View Full Version : Hive commander

03-30-2010, 12:40 PM
two questions i have been trying to figure out.

first can 2 hive tyrants with this ability allow the modifier to stack?

second, It states that as long as the tyrant is alive the modifier is in place. Does that mean it will still be modified if one were deep striking?

thanks a lot in advanced...its been bugging me

03-30-2010, 05:09 PM
As far as I can tell the +1 modifier isn't cumulative. Hive commander in conjunction the the Swarmlord's Alien Cunning rule would definetly grant +2 modifier though.
Also I doubt the effect is applied while the Tyrant isn't on the table (waiting in reserves).
The codex doesn't clarify this so until a FAQ comes out we'll be stuck in arguments like this.

03-30-2010, 07:47 PM
As far as the +1 being applied if the Tyrant is on the board or not, yes is my answer. Being off of the table does not mean the Tyrant is dead. It is alive, just not in play just yet. At least that is my understanding.

As for stacking, I would say yes but I cannot confirm because I do not have the rule in front of me. But I would assume it works just like an Autarch's ability, just you cannot chose whether to use it or not.

03-30-2010, 10:09 PM
I have never been sure. Imperial Guard do not get to stack their modifiers, but from what I've heard the Eldar Autarch's ability for this does stack ( don't quote me, I'm not an Eldar guy ). Since nothing yet is saying they do not, I see no reason why they wouldn't stack.

I would think it doesn't matter where the Hive Tyrant is in order to get this benefit. The rule says as long as he's alive, unlike the Lictor rule that specifically says he has to be on the table.

The other guy
03-31-2010, 05:58 AM
Once again we have a Tyranid codex problem (Cruddace!!) and until there in a FAQ we will keep arguing these points

As far as i am aware, Hive Commander stacks. HC lets you take 1 troop choice outflanking. I think most gamers would agree that 2 tyrants with HC can outflank 2 troop choices.
Therefore, if one part of HC stacks, the other part will also stack.

The Deep strike issue is one I am having issues with myself at my local club. Most guys say that it works off the table, 2 guys say it doesn't. Both sides can give good answers why.

I recommend that you clear with your opponent beforehand they are happy that it works off table. Most reasonable players will accept that, especially in friendly games. If in a tournament, maybe see if the organizers can confirm an answer so you dont keep having to check.

03-31-2010, 07:52 AM
I have been using Hive Commander in every game I have played since the codex was released. As it is written right now they should stack and I would say you can definitely use it if you hold your Hive Tyrant in reserve.

As "the other guy" mentioned the first part of HC definitely stacks (the outflanking two units) so why wouldn't the other? The only argument your opponent would have is the fact that the IG version of this ability doesnt stack. You can also argue that the Eldar version does.

As far as being used if not on the table it only says "May use as long as he is alive", so there is nothing there saying you can't use it when he isn't on the board.

This rule for me defines this codex. What COULD be a great rule destoryed by the fact that the author couldn't take 10 mins and actually word it properlly. Phil Kelly can do it in two sentances, Cruddace has had TWO books with almost the exact same rule and still can't do it. Like all Nid players I just cant wait for the FAQ :)