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View Full Version : Cherry Blossom Yu Jing

11-05-2015, 10:24 AM
Corvus Belli make some excellent sculpts for Infinity. *The detail is excellently sculpted for some all together terrific miniatures.

I was definitely excited when I got a chance to paint up a Japanese Sectorial army. *My client had me paint them with a cherry blossom theme to them (and I'm already considering a variation on this for some Ninja All Stars minis I've got coming).

Without further ado- here is the force:











Mike X
11-08-2015, 03:11 AM
You make me want to quit painting forever. Those are so good...

11-09-2015, 09:36 AM
Thanks. I'd rather not convince people not to paint. I'm ok with motivating people to improve their game.

People say that eveyone has to start at the bottom- and that's true to an extent. Except that my first mini is worse than any first mini that I've ever seen: I was ten, and I started out using some fabric paint markers that my mom had lying around. The one labeled red was what most people would call pink, so my orks were wearing pink to go faster. And it didn't come close to covering up the pewter.

I got better mostly by reading tutorials and trying out their techniques. Remember, the first time you do anything, it takes something like ten times as long to do it, so don't get disheartened when a new technique seems like it takes forever.