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04-01-2010, 11:04 AM
So I was thinking the other day (yes it happens every so often) and came up with this
1. When mankind was originally sent out amongst the stars the leadership knew they wouldn't be able to communicate/ return to earth for generations.
2. As such they gave the settelers the stc (standard template construct iirc) patterns to build the vehicles and stuff they needed once they landed.
3. Since they were settlers they would have had stc's mostly for domestic matters and a little defensive military stc's.
4. If thus was the case then we are now fighting a galaxy wide war with the futuristic equivalent of tractors with strapped on ak-47'.

Was the first land raider a John deer stc? Lol

Wise Ol Bird
04-01-2010, 11:32 AM
that explains a lot.
I would have perfered to have topped out at a .50 cal on a Toyota pickup though. A lot more dynamic

04-01-2010, 11:47 AM
4. If thus was the case then we are now fighting a galaxy wide war with the futuristic equivalent of tractors with strapped on ak-47'.

Was the first land raider a John deer stc? Lol
I kind of don't see how that could not be the case. The Land Raider is so obviously not a fighting design, and we know that the Rhino wasn't.

04-01-2010, 01:07 PM
that explains a lot.
I would have perfered to have topped out at a .50 cal on a Toyota pickup though. A lot more dynamic

Only the Blood Angels would get Toyotas...Thus explains why we have a codex filled with tanks that have stuck accelerators.

Lord Azaghul
04-01-2010, 01:21 PM
Only the Blood Angels would get Toyotas...Thus explains why we have a codex filled with tanks that have stuck accelerators.

That's what happens when you become dependent on outsourced STC's

04-01-2010, 01:36 PM
John Deere shall RULE THE WORLD!

04-01-2010, 01:47 PM
Know a dude w/ Green/Yellow marines, dunno what his DIY chapter is called, but everyone simply knows them as 'The John Deere Marines." It's a very striking paint job, ya know.

04-01-2010, 01:51 PM
Chimeras are just Toyota Hilux' in deguise!:cool:

It has been proven with a number of test on Top Gear (BBC production) that it is utterly indestructible, and it has got room to transport troops.

04-01-2010, 02:18 PM
Except when the original settlers set out they had complete STC systems, containing the sum total of all man's knowledge and plans for everything using anything. The designs were very utilitarian and used similar base components for ease of manufatucre though.

The original RT book has an apendix where it mentions that while the STC contained info on things such as fusion power and warp drives, most units were not maintained so that information was not copied while more practical things, such as tractors and easier to make power generators were. That's why a 100% complete STC system is the Mechanicus' holy grail, as it will contain all the technological knowledge of the Dark Age.

04-01-2010, 02:47 PM
Right, so the more common items, ie tractors (land raiders) would be the first ones found.

04-01-2010, 03:58 PM
Except when the original settlers set out they had complete STC systems, containing the sum total of all man's knowledge and plans for everything using anything.
That's directly contradicted by Imperial Armour 1. The STC systems did not contain the sum total of all man's knowledge. The Adeptus Mechanicus thinks that they did, but according to IA1 the historical fact of the matter is that the STC systems were simply tools to allow colonists to keep up a reasonable technology base with nothing but an STC. Hence, a complete STC system could tell you how to create a tractor from scratch, including all the incidental technologies necessary to do so ("First turn on your machine shop." "I don't have a machine shop!" "Okay, I'll tell you how to build one. First, take out your wrench -" "I don't have a wrench!" "Okay, I'll tell you how to build one ..."). It could tell you how to create anything its designers thought would be useful for colonists to know how to build from scratch. Tractors, computers, power plants, air purifiers, all that sort of stuff.

Military technology, pretty plainly, was not part of the package; if it was, colonists would not have been jury-rigging Rhinos into armored fighting vehicles. A fully functional STC would teach the Mechanicus how to advance to the level of technology of pioneers and frontiersmen during the Dark Age of Technology - hardly the sum total of human knowledge, though the AdMech might think that it now knew everything there is to know.

04-02-2010, 01:29 AM
Military technology, pretty plainly, was not part of the package; if it was, colonists would not have been jury-rigging Rhinos into armored fighting vehicles.

Except there are numerous instances of STCs for new tanks being discovered (Razrorback in M36, Land Speeder and Land Raider discovered on Mars pre-crusade, Imperial Armour II). Similarly in Mechanicum some of the Mechanicus forces are lured to Horus' banner by the promise of STC material (which he gives them - so it's not just a bluff):

"What manner of STCs did tyey possess?"
"One for the construction of a hitherto unknown mark of Astartes battle plate..."
- Mechanicum, page 88

There is also an example of an STC Titan in the GK books (originally all titans were STC, and all human worlds used them, but that has been retconned to only mechanicus worlds having the tech).

In a meta sense the STC system is an easy way to explain why all the vehicles were based off the one (rhino) kit - rathere than making a seperate artillery chassis, a seperate MBT chassis etc, just call it a standard system and only make one body kit.

04-02-2010, 02:10 AM
I am pretty sure that the Leman Russ is also based on the design of some kind of tractor, although I may have confused it with the Land Raider. I do have one question:

Is the Chimera an STC? And if so, is the Basilisk-style artillery an add-on by the Mechanicus or part of the STC? What about the Hellhound and its variants?

They're all on the same chassis, and I know the Mechanicus allows a tiny amount of progression (ref. Mechanicum, the Noosphere). So does the Mechanicus strap heavy guns to the Chimera and go "Look! Artillery!" or do they find an STC that is a Chimera chassis with a ginormous gun attached (Earthshaker cannon, in this case)?

04-07-2010, 06:14 PM
John Deere shall RULE THE WORLD!

Ahh my Dear (Deere?) but Farmall STCs showed them the true Row Crop way!
See Pic of an original Farmall STC attached. :D