View Full Version : Cheapskates guide to making shrikes with BS/RC

03-31-2010, 11:16 AM
I'm on a very tight budget so I looked over my bits bin and realised a quick, dirty and cheap way to make shrikes.

Things required:
1 gargyle model
1 set genestealer rending claws
1 set termagaunt spinefists
1 Strip of thin balsa wood or whatever you want to use as a blade.

Sorry I don't have WIP pics for the spine fists or rending claws. I'm making 4 shrikes next week with the rest of my box and I'll do some WIP pics then.

Step one: Cut the spinefist gun portion off of the gaunt arms. This will leave you with just the hand attached to the arm.

Step two: carefully remove any portions of the gun that do not look like a pommel. Basically the very top and front.

Step three: Cut the hose off the arm. (Optional. I thought they looked silly.)

Step four: file down and fit the "pomel" that was made from the spinefist on to the hand.

Step five: Carefully cut down the material you want to make the bonesword of to the right length and shape.

Step six: Attach the sword to the top of the pomel. Pinning is hard to do so I recommend using plasticard so you can glue it. I used balsa wood for a more organic texture and I have problems with them staying glued on.

Step seven: Cut the hand and claw off of the rending claw arm.

Step eight: Reattach the claw at a 90 degree angle to make more of a claw. You can use greenstuff to round out the heel if you have the skills.

Step nine: Glue the wings and head onto the gargoyle model. You need to do this first to make sure you position the swords right.

Step ten: Glue the rending claw arms down about here the little stubs are on the wings. This area is really dark, so I didn't bother with greenstuffing.

Prime and your ready to paint.

Just a note, make sure that you use the larger warrior sized bases. Just using the gargoyle flight bases can cause issues as they are not the right size and these are HtH units.

Single figure head on (and out of focus)
http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs469.ash1/25717_1252440626673_1099244002_30586445_8005033_n. jpg

Brood shot as a WIP
http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs469.ash1/25717_1252440666674_1099244002_30586446_2167727_n. jpg

Completed Shrike. Only base coated for a tourney last weekend so ignore the paint.

http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs469.ash1/25717_1252440706675_1099244002_30586447_775995_n.j pg

03-31-2010, 05:45 PM
Shrikes are warriors with wings; these are gargoyles with extra arms.

papa smurf
03-31-2010, 06:57 PM
Shrikes are warriors with wings; these are gargoyles with extra arms.

interesting conversions however.

04-01-2010, 04:43 AM
Shrikes are warriors with wings; these are gargoyles with extra arms.

I have yet to have a problem with anyone (even at tournaments) with using them. As long as they are on the right bases, have wings and have the proper biomorphs showing, they are shrikes. And if you want to play with semantics, the warrior models are to heavily armored to use for shrikes =)