View Full Version : Alternatives to Keeper of Secrets?

03-28-2010, 02:38 PM
So, I'm wanting a Slaanesh Greater Demon, and am thoroughly dissatisfied with both the current and OOP GW mini, also not wanting the FW one, either.

I've decided on Ultraforge's Winged Pleasure Demon for a Slaaneshi DP, and didn't know if any of you community peeps have seen something that you think would work well.

PS - don't care about who makes it or tournament legality, etc...just wanting something cool and thematic.


03-28-2010, 03:19 PM
So, I'm wanting a Slaanesh Greater Demon, and am thoroughly dissatisfied with both the current and OOP GW mini, also not wanting the FW one, either.

I've decided on Ultraforge's Winged Pleasure Demon for a Slaaneshi DP, and didn't know if any of you community peeps have seen something that you think would work well.

PS - don't care about who makes it or tournament legality, etc...just wanting something cool and thematic.


I have a strange image in my head of a Barbie doll with the head replaced with something "disturbing" and greenstuff added to cover the doll joints (armor plates?)
Maybe that would work better as a deamon prince(ss) or I've gone totally nuts.

03-28-2010, 04:32 PM
You could go the more conventional route. Three of the Chaos gods use bestial daemons, Slaanesh uses more human like forms. Easier to seduce humans if you use a human form. Sigvald the Magnificent is a Fantasy hero (see GW website) who would make a good prince, or make one of your own. Way back when, when I was playing Chaos I made my own champion. Pic below... not for the faint of heart.


An assassin , a plastic chaos knights sword, and plasma gun. Pink, blue and skin tone paints to taste.

03-28-2010, 05:50 PM
Staying within the GW realm you could probably kit bash a classic demon prince with the lord of slaanesh mount pretty easily to get something that is clearly Slaaneshi without having to work at it too much. White Dwarf actually had a really nice one in a battle report way back when they released the Witch Hunter Codex between the old Slaanesh CSM's and Necrons. One of the army profiles at DakkaDakka had a KoS possessing an Avatar which might be fluffy and cool.

Going with what roger.trader.voril said WFB actually did take that root with the character Sigvald the Magnificent, so if going that path taking a look at him might be something to consider. Theme wise, Fulgrim was serpent from the waist down and gifted with multiple arms. Sometimes people draw him with eagle-like wings to tie in the Emperors Children symbolism.

OCdt Mephiston
03-28-2010, 06:17 PM
How does this sound:

-Nightbringer body
-daemonette head
-gargoyle wings
-daemonette/possessed/spawn arms (probably a few extra)

I think that it would make for a cool looking greater daemon. It wouldnt have the girth of most greater daemons, but its slannesh, so its ok if its skinny and waifish.

Mike X
03-28-2010, 11:32 PM
How about this?


03-29-2010, 02:05 AM
Aaagh my eyes!!

03-29-2010, 02:53 AM
She's going to catch cold.

03-29-2010, 04:42 AM
Freebooter minitures has some stuff that might work. I got one of their succubi for my Daemon Princess.


03-29-2010, 04:23 PM
Now there we go, Gir! What's the size on that mini?

03-29-2010, 04:36 PM
To it's head it's about as tall as a Space Marine Dreadnought.