View Full Version : LOTD and Traitor army

03-31-2010, 06:02 AM
Ok so for many years now I have slowly been developing fluff for an army I have been building. My friends have been pressuring me to start a diary that actually shows the world what sort of army I have. At present I have no fantastic pics to show you but I will as time goes on.

For now I thought I would give a bit of an introduction into my army's size and theme. Originally started as a lost and the damned army until it was left in the dust with other past codex's (damn you Games Workshop). IMO it was one of the best themed codex's and much closely resembled what the forces of chaos should be. But enough crying about the past. Instead of saying goodbye to this army I stubbornly refused to let it die and continued collecting under the guise of imperial guard. Then came Apocalypse and all my dreams came true, not only was a data sheet released making my much valued mutants officially usable again but so too could I combine chaos and imperial guard units officially as one force. I was overjoyed. So with that little bit of history out of the way I can now explain the sort of army I have.

It began as an army built around a classic image of the chaos horde coming out of a red yellow mist on the cover of the Eye of Terror Codex. This image is what I wanted my army to be, an unending horde of banners devoted to the dark gods, monsters, mutants and medieval looking guys with a bad attitude. I wanted my opponent to be scared of even my least dangerous unit. So I composed my army of a variety of units. I used chaos marauders, chaos knights, catachans, beastmen and chaos space marines. I'll discuss this later when I post pictures so you can see my kit bashing. The army is supposed to be similar to the Blood Pact. They are a professional army that are bred and trained on a chaos world near the edge of the Eye of Terror. They use significant numbers of assault units and are geared towards assaults on imperial worlds and thus they tend to lean towards Khorne in their worship of the chaos gods. Although led by chaos space marines the army gives homage to the lords of their daemon world who are mortal (generally speaking). They are battle hardened from raiding the Cadian and surrounding systems and are often sent on long reaching missions by their superiors to gain some artifact of importance that will increase their masters power in the Eye.

This last section will give you some idea of the scope of my army idea. I want a horde, the assault elements are to be created from several 20 man units of mutants (beastmen) each being led by a chaos marine lord and containing 50% big mutants. I find this to be an excellent combination as the lord with a powerfist and mark of Khorne is always delivered by the beastmen into CC. Once there he will kill everything while the beastmen use their numbers to keep the enemy overwhelmed. I find it rarely fails and even terminators and sternguard steer clear of these units.
These units are backed up by plasma and melta toting traitor guard in chimeras x 3 and a demo charge packing special weapons squad.
I also plan to add a squadron of devil dogs for anti armour doom.
supporting these units will be a squadron of leman russ tanks. 1 demolisher with multimeltas and 2 destructors with plasma cannons for anti heavy infantry, and 3 armoured sentinels with plasma cannons and hunter killers.
My gun line behind this consists of massed traitor infantry with autocannons and missile launchers x 4 squads led bu my traitor guard command. Also included are 2 anti armor heavy weapons squads with las cannons and and sniper special weapons team.
Other supporting armour includes a battery of 2 armageddon class basilisks and one imperial bombard.
I plan to add another squadron of russ, 2 vanquishers and 1 standard. To finish of this awesome firepower will be a shadowsword and baneblade super heavy tanks.

So that is my army. I have most models already but only have a few painted. I will start to post images soon hopefully as an incentive to myself to stay motivated with the painting. Please feel free to comment on what I have said so far. :D

03-31-2010, 07:02 AM
Sounds very interesting so far and I look forward to seeing some images of your work in progress. I'm trying to motivate myself to photograph and post the Blood Angels I've been working on since the begining of the year.

I think it's great that you are coming up with your own fluff and background for your army as it's partly this sort of thing that keeps me coming back to the game. I'm trying to build the 4th Company of the Blood Angels at the moment so am waiting to see if the new codex has any new fluff about them before I start coming up with something it widely contradicts lol.

Anyway back to your post, it sounds great and good on your friends for encouraging you to share it with us. Look forward to further info and the pics. :)

04-08-2010, 08:53 PM
bout time you pulled your finger out and got this show on the road!

04-09-2010, 06:39 AM
I just picked up my Shadowsword from a mate who was holding it for (Thanks T) and already have the Baneblade 3/4 constructed.

Well after half an hour of trying to get my camera to focus on my models I have given up. I'll need to find a better way to take photos. Might even steal my housemates camera.:cool:

04-10-2010, 08:04 AM
Ok so here are a few photos. The first is just a general shot of most of my infantry that are currently assembled. You will notice the 2 x 20 man mutant units top left. The units in the center are mostly HQ or specialists. Yes you do see 2 of them being led by fantasy chaos knights. I love the models and they make quite forbidding officers. If I was a traitor grunt I'd follow them. You can also see my 3 chaos lords in the bottom right of the image.Two are finished and the third is in a cool charging pose with a giant glaive type weapon. He doesn't actually need it as he is armed with a power fist but hey it looks cool. The painting scheme of my army is basically what you can see in the squads who have a sun tanned look and red trimmed black armour. Their main kit is actually a city-fight camo pattern and brown leather gear. It looks pretty good and I will try to get some pics of them when I can steal a better camera.
This is the only decent photo I got of one of my kit bashed squads. You can see I have combined marauders, imperial chainswords catachans, some chaos knight helms, beastman weapons and a head for the sergeant and the bloodletter khorne symbol. These were originally going to be a veteran assault squad but you can't have them anymore so not sure what I will do with them. They will be painted up like a bunch of bloodletter wanabees.

Lastly is the best up close shot I could get of my two finished lords and my demo beastman. The lords are kitted with power fists and bolt pistols as well as extra hand weapons, grenades, spikes and whatever else I could fit on them. Wish you could see the beastman but you get the idea.


04-21-2010, 05:45 AM
The horde so far
Sergeant and traitors
Missile launcher
