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View Full Version : question about the Blood Angels codex

03-29-2010, 09:06 PM
i saw the vid of the run through of the blood angels codex and i saw some stuff about lamenaters. would it be worth it to get the codex or just use the regular space marine codex? i don't mean to use the better codex i want to see which would better suit the fluff and unit choice. so to any one with a blood angels codex, should i get the blood angels codex to create a lamenaters army?

03-29-2010, 11:54 PM
Well, since the Lamenters don't suffer from the Black Rage, it would seem that C:SM fits them a little better.

03-30-2010, 12:40 PM
Depends on how you want to play them, known facts about the BA codex is that the army will be fast and assault heavy. The Vanilla spacemarine codex will create a more balanced but possibly slightly less characterful army (depending on your build). The CSM codex may be your best bet elite assault troops interesting choices that would make a characterful force that could be easily customised to playing style.

Can you tell i'm a chaso fan :)

03-30-2010, 01:32 PM
I too had the thought of doing a Lamentor army with the new BA codex and then realised the lack of death company problem, if it is one of course.

Anyway there is nothing keeping you from replacing the Death Co. with some mean looking Marines and use the Death company rules without the Death company look.

From a fluff angle that is what I was going to do, the Lametors managed to irradicate the Black Rage, in its stead they have sqauds of "'ard-as-a****ing-nail" veterans formed through their 100 year-long penance crusade after Badab.

That's what I am going to do because I want to challenge myself, noticably my painting and modelling skills (or lack of).:D

03-30-2010, 01:43 PM
In the new codex there is nothing forcing you to take the Death Company. This means that you can field all the units that the Lamenter's would perhaps field such as the Sanguinary Guard, Furioso Dreadnoughts, Baal Predators etc. This leaves only the Red Thirst rule to deal with which is randomly determined at the start of each game. You could explain this as a zealousness to repent in the eyes of the Emperor during their hundred year crusade of penance.

The Lamenter's are described as a Codex chapter and so you could easily use the C:SM to represent them demonstrating the chapters strong adherence to the guidelines of the Codex Astartes.

03-30-2010, 01:52 PM
In the new codex there is nothing forcing you to take the Death Company. This means that you can field all the units that the Lamenter's would perhaps field such as the Sanguinary Guard, Furioso Dreadnoughts, Baal Predators etc. This leaves only the Red Thirst rule to deal with which is randomly determined at the start of each game. You could explain this as a zealousness to repent in the eyes of the Emperor during their hundred year crusade of penance.

The Lamenter's are described as a Codex chapter and so you could easily use the C:SM to represent them demonstrating the chapters strong adherence to the guidelines of the Codex Astartes.

True but it feels proper to use the founding chapter's codex...ok no, I lie. I would lke to use the new codex but not do a BA or Flesh tearers army. I have even thought of doing a blood raven army (no link what so ever to the blood angels, I know) because the new raven guard models from Foregeworld look fairly cool.

At this point I think it wise that I go for the "fun" factor in the game not the "new codex will kick everyone's bum). I currently play Dark anglels because the Deathwing seems/is cool and great fun to play when the dice are with you (and even if they are not) because I have pulled some miracles out of some very tight spots.

03-30-2010, 02:25 PM
I'm not advocating one choice over the other it's entirely up you you which you choose to play I was just pointing out that you could justify using either Codex,although looking back at my last post with 4 lines for using the new codex and 1.5 for the C:SM I guess it probably came across that way lol :)

I'm looking forward to seeing what the Dark Angels get when GW decide to grace them with a new codex. After the 4th ed codex that DA got which was almost effectively photocopied for the BA white dwarf codex I'm hoping for some much more characterful entries for the DA. (Sorry that comment was a little off topic lol)

03-30-2010, 05:23 PM
I too had the thought of doing a Lamentor army with the new BA codex and then realised the lack of death company problem, if it is one of course.

Anyway there is nothing keeping you from replacing the Death Co. with some mean looking Marines and use the Death company rules without the Death company look.

From a fluff angle that is what I was going to do, the Lametors managed to irradicate the Black Rage, in its stead they have sqauds of "'ard-as-a****ing-nail" veterans formed through their 100 year-long penance crusade after Badab.

That's what I am going to do because I want to challenge myself, noticably my painting and modelling skills (or lack of).:D

well BOLS came up with a unit in their badab war campagin called the dread knights or something like it. it's been a while since i've looked but that could fill in the name, becuase as the name says they tend to look or actually grieve where ever they go or at least from what it said on lexicanium i believe. yet again don't hold me to it, i haven't read it in a while

then pgarfunkle thats a great way to explain the red thirst rule i like it! :) and besides i'm looking for a more fluff sided army that is fun to play.

Im a loyalist through and through so i'm gunna veto the csm codex besides i don't think it will fit into the fluff wise part any way