View Full Version : The Specialist Games Wishlist.

Mr Mystery
11-12-2015, 03:10 PM
So it's now completely confirmed. Specialist Design Studio is a go.

It's not a fabrication, but it is a fabricator. Betrayal at Calth is their first official offering (though one suspects they may have been behind the Assassins game at least, possibly involved as long ago as Space Hulk, but I have nothing like evidence to support that!) so I think it's safe to say we'll be seeing stuff that is more than just lip service to classic games.

The official word from GW, which you can find on their App specifically mentions Blood Bowl, Epic, Necromunda and Battlefleet Gothic, so again it seems safe to say most, if not all, their old titles are coming out of retirement for our gaming pleasure.

But what other treasures might we see? What products or approach might see your wallet beg for mercy in 12 months time?

Here's one to start you off. Apologies it's a Fantasy Game in the 40k section.

Warhammer Quest. Simply put, it was the greatest dungeoneering game I have ever played, ever. To my mind it's also the epitome of 'beers and a larf' gaming. You got your DM and your four players. Nobody has to think too much, and from the initial set near infinitely expandable. For how GW could cash in, look at FFG's equivalent, Descent (and indeed Imperial Assault).

Do rules for the existing plastic character clampacks and I figure you're laughing. Box of models here, campaign set there and you're off.

Rightydokey, over to you.

Drew da Destroya
11-12-2015, 04:13 PM
Gorkamorka/Digganob. I'd love to see some updated Rebel Grotz, perhaps some Diggas and their mysterious allies, and the old Buggy really needs an update anyway.

11-12-2015, 04:29 PM
Man-O-War!!! I never played it, but always wanted to get into it.
I'm not a fantasy fan, but I loved Mordheim!!!

11-12-2015, 04:46 PM
Adeptus Titanicus.

Detailed rules for Titan on Titan combat in a sensible scale (6mm), with lovely modular plastic kits for the Warlord, Reaver and Warhound. I'd buy the hell out of that, they could even add some filthy Xenos machines too if they felt like it :P

Alex Knight
11-12-2015, 05:13 PM
Warhammer Quest. Simply put, it was the greatest dungeoneering game I have ever played, ever. To my mind it's also the epitome of 'beers and a larf' gaming. You got your DM and your four players. Nobody has to think too much, and from the initial set near infinitely expandable. For how GW could cash in, look at FFG's equivalent, Descent (and indeed Imperial Assault).

Do rules for the existing plastic character clampacks and I figure you're laughing. Box of models here, campaign set there and you're off.

Rightydokey, over to you.

I'm surprised they didn't let FFG do Quest as a Descent re-skin, rather than as a card game. Then again, card game was the direction they went with for Blood Bowl as well.

11-12-2015, 05:13 PM
New Epic Tyranids would be awesome. Always hated the old-style models...

11-12-2015, 05:14 PM
Adeptus Titanicus
Blood Bowl

In that order.

11-12-2015, 05:24 PM
I'd like to see Mordheim and Necromunda with rules updates, Gorkamorka, Warhammer Quest would be awesome. I have the original but never had much chance to play it.

11-12-2015, 05:26 PM
I will guarantee you that Warhammer Quest is coming. Because I have spent about the last 18 months making a board out of movement trays and recreating the monsters tables and warriors with modern miniatures, and that's just the way life goes.

Don't get me wrong, I'd still be all over it like a rash, though.

11-12-2015, 05:28 PM
New Epic Tyranids would be awesome. Always hated the old-style models...

I quite like these... (http://www.onslaughtmini.com/6-legion)

11-12-2015, 07:31 PM
Battlefleet Gothic!!! It would be great to release it near the video game's release date, so that we'd have a video game and a board game at the same time. Just like 40k and Dawn of War.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-12-2015, 08:47 PM
Epic : War in heaven

No f**king humans, actual massive armies not just 6mm 40k apoc, enslaver plagues, necrons at the peak of their power, old ones with eldar, hrud ect

It's a nice dream.

