Attack (Close Combat)
Bolter Shoot 2
Combi bolter Shoot 4
Heavy bolter Shoot 6
Critical Hit: Target loses 1 tactical point

Missile Launcher Shoots 5
Critical Hit: Add one extra dice for each model in hex

Melta Shoot 3 (Critical Hit only within 3 heckses)
Multi melta Shoot 4 (Critical hit only within 6 heckses)
Critical Hit First target gets no dice for defense (treat Armor as 0)

Assault Cannon Shoot 6
Critical Hit: Reroll any number of Blanks or Shields. Do this until none remain or you wish to stop. If attack Roll contains 4 or more Critical Hits, Heavy Weapon Arm is destroyed after action has been resolved.

Plasma pistol Shoot 3 (only within 3 heckses)
Plasma gun Shoot 3
Critical Hit: +4 dice, if 2 of these dice are critical, firer is removed as casualty

Flamer Shoot 4 (only within 3 heckses)
Heavy flamer Shoot 6 (only within 3 heckses)
Critical Hit: another shoot action against units adjacent to target (w/flamers only)

Chainsword +1 Attack Dice
Critical Hit: +1 dice to the Attack Roll. No further dice added w/Critical Hits.
Chainfist +1 Attack Dice
Critical Hit: target counts as having a stamina value of 1

Lightning Claw +1 Attack Dice
Critical Hit reroll up to 2 dice in attack roll
Pair of Lightning Claws +3 Attack Dice
Critical Hit: reroll up to 4 dice in attack roll

Power Sword +1 Attack Dice
Critical Hit: First target halves number of armor dice, rounding down

Power fist+1 Attack Dice
Critical Hit: First target gets no defense dice against Attack
Contemptor Power Fist +1 Attack Dice
Critical Hit: First target has Armor value 0 for Defense Roll

Legion Vexilla can reroll any dice in Assault and Desperate Last Stand

Grenade Harness Add a dice for each model in the unit when you Attack

WORD BEARERS Command Cards

Tainted Blade in combat if you roll a critical hit, choose a model in target unit to remove as a casualty.

Dark Pact following a failed armor save, roll a dice, if blank, model is removed, anything else and model can remain. If it is the only model in the hex, remaining Hits are discarded

Unnatural Resilience after making defense roll gain six extra defense rolls

Frenzied Charge Each model gets extra dice in assault

Diabolical Swiftness In action phase two units may move into adjacent hexes without being activated

Rad Grenade used instead of a ranged attack, three dice, any critical hits removes a model

Would you fire on your own brother? When enemy makes a ranged attack, before dice are rolled, halves number of dice, rounding down

Fanatical Devotion when a model is forced to retreat, does not retreat, no last stand

Strike Them Down before rolling dice for assault, one additional dice for each Hit scored

Guided by Portents immediately after rolling for initiative one non-pinned unit can advance, consolidate or run without being activated

Foul Desecration at the start of the action phase, place desecration marker in a hex, an opponent making attack rolls within three hexes on the marker can be made to reroll any one dice. If an opponent unit enters the hex with the marker in it, it is removed.
Ritual Sacrifice When making assault, before attacks are rolled. Nominate on model in the unit, or adjacent unit; remove it as a casualty, all models in activated unit get +2 Attacks in this assault.

Bound by blood play when you choose a target model in a word bearer unit, choose two models instead of one, treat as a single model, they combine their stamina values, but both are remove if sufficient hits are scored.

Corpse Shield when a model is removed as a casualty, any additional hits needing allocation are discarded

Lured by voices before choosing a target to Shoot, move an opponent model to an adjacent hex, that is empty, but not adjacent to enemy occupied hex. The target must end movement within line of sight of the shooting unit


Squad Tactics after you play a unit, and complete a movement, immediately activate another unit

Not one step back mark a unit with the standard marker, this unit treats blanks as shields and will not retreat.


Veteran Tactical Squad
Armour: 2
Stamina: 2
Assault: 2
Bulk: 1
Legion veteran tactical squad has 1 veteran sergeant and 9 veterans w/bolt guns
One veteran can take heavy bolter or missile launcher
One other veteran can take melta, plasma or flamer
Veteran sergeant can take combi weapon, bolt pistol or plasma pistol instead of bolt gun
Sergeant can take lighting claw, powerfist, power sword, or chainsword
One veteran can take Vexilla

Legion Terminator Squad
Finish advance action not next to enemy, can make free shoot action
Armour: 5
Stamina: 3
Assault: 3
Bulk: 2

Chaplain KS
Models in Chaplain’s unit or adjacent add +1 attack
If on the board during ready phase, roll eight dice, Criticals are conserved and allocated as attack dice to Chaplain’s unit, or an adjacent unit. Lost if Chaplain is wounded.
Armour: 3
Stamina: 3
Assault: 3
Bulk: 1
First time Chaplain is wounded, do not remove, instead profile changes
Sorcerous rites: shuffle discard pile draw command card and add to your hand

Captain A
chooses to use melta or combi-bolter to Shoot
when making assault, gains +2 attacks
Finish advance action not next to enemy unit, can make free shoot action
Armour: 6
Stamina: 3
Assault: 3
Bulk: 2
After suffered first wound, any ultramarine adjacent to Captain A that is activated, roll. A shield means the unit does not spend a tactical point.

Big Bot
Finish advance action not next to enemy unit, can make free shoot action
Never pinned, forced to retreat or loses action points
Assault 4
Bulk 3

Armour 3
Stamina 2
Damage: subtract 2 from each target location

Armour 6
Stamina 6, but subtract 1 for each face up card
Damage: removed as casualty

[Left leg] Assault weapon side
Armour 5
Stamina 3
Damage: cannot make run action, if both legs are damaged, cannot shoot after advance

[Right leg] range weapon side
Armour 5
Stamina 3
Damage: cannot make run action, if both legs are damaged, cannot shoot after advance

[Strong Arm]
Armour 4
Stamina 3
Damage: not equipped with that weapon anymore

[Gun Arm]
Armour 4
Stamina 3
Damage: not equipped with that weapon anymore