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08-06-2009, 12:17 AM
Just wondering how everyone is working with the rules differences between Apocalypse and Planetstrike. Throw out any ideas you want!

08-06-2009, 01:45 AM
What does this have to do with a rules question?

08-06-2009, 02:29 AM
What does this have to do with a rules question?

Agreed. Moving to 40K General Discussion.

08-06-2009, 04:03 AM
We have not played it yet as a combo game, but have often built in Cities of Death components.

The main difference will be objectives, but have already had to solve that with 5th Ed. I would suggest designing a game based on the Planet Strike rules and then add on the Apocalypse. Where there is a conflict decide which rule set has precedence.

We are planning a large bridge defense game. We have built a table sized bridge and will add urban area tables to both sides. The defenders will have to hold the bridge against a Planet Strike invasion.

08-06-2009, 06:53 AM
Well, we've played one with not enough planning at our local GW, and found out the following:

Always have a time limit on turns, but try to make sure the attacker manages to roll for everything on their first turn.
Try not to have too many people on each side, it gets complcated.
And also have a big enough board.

For the combination of rules, we allowed apocalypse units, not necessarily the best idea as they can put quite a hole in the attacking army. We also stuck with planetstrike reserves rather than apocalypse, but that is one switch that I think could work out quite well. We did include a flier, but I would suggest you don't, unless it would suit the attackers to have one about fluff-wise and is agreed to before hand. I think that's about everything that came up during our game, we stuck with planetstrike objectives and planetstrike scoring units though.

Also, we christened it Apocastrike :)

08-06-2009, 10:34 PM
Sorry, I figured this was a rules question. I should have specified that I mean how the two rule sets work, seeing as they are both pretty much just 2 different missions. So here are a few more specific questions:

Which set up works better for the combination, Apocalypse or Planetstrike? This may seem obvious to some, but try to think about it the other way around.

How do you approach reserves? What turn do they come in on and do you roll for them?

Do you combine both assets systems? Or just pick one?

Do you use the force organization chart?

Do you allow super heavies to deep strike using the Planetstrike strategem Drop Zone somethingorother (forget the exact name)?

And there are more. I don't necessarily want to call them incompatabilities, but there are a lot of things that just don't seem to work when combining the two, and you have to choose one or the other.

And Valdore, while your comments are helpful to those organizing a game, I was specifically referring to the rules between the two expansions.

08-07-2009, 03:11 AM
My bad then ;)

Having only played the one game, I can't tell you much on how the rules work together, but I guess it's gonna be one of those suck it and see times. Just set up a game with some friends at some point and whilst you're playing figure out what seems to be the best way for the rules to co-operate, somehow I don't think they designed the two systems to work together easily, more's the pity.

I understand this doesn't answer your questions as such, but it's one of the ways I would go about solving the issue and may help you solve yours :)

Lucky Moniker
08-07-2009, 01:59 PM
Now this is how i see it:

Which set up works better for the combination, Apocalypse or Planetstrike? This may seem obvious to some, but try to think about it the other way around.
I would use the plant strike set up, it keeps the game in the feel of planet strike and more balanced

How do you approach reserves? What turn do they come in on and do you roll for them?
I would use the apocalypse for this one, it makes it so one person doesnt just overwhelm the other early in the game.

Do you combine both assets systems? Or just pick one?
and i would mix the systems, but try and be fair about it

Do you use the force organization chart?
i wouldn't, its apocalypse so with all those points it would severely limit you

Do you allow super heavies to deep strike using the Planetstrike strategem Drop Zone somethingorother (forget the exact name)?
I would use the planet strike rules for deep strike and such, they would have technology to drop gargantuan creatures and titans and such.

08-07-2009, 03:13 PM
What I would probably do is use the planetstrike rules as to deployment and everything. What I mean by this, is allow the Defender the entire board to deploy (except a dedicated edge that is already assigned to be the drop zone). The Attacker gets to deepstrike as normal anywhere in the half of his deployment zone.

This sounds like it makes no sense, because I don't know how else to word it. Let me try again.

The board is split into a half. On one end of the half is the attacker drop zone. The defender sets up as normal anywhere on the board, but leaves 18" of space for the attackers landing site. The Attackers deep strikers may deep strike on their half of the board. (so the other side is the defenders "Safe" zone).

You get to pick as many assets from the Apoc book as you decide on, and get "x" amount of points for the Planetstrike assets.

No limitations on the FoC.

Makes a little bit of sense? :S

Herald of Nurgle
08-07-2009, 05:01 PM
I've decided to use Planetstrike stuff really - at the moment, i'm converting the Apoc Stratagems into PS point system

08-08-2009, 07:50 AM
There are a few rules which contradict themselves. So as always, it's best to go over things with your teammates AND opponents which rules supercede which. I always thought that PlanetStrike needed to be BIGGER than 2,000 vs 2,000.

For example: 12,000 vs 12,000 in Apocalypse/Planetstrike:


Much more fun this way!!