View Full Version : Storm Raven

03-30-2010, 08:24 PM
What does it look like? How would you model it?

03-30-2010, 08:34 PM
description given in the blood angels codex is something similar to thunder hawk gunship, in shape and deisgn but alot smaller.

now as it can carry (is it 12 marines?) and a dreadnought its still going to have to be pretty big. i would say a rhino plus another rhino ish to accommodate for capacity, but a lot of conversions seen so far have the dread as a mount (sort of like a clamp for the dread).

personally i have put together a few sketches all rubbish, but i would use the base of a landraider as the flooring of the model. build up a thunderhawk style front cockpit and ramp, i would use the engines from a valkerie, with scrath built wings of some sort maybe use the valks wings but they curve.

for the rear an body again scratchbuild or use body sections from the valkerie or rhinos to make something more marine like, and have a rear engine or engines like the scout land speeder. (it has awesome triple engines).

hope some of those ideas help

Rift Knight
03-30-2010, 08:49 PM

Go see patzqcruz Storm Raven tutorial for his take on it. It's not bad.

03-30-2010, 11:13 PM
It should be roughly the size of a Valkyrie, but with a longer body rather than just an extended tail section. I plan on making one out of cardboard. Eventually.