View Full Version : Tank Shock from reserve/flank?

03-29-2010, 09:44 AM
Not sure if it is allowed, but... Say, I were to outflank with a Baal Predator, and the opponent had a cheap throwaway screen placed 2" apart along the board edge to prevent deployment there. Would I be able to enter there declaring "tank shock" and simply roll through them? After a quick (no, not really quick) look through the relevant sections I didn't see this addressed, but I could very easily have missed something...


Lord Azaghul
03-29-2010, 09:57 AM
I would say no.
IF they death or glory you, and you're not fully on the table... then you suffer an imolized result!
Since models can not leave the table, I don't think you can 'partially arrive'

03-29-2010, 10:28 AM
I don't think that any rules about leaving the table apply to unit arriving on the table. The problem is the lack of rules addressing units moving onto the table and not moving fully onto it.

As to Tank Shocking from off the table, I don't see a problem. The rules tell us that units arriving from the table edge are treated as moving from just off the table. Nothing restricts us from doing anything that could normally be done during the Movement Phase, which would include Tank Shock. However, as Lord Azaghul points out, a successful Death Or Glory could be an issue (depending upon how your group addresses models not moving fully onto the table), but it could be avoided by not trying to run over the guy with the Powerfist, Melta, Meltabomb, or whatever.

03-29-2010, 12:26 PM
I figured the "Death or Glory" thing would be like a deep strike mishap, it's off the table and immobilized, so counts as destroyed... A chance I'm more than willing to take given the potential there :)...

Lord Azaghul
03-29-2010, 12:31 PM
I don't think that any rules about leaving the table apply to unit arriving on the table. The problem is the lack of rules addressing units moving onto the table and not moving fully onto it.


Yes, but I do believe you actually have to be able to legally get on the table. If you can't legal move onto the table before the tank shock, I don't think you'd be able to tank shock.

However, it should also be noted that those 'throw away' guard squads can take 5 points melta bombs for the sarge, and if DoG is called that's an autohit with a melta bomb!

I imagine you'd be better off just outflanking and burning the unit!

03-29-2010, 12:38 PM
Yeah, it's legal to tank shock on. Though don't let your opponent death or glory, since if it worked it would put you in a really weird situation.

03-29-2010, 01:15 PM
Units entering play can tank shock as there is nothing restricting them from doing so. Tank shock overrides the normal 1" movement restriction and has no prerequisite for speed / distance traveled etc.

The death and glory attack successfully immobilizing it is a potential grey area that should best be avoided. I would choose to play it by placing the tank at the very very very very edge of the board and think most players in the area would agree. Otherwise, I guess dice off for it being destroyed versus on the edge of the world.