View Full Version : Is this a legal army list?

Hendrik Booraem VI
11-12-2015, 10:04 AM
I'm pretty sure it is, but I just want to be 100% positive.

Iron Hands Successor Chapter 1st Company formation
-Sternguard squad (5 vets) 140 points
Storm Bolter x2
Multi-melta x2

-Terminator squad (5 termies) 195 points
Assault Cannon

-Terminator squad (5 termies) 185 points
Heavy Flamer

-Vanguard squad (5 vets) 125 points
Veteran Sgt
3x melta bombs

Allied Detachment (also Iron Hands successor chapter)
Captain in Terminator Armor 150 points
Melta bombs
thunder hammer/storm bolter

Tac squad (10 tac marines) 200 points
veteran sergeant (with melta bombs and power sword)
missile launcher
Plasma gun

Total cost 995 points

11-12-2015, 06:12 PM
Allied Detachment cannot have the same Chapter Tactic as the Primary Detachment...

So, a Scout Squad or Tactical Squad to upgrade the Allied Detachment to a Combined Arms, or change one of the Detachment's Tactics.

Hendrik Booraem VI
11-13-2015, 08:49 AM
Awesome, thank you!

I revamped the list yesterday so now I have the points to upgrade the Allied to a CAD. Sweet!

11-16-2015, 10:00 AM
Allied Detachment cannot have the same Chapter Tactic as the Primary Detachment...

So, a Scout Squad or Tactical Squad to upgrade the Allied Detachment to a Combined Arms, or change one of the Detachment's Tactics.

Can you give me a page reference for this? I'm curious.

Hendrik Booraem VI
11-17-2015, 09:11 AM
He's right, I looked it up this morning. I want to say page 122? It says that an allied faction cannot be of the same faction as the other detachment/formation/whatever that it's allied with.

11-19-2015, 12:55 AM
Just split the Tac squad in two five man squads and call it a combined arms detachment.

11-19-2015, 10:00 AM
He's right, I looked it up this morning. I want to say page 122? It says that an allied faction cannot be of the same faction as the other detachment/formation/whatever that it's allied with.

That is true, but the Codex Marines Chapter Tactics allow for ways around this.

Can you give me a page reference for this? I'm curious.

Working off of eBook, so page numbers mean nothing, but it is listed under Chapter Tactics rules in the codex after their Warlord Traits. It's the same as 6th Edition in this regard, too:

If your Primary Detachment has the Space Marines Faction, you can take an Allied Detachment (see Warhammer 40,000: The Rules) with the Space Marines Faction as long as it is drawn from a different Chapter than your Primary Detachment."