Andrew Thomas
11-12-2015, 10:59 PM
Definitely want back my torpedoes. And boarders. And Titans that don't cost over a grand.

11-12-2015, 11:33 PM
So it's now completely confirmed. Specialist Design Studio is a go.

It's not a fabrication, but it is a fabricator. Betrayal at Calth is their first official offering (though one suspects they may have been behind the Assassins game at least, possibly involved as long ago as Space Hulk, but I have nothing like evidence to support that!) so I think it's safe to say we'll be seeing stuff that is more than just lip service to classic games.

The official word from GW, which you can find on their App specifically mentions Blood Bowl, Epic, Necromunda and Battlefleet Gothic, so again it seems safe to say most, if not all, their old titles are coming out of retirement for our gaming pleasure.

But what other treasures might we see? What products or approach might see your wallet beg for mercy in 12 months time?

Here's one to start you off. Apologies it's a Fantasy Game in the 40k section.

Warhammer Quest. Simply put, it was the greatest dungeoneering game I have ever played, ever. To my mind it's also the epitome of 'beers and a larf' gaming. You got your DM and your four players. Nobody has to think too much, and from the initial set near infinitely expandable. For how GW could cash in, look at FFG's equivalent, Descent (and indeed Imperial Assault).

Do rules for the existing plastic character clampacks and I figure you're laughing. Box of models here, campaign set there and you're off.

Rightydokey, over to you.

This sums it up for me... I've always loved the specialist range over the main lines so....



Mr Mystery
11-13-2015, 12:21 AM
I'd like to see Mordheim and Necromunda with rules updates, Gorkamorka, Warhammer Quest would be awesome. I have the original but never had much chance to play it.

I could go for Necromunda and Gorkamorka as a single central rules set, with expansions for different planets, each one introducing three or four new 'gang' types. Hivers, Wildboyz, Rogue Traders, Eldar Corsairs, Mechanicus Explorators. So, so much could be done with a single rules set. Could end up being a skirmish 40k type affair :)

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-13-2015, 01:15 AM
ooo I like that idea mystery, perhaps scrapyard junk necrons as a gang :D

Mr Mystery
11-13-2015, 02:12 AM
Yarp. For the different worlds, make it a sort of RPG type affair - describe it, alongside it's flora and fauna etc. Even confined to a single sector, there's plenty to do.

Eldar Rangers? Keeping tabs on what they suspect to be a Tombworld in the system.

Orks? Do you need a reason? Likewise Mechanicus and Rogue Traders.

Added bonus? It could be a small scale forces campaign with a defined end. Give each Warband specific objectives to achieve throughout. First one to bag them all, wins.

I'd go mental for that, me.

11-13-2015, 02:42 AM
Oohh specialist games wishlisting good topic.

Space Marine, not epic, with proper company formations and the reintroduction of detailled Titan rules as we had in Adeptus Titanicus.

A hybrid of inquisitor/Necromunda which is what it should have done in the first place. Inq is quite frankly the best RPG combat system but lacks a actual game framework to go with it. Necromunda's base rules set although fun were just 2nd ed which lacked the necessary depth for a skirmish game and sustained fire dice were just rediculous until the rules were altered. It did possess an excellent campaign and missions set. Mix the 2 with the larger scale miniatures and it would be superb. I would say that anything other than 28mm would be unlikely although the larger AoS miniatures gives me hope.

Make Bloodbowl actually BLOODbowl rather than occasionally injured bowl. Perhaps with a Mordhiem style Heroes and henchmen (star players and journeymen) mechanic so we get some blood flowing as the background details. And models the size of new AoS miniatures.

And finally for players to remember that the only way a system is going to get continued support is if it makes money or at least breaks even. Seriously I was party to the sales figures 2001-2003 and they were bloody awful. In fact despite running numerous campaigns the only person I sold any specialist games too was me. It hands in pockets time folks not just talking big on the Internet.

Mr Mystery
11-13-2015, 02:44 AM
True that.

Got to spend if they're going to produce.

Alex Knight
11-13-2015, 12:07 PM
Underhive plastic terrain kit, with the same quality and modularity as the Sanctum Imperialis, Basilica Administratum, and Manufactorum kits.

Captain Bubonicus
11-16-2015, 08:46 AM
Underhive plastic terrain kit, with the same quality and modularity as the Sanctum Imperialis, Basilica Administratum, and Manufactorum kits.

I was thinking just before all this came out how great the Necromunda paper and plastic terrain was. They had similar terrain kits for 40K made out of the same materials - the "Imperial Bastion" and "Imperial Firebase." Plastic is nicer looking, sure - but they could crank out some more of the quality paper-and-plastic stuff, too!

11-16-2015, 08:55 AM
My secret hope is that FFG made a WHQ card game, because GW has been tossing around the idea to remake the original WHQ dungeoncrawl.

11-16-2015, 08:56 AM
I want Necromunda and Mordheim games. Also, a new Thrud model and rules.

11-16-2015, 09:02 AM
Man-O-War!!! I never played it, but always wanted to get into it.

I'm with this. Not Dreadfleet, not some BFG knock-off with fantasy models, but classic Man-O-War - Like Warhammer Quest, the is one of GW's 'Often duplicated, never replicated games' A lot of companies have tried, but never quite captured the 'feel' of this game.

Mr Mystery
11-16-2015, 09:21 AM
It's definitely one of my favourites - and I remain undefeated! Turns out I've got a certain knack for not-at-all-realistic Naval tactics :p

11-16-2015, 09:41 AM
1- Supported Blood Bowl. The only trouble is that the 'current' Blood Bowl rules set is awesome, so we don't want anyone screwing that up. But I'd love to see some fantastic new minis for Blood Bowl, and I'd welcome new teams as well.

2- I'd love to see Gorkamorka and Necromunda merged together and updated a bit (I prefer the 3rd+ 40k rules for close combat and vehicles instead of the 2nd ed rules that Necromorka used).

Actually, I'd really love to see it turn into a new kill team style game. Take one of the planets overrun by chaos during the 13th crusade, and make the game about playing the stragglers on the planet. Chaos has turned its attention away from the planet, so the human population is split into cultists and resistance. Even make a few stranded Astartes that have held one bastion against the tide (probably Relictors) and now act like Necromunda's Spyrer gangs.

- Warhammer Quest would be nice.

- I see absolutely no hope for either Heroquest or Space Crusade, since I don't imagine that GW could get Hasbro on board with another joint venture. It'd be cool if they did, though.

11-16-2015, 10:20 AM
I will happily buy and play pretty much any of the original specialist games with updated minis and rules.

However as we're wish listing for me it would be:

Inquisitor - in 28mm, as it always should have been.

Adeptus Titanicus and Epic - but I would much rather they were in 10mm than 6mm. 10mm worked perfectly for Warmaster back in the day and now Dropzone so can't see why it wouldn't work for Epic. I know it will never happen, but i would prefer it in 10mm as I don't enjoy painting 6mm.

Al Shut
11-16-2015, 11:20 AM
With the latest Mad Max movie relatively fresh in mind Gorkamorka is pretty high on my list. Or something that encourages similar vehicle silliness.

11-16-2015, 11:21 AM
The only trouble is that the 'current' Blood Bowl rules set is awesome, so we don't want anyone screwing that up.

Pretty much this, same for Necromunda.

Mr Mystery
11-16-2015, 12:31 PM
Pretty much this, same for Necromunda.

Would you not just continue as is, but with spangly new models?

Mr Mystery
11-16-2015, 01:02 PM
1- Supported Blood Bowl. The only trouble is that the 'current' Blood Bowl rules set is awesome, so we don't want anyone screwing that up. But I'd love to see some fantastic new minis for Blood Bowl, and I'd welcome new teams as well.

2- I'd love to see Gorkamorka and Necromunda merged together and updated a bit (I prefer the 3rd+ 40k rules for close combat and vehicles instead of the 2nd ed rules that Necromorka used).

Actually, I'd really love to see it turn into a new kill team style game. Take one of the planets overrun by chaos during the 13th crusade, and make the game about playing the stragglers on the planet. Chaos has turned its attention away from the planet, so the human population is split into cultists and resistance. Even make a few stranded Astartes that have held one bastion against the tide (probably Relictors) and now act like Necromunda's Spyrer gangs.

- Warhammer Quest would be nice.

- I see absolutely no hope for either Heroquest or Space Crusade, since I don't imagine that GW could get Hasbro on board with another joint venture. It'd be cool if they did, though.

I wouldn't necessarily rule out Heroquest or Space Crusade making a comeback.

Board games have hit a whole new level of popularity these days. Main hurdle would be selling it (for they are foremost children's games) at the right price point. With two parties wanting their slice of the cake, that could be the biggest hurdle.

11-16-2015, 01:24 PM
Re-releasing the necrofunda box with the new high quality Space Hulk like tiles for the terrain pieces would be awesome. New ganger models would be great as well.

11-16-2015, 01:29 PM
I wouldn't necessarily rule out Heroquest or Space Crusade making a comeback...

With two parties wanting their slice of the cake, that could be the biggest hurdle.

That last part is why I don't think it will ever happen.

Back in the day, MB and GW could get along well enough to put out games together (three that I know of) but I don't think they could cooperate well enough to get them done now.

And both companies would have to look at the project and not think "Hey, we could just put these resources into a game we don't have to share."

Mr Mystery
11-16-2015, 01:40 PM
Depends how keen GW are for an early feeder game.

They both worked a treat on me at the beginning, and here I am 26ish years later, still spending.

11-16-2015, 07:09 PM
BFG and Necromunda.

Been proxying other space ship models for BFG because the original models all have insane prices. Looking forward to a revamp of the system! The game is awesome!!!

11-17-2015, 09:25 AM
I guess I've gone a ways towards re-creating Space Crusade- does that make it more likely to happen?

I'd honestly love to see an updated rules set for it. If you update the game concept into something contemporary, you'd probably have a game without a GM player.

And, if they aren't using MB's rules, they might be able to use the title just fine. I wonder if they could get away with making a new edition that isn't much like the old one. It could be a great game, and I know the Space Crusade title would sell it for a lot of people (yeah, me as well).

I'm surprised they didn't let FFG do Quest as a Descent re-skin, rather than as a card game. Then again, card game was the direction they went with for Blood Bowl as well.

Yeah- what I've heard is that Fantasy Flight's deal with Games Workshop allows them to make games based on GW properties so long as they do not produce a competing miniatures line that could be used in their games (ie- their games can't have heroic gaming scale miniatures in them).

I don't have an official source on this, but it would explain why Relic uses busts instead of minis. Ther'es an exception to the pattern with Talisman, though. Don't really know what's up with that.

Just Tony
11-17-2015, 06:40 PM
My wish is for BFG sprues for each fleet, like a frame that has one capital ship, two cruisers, and four escorts. I'd be happy with that. Two frames give you a decent fleet, and people who want to spam a certain ship type will have to buy more than that to build esoteric builds. Add in some modularity for the weapons and I'd be all in.

11-18-2015, 09:23 AM
That'd be cool.

Overall, what I think we're all saying is that we want Specialist Games to give us new plastic kits for all of the old games.

I wonder if that's what GW has in mind. For a good long while, the old Specialist Games wouldn't make new minis at all- they just kept some of the old ones in print.

Let's hope they're more ambitious this time around